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Form Parameter using a CrossTab query problem!! 2

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Aug 2, 2004
I want to be able to run a query from a form however from the crosstab query when I attempt to use the 'Forms![frmProjectManagers]![ProdGrpID]!' from the build, it will not work on my crosstab query, I get the following error:

"The MS Jet database does not recognize '[Forms]![frmProjectManagers]![ProdGrpID]!' as a valid name or expression."

This method words fine on my other queries that are not crosstabs. Is there a limitation in Access or am I doing something wrong?

Any suggestion?

You seem to have an extra ! at the end. Is it a typo?
Sorry, that is a typo on my part. I meant to type:
[Forms]![frmProjectManagers]![ProdGrpID] in my posting.

Define the parameter in the crosstab query:
PARAMETERS [Forms]![frmProjectManagers]![ProdGrpID] Integer;

Hope This Helps, PH.
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Remou - I am not quite sure what you mean by show you the SQL, do you want the sql from the query? if so here is the SQL view from Access (2002):
TRANSFORM Sum(dbo_Invoice.ExchangeRate*[Quantity]*[transactionprice]) AS InvoiceLineTotal
SELECT dbo_ProductGroup.ProductGroupID, dbo_ProductGroup.ProductGroupName
FROM ((((((dbo_ProductGroupCluster INNER JOIN dbo_ProductGroupCluster_ProductGroup ON dbo_ProductGroupCluster.ProductGroupClusterID = dbo_ProductGroupCluster_ProductGroup.ProductGroupClusterID) INNER JOIN dbo_ProductGroup ON dbo_ProductGroupCluster_ProductGroup.ProductGroupID = dbo_ProductGroup.ProductGroupID) INNER JOIN dbo_ProductGroup_Item ON dbo_ProductGroup.ProductGroupID = dbo_ProductGroup_Item.ProductGroupID) INNER JOIN dbo_Item ON dbo_ProductGroup_Item.ItemID = dbo_Item.ItemID) INNER JOIN dbo_InvoiceLineItem ON dbo_Item.ItemID = dbo_InvoiceLineItem.ItemID) INNER JOIN dbo_Invoice ON dbo_InvoiceLineItem.InvoiceID = dbo_Invoice.InvoiceID) INNER JOIN dbo_Order ON dbo_Invoice.OrderID = dbo_Order.OrderID
WHERE (((dbo_ProductGroup.ProductGroupID)=[Forms]![frmProductManagersReport]![cmbProdGrID]) AND ((dbo_Item.ItemConditionCode)=0))
GROUP BY dbo_ProductGroup.ProductGroupID, dbo_ProductGroup.ProductGroupName
PIVOT Year([InvoiceDate]);

If not, then let me know what you need.


Where do I define the parameter:
In the query I have:

Field: ProductGroupID
Table: dbo_ProductGroupCluster_ProductGroup
Total: Where
Criteria: [Forms]![frmProductManagersReport]![cmbProdGrID]

Sorry to sound so dumb, but I am fairly new to Access, so I really appreciate all your help.....!


menu Query -> Parameters

Hope This Helps, PH.
Want to get great answers to your Tek-Tips questions? Have a look at FAQ219-2884 or FAQ181-2886
Sorry lpbruce1, PHV fielded that, and PHV is much quicker than me, so I should have said never mind the SQL. :)
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