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ComboBox Query, Data Query update not working 1

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Jul 21, 2003
I'm using a TQuery for the Lookup AND Data. I tried using FAQ102-1212. In FAQ102-1212 the only reference give to using a SQL is the SQL:
Select OrderNo, CustNo, EmpNo, SaleDate, ItemsTotal from "Orders.db" Orders.
It worked fine with the Lookup as a Query, but won't work with the Data (Orders) as a Query. Any suggestions? Did I miss something in the FAQ? (I was unable to use the FAQ Reply option) My properties are as follows:

TDBLookupComboBox Properties:
DataSource is the DSQryOrders
DataField is EmpNo
ListSource is DSQryLookup
KeyField is EmpNo

Database myData
SQL Select OrderNo, CustNo, EmpNo, SaleDate, ItemsTotal from "Orders.db" Orders.

DataSet QryOrders

Database myData
SQL Select EmpNo, LastName, Firstname from employee.db

DataSet QryLookup

DataField EmpNo
DataSource DSQryOrders

It will do the dropdown for the combo box, but acts like it's read-only and will not update (combobox, listbox-which I'm not using for this, or orders data). This FAQ worked fine until I made the orders data a query instead of a table. Am I missing the boat on something? Did I misread something in the FAQ? Is this a whole different ball game? Thanks!

Do you have the RequestLive property of the lookup query set to True? There are some limitations to RequestLive - see the help file for info on what will cause a query to be unable to be set to RequestLive.

If you can't use RequestLive, you'll need to look doing Cached Updates.

That did it! I changed the RequestLive property. I'll check the help file for details, though. Thank you ever so much!!! I'm still a rookie at this stuff so I REALLY appreciate the help!!!
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