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Search results for query: *

  1. lpbruce1

    limiting permisson on a MSAccess Form

    I am very new to Access and I've created a simple Sales Budget Database with a switchbaord in access. I also have a "Welcome [network User ID]" text box, so when the Sales Budget Access Application is opened it displays the users Network ID. I was able to get this from a VB Module code that...
  2. lpbruce1

    Installing Crystal server XI SR2 Problems

    Hello - I've used Crystal enterprise 10 but have never installed it. This is my issue, we are installing Crystal Server XI SR2 on a Virtual XP Server, with IIS as the web server.. I have attempted to install it using an exsisiting SQL DB and mysql for the CMS, even though the documentation...
  3. lpbruce1

    Form Parameter using a CrossTab query problem!!

    You all rock!!! Thanks a bunch....
  4. lpbruce1

    Form Parameter using a CrossTab query problem!!

    Remou - I am not quite sure what you mean by show you the SQL, do you want the sql from the query? if so here is the SQL view from Access (2002): <html> <body> TRANSFORM Sum(dbo_Invoice.ExchangeRate*[Quantity]*[transactionprice]) AS InvoiceLineTotal SELECT dbo_ProductGroup.ProductGroupID...
  5. lpbruce1

    Form Parameter using a CrossTab query problem!!

    Sorry, that is a typo on my part. I meant to type: [Forms]![frmProjectManagers]![ProdGrpID] in my posting. lpbruce
  6. lpbruce1

    Form Parameter using a CrossTab query problem!!

    I want to be able to run a query from a form however from the crosstab query when I attempt to use the 'Forms![frmProjectManagers]![ProdGrpID]!' from the build, it will not work on my crosstab query, I get the following error: "The MS Jet database does not recognize...
  7. lpbruce1

    Take Parameter Query Entry and Display on the Form

    Question on ThomasLafferty (Instructor) post. When I attempt to use the 'Forms![frmProjectManagers]![ProdGrpID]!' from the build, it will not work on my crosstab query, I get the following error: "The MS Jet database does not recognize '[Forms]![frmProjectManagers]![ProdGrpID]!' as a valid name...
  8. lpbruce1

    Retrieving Previous Years Date from a Form

    Thank You, Remou, that is what I needed, it works great. Thank you again.
  9. lpbruce1

    Retrieving Previous Years Date from a Form

    I am new to MS Access Forms so forgive me if this is a simple problem with a simple fix. But anyway here goes: I have a form with a startdate and enddate fields. and a command button that will run a query based on the dates entered. The query references these date fields with the following...
  10. lpbruce1

    Parameter Error.

    Hi - I need help, I've tried everything I can think of to get this to work, but no success. So I am hoping one you Crystal Guru's can assist me or at lest point me in the right directions. I am using Crystal XI, my datasourse is a universe. I have created a Parameter called ?AsOfDate, this...
  11. lpbruce1

    All but one parameters in report are optional.

    Ido - Thanks for your help. This code works except for the Date Parameters: {{Date_Field} >= {?FromDate} OR ({?FromDate}="default value" AND all the conditions that make FromDate optional) ) AND ( {{Date_Field} <= {?ToDate} OR ({?ToDate}="default value" AND all the conditions that make ToDate...
  12. lpbruce1

    All but one parameters in report are optional.

    Hi - I am using Crystal XI and I need help setting up 4 parameters. Depending on the imput will determine which parameters are used. These are the parameters I am using. ?ClientID ?FromDate ?ToDate ?RefernceID Here is what I need.. ~ {?ClientID} is required. ~ {?FromDate} is required...
  13. lpbruce1

    Using drill downs in Infoview.

    Thanks and that's what I was afraid of, however, I need to let my clients know this, do you know of any BO documentation (or any documentation) where it is stated that full-client reports cannot be drilled in Webi? Thank you Lisa
  14. lpbruce1

    Using drill downs in Infoview.

    We will be using InfoView to distrbute Crystal Reports (XI) and a few of the reports use drilldowns. However when they reports are imported into InfoView the drilldowns do NOT work. Is there anything I can do to fix this problem. Any suggestions or solutions would be greatly appreciated...
  15. lpbruce1

    Convert number to date format in CR XI !!

    I need to be able to convert an 8 digit number field (example: Number (20051208) to date field 12/08/2005) to a Date field in Crystal Reports XI. Is this possible without having to break the number apart and then puting them in the correct order and then coverting to a date. I know for CR 7...

Part and Inventory Search
