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Search results for query: *

  1. djunaedwards

    how can i pass variables from http to https

    This looks similar to a problem we am experiencing when accessing one of our websites from outside our network. Within the network and on all our other websites, screens using the same processes are working fine. This particular one keeps crossing session variables when accessed externally - not...
  2. djunaedwards

    Using cfinvoke to consume a webservice with HTTPS

    That answered my question. My only problem now is that my ColdFusion server does not want to accept the SUN JRE, but I figure I will get that sooner or later. Thanks for your help.
  3. djunaedwards

    Using cfinvoke to consume a webservice with HTTPS

    I am trying to consume a webservice using cfinvoke. The following operation works: <cfinvoke webservice="http://webservice:unsecure port/<wsdl location>?wsdl" ... My problem is getting the same cfinvoke working using HTTPS: <cfinvoke webservice="https://webservice:secure port/<wsdl...
  4. djunaedwards

    Close one window from another window.

    Dave, One final note. My above method worked from a browser activated within HomeSite - the editor that I use for developing, but the timer window still closed way too early with I.E. when used externally. I ended using the body tag idea - I was wrong about the query finishing before the body...
  5. djunaedwards

    Close one window from another window.

    Dave, That would have worked, but onload was executing before the query had finished. I ended up setting a countdown as the query was outputted to the screen. When the counter reached 1, I set a session variable (ColdFusion) that was accessible to the counter window which triggered it to close...
  6. djunaedwards

    Close one window from another window.

    Thanks for responding. That does not seem to work in this case. The sequence of events is: 1) User inputs query on first screen. 2) A submit button submits the form with the query to the query results page. 3) This submit button also triggers a timer window that...
  7. djunaedwards

    Close one window from another window.

    I program mostly in ColdFusion and don't use JavaScript a lot. Could someone help me with this? I have a timer window that executes while a query is running. When the window that displays the query results loads, I want to close the timer window. This close needs to occur automatically from the...
  8. djunaedwards

    Creating Download for excel file using hidden variables

    I guess I am not quite clear on what you are trying to do. <cffile> will allow you to create a text file that, when you open Excel, then open the text file, Excel will prompt you as to how you want the data formatted. If you try to open the file directly (do a open with or give the file an...
  9. djunaedwards

    cfform validatation question

    We ran into a similar problem with stored procedures when we moved from a CF5 to a CFMX server. We ended up using only cfsqltype=&quot;CF_SQL_VARCHAR&quot; for type=&quot;In&quot; because using cfsqltype=&quot;CF_SQL_NUMERIC&quot; caused a numeric error when passing data type of &quot;&quot...
  10. djunaedwards

    Creating Download for excel file using hidden variables

    There are several ways to try. If you download the query results as a text file instead of directly into a spreadsheet, when you open the text file in Excel, it will prompt you as to how you want to import the data. The other way is to use cfloop to parse through the data first and put some...
  11. djunaedwards

    Can't Create Verity Collections in CFMX

    The answer to your problem is in the Macromedia ColdFusion Support center: ColdFusion MX for J2EE Application Servers Phase 2 Known Problems http://www.macromedia.com/support/coldfusion/releasenotes/mx/knownissues_mx_j2ee_p2.html Issue ID 38917 You might receive the following error when...
  12. djunaedwards

    if's, any other way?

    Try this - it works on ColdFusion 5 anyway. <cfset myDefinedVar = &quot;Test&quot;> <cfoutput> <cfif isdefined(&quot;myDefinedVar&quot;) IS &quot;True&quot;> myDefinedVar is True!<br><br> </cfif> <cfif isdefined(&quot;myUNDefinedVar&quot;) IS &quot;False&quot;> myUNDefinedVar is False...
  13. djunaedwards

    Run Stored Proc from a JavaScript Event

    How are you intending to trigger the stored procedure? Is it by an event like on click or on leaving a field in the form? If it is, you can pass all the values to the page with the stored procedure via form fields using hidden inputs, run the procedure and pass all the original values back plus...
  14. djunaedwards

    Extra html and head tags showing on my forms

    Type application.cfm in help to find out more about it. Especially check &quot;Creating the Application.cfm File&quot; and &quot;Mapping out an application framework&quot;. The application.cfm file is loaded at the start of every .cfm page with an implicit cfinclude. It can include: The...
  15. djunaedwards

    How do I convert this javascript code into a UserDefinedFunction?

    I also am not sure what you are trying to do, but why not use already existing ColdFusion functions to manipulate the date. If you need to reuse code, try creating an include template and use <cfinclude template=&quot;pathname/includefilename.cfm&quot;> Here are some examples of manipulating...

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