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Search results for query: *

  1. CritterLover

    Recordset.MovePrevious - "Operation not allowed in this Context" error

    Thanks! That gives me a new angle on it! I'll look into that! Much appreciated!
  2. CritterLover

    Recordset.MovePrevious - "Operation not allowed in this Context" error

    It's using the ADODB_TLB unit which was created from Project > Import Type Library of type Microsoft ActiveX 2.7. Here's an excerpt (hopefully, what you were asking about). // Forward declaration of types defined in TypeLibrary _Connection = interface; _Recordset = interface; //...
  3. CritterLover

    Recordset.MovePrevious - "Operation not allowed in this Context" error

    Hmmm... I'm not even sure how to do that. I used to use BDE and this is how I learned to do the ADO. This is all I know.... To me it looks like it IS using the recordset since it is creating a recordset and using the recordset functionality to navigate. Here's how the connection is created...
  4. CritterLover

    Recordset.MovePrevious - "Operation not allowed in this Context" error

    On a separate screen the user inputs search criteria and the records are displayed in a listview. Then the person chooses a record to view on this screen. The SQL and the itemindex are passed to this screen. This screen creates a NEW recordset with the same SQL as the prior search criteria...
  5. CritterLover

    Unrecognized Format error on 2003 MDE only

    Ahhhhh, Thank you scking!!! So obvious an answer, but yet I couldn't see it. You saved what little sanity I have left! Have a star!!!! Much appreciated!
  6. CritterLover

    Unrecognized Format error on 2003 MDE only

    I hadn't found that info and I don't know if we have service pack 2 installed - I suspect now. I'll check it out and let you know - THANKS!!!!!
  7. CritterLover

    Unrecognized Format error on 2003 MDE only

    Yes, I found the option for default format. Originally it was set to 2000, but I have since compacted, repaired, rebuilt, and recreated the mde with the default set to 2003. All to no avail. Same scenario.
  8. CritterLover

    Unrecognized Format error on 2003 MDE only

    I have two databases originally written in Access 97 which I converted to 2000 and now 2003. One contains the code and forms and the other contains only the data. The data is linked. We have converted the two files and they work fine in mdb format, but not when running the mde. I have...
  9. CritterLover

    View properties with Corel 8 file

    I've got a program I'm writing which brings up a Corel 8 file for dialog about a family (it could be pages long). This file is linked to a family which has a sequential number so the file is named something like fam01, fam02, etc to correspond to the family. When accessing this file outside of...
  10. CritterLover

    MaskEdit null value error

    Okay, it did work even with the mouse. I thought it would only work with the Delete and Backspace keystrokes, but not the mouse. That'll teach me!!! Like I said, I'm pretty new to this so I made an assumption before I fully tried it. That does EXACTLY what I need!! Thanks for your time and...
  11. CritterLover

    MaskEdit null value error

    Okay, it DOES catch the mouse movement, too. I thought it only caught it if you actually used the delete or backspace keystrokes. I stand corrected. Like I said, I'm pretty new to this. Thanks for your help and patience! That does exactly what I need!
  12. CritterLover

    MaskEdit null value error

    The error occurs BEFORE the OnExit or OnValidate events. There doesn't seem to be a good solution for this. Right now I'm doing a EditMask1.clear; after EACH search which works. Thanks for that info! However, if they delete the date prior to doing a search it won't catch that. I guess I'll...
  13. CritterLover

    MaskEdit null value error

    I have a form that performs a search based upon various criteria. Multiple searches may be performed one right after another. It searches on name, social security number and / or date of birth. The date of birth is a TMaskEdit. It works fine if there is no data put into the DOB or if data IS...
  14. CritterLover

    Insufficient Memory when specify database in SQL

    Thanks for the input. I tried that to no avail - I get the same error message. Just to 'clear my name' this is using a database from a purchased (!) product - I didn't create it or the file/field names - if I had I should be shot! Any other ideas anybody?
  15. CritterLover

    Insufficient Memory when specify database in SQL

    I've created a Query which I plan to expand to use 2 databases using thread 102-383313 as my model. I'm getting errors and trying to track down from what so I've simplified the SQL to what you see below which only uses one database. When I remove the: from ":DVFacts:caa44240&quot...
  16. CritterLover

    ComboBox Query, Data Query update not working

    That did it! I changed the RequestLive property. I'll check the help file for details, though. Thank you ever so much!!! I'm still a rookie at this stuff so I REALLY appreciate the help!!!
  17. CritterLover

    ComboBox Query, Data Query update not working

    I'm using a TQuery for the Lookup AND Data. I tried using FAQ102-1212. In FAQ102-1212 the only reference give to using a SQL is the SQL: Select OrderNo, CustNo, EmpNo, SaleDate, ItemsTotal from "Orders.db" Orders. It worked fine with the Lookup as a Query, but won't work with the Data...
  18. CritterLover

    DBLookupComboBox Default & blank values

    For anybody else trying to set a combo blank I found this works. I put it in the FormActivate: DBCboFamRelFTPT.KeyValue := null;
  19. CritterLover

    DBLookupComboBox Default & blank values

    I've got some DBLookupComboBoxes that I'm using to add new records. When I close the form used to add records, next time I open up the form the old values are still there. When it's used the first time, it's blank and I'd like one to come up blank and one to have a default value. When I've...

Part and Inventory Search
