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Search results for query: *

  1. japskar

    Zenworks imaging

    Does image uploading work under "normal" circumstances? The reason I'm asking is that you need a server policy to allow uploading of workstation images using PBS.
  2. japskar

    Interpreter closes when called from within C

    Hmm... more strange behaviour: pack [label .l1 -text {this is text}]; pack [button .b1 -text {Ok} -command {destroy .}]; tkwait window . causes an invalid page fault in TCL83.DLL when clicking the OK button. When run in wish it works fine.
  3. japskar

    Interpreter closes when called from within C

    Hi, I'm trying to get a GUI on my screen using a TCL/TK script called from C. So far, no problem as long as I use "tkwait window ." so that my GUI knows that it needs to stay alive as long as the user didn't close it. However, I often get error messages from TCL83.DLL or KERNEL32.DLL...
  4. japskar

    creating transparant frames

    :-( I already use the pack whenever possible. I've created a tool in another programming language which creates GUI's with the Tcl plugin. The problem is that I need the freedom to move around in my toplevel and place widgets where needed. For example...
  5. japskar

    creating transparant frames

    Yes, so far I place all my widgets with the place command (don't ask me why I use place and not grid). The main problem is that if I've got 2 frames, and one on them is larger than the other, one of them is placed within the other, or (not preferable), one completely overlaps the other. As far...
  6. japskar

    creating transparant frames

    how can I use frames in such a way that the border remains visible, but the rest of it being transparant to all other objects. Right now I more or less solve this with raise and lower, but since I don't know my widgets in advance, I can only do this once. Namely, I tell each frame to put it...
  7. japskar

    bind&accelerator keys

    Yes, i see my fault now. I left out the stringquotes. This caused the malfunction of > string first & $a thanx
  8. japskar

    bind&accelerator keys

    Looks pretty slick, but it's only part of what I'll need, because with this method I can only filter my text (which already helps me lot). Somewhere, I was hoping for a solution which also gave me the index of the first "&". In this way, I can do something like: set n 0: foreach key...
  9. japskar

    bind&accelerator keys

    Yes, I already figured that out. I'll need a proc for this to do the filtering and underlining, but I don't know how to filter the content of the text. -Jasper
  10. japskar

    Running DOS under Win2000 ; wiz kids please help

    As far as I know, this speedlimit you speak of is because of the baud-rate of your lpt1, even though it is mapped to a network printer. I'd consult the docs about the net command if you need to know the details. -Jasper
  11. japskar

    bind&accelerator keys

    Hi there, can anyone help me with the following problem?: I've got a text for a label or button with something like: "hi e&veryone, I'm t&ext && happy" I use the '&' as a flag to indicate that I want to underline the character after it (v e and & in this case). Also, the flags must...
  12. japskar

    positioning windows

    is there an easy way of positioning windows on the centre of the screen? it has to be size-independent since I don't know the windows' size in advance. -Jasper
  13. japskar

    standard -font

    thanx, I didn't know about 'option'. And you're right, I works fine :).
  14. japskar

    standard -font

    I want to specify a font for a toplevel and all of its descendants. Is there an easy way of doing this, instead of specifying the font for each widget? I couldn't find a solution in the WIKI or help-file. -Jasper
  15. japskar

    bind e.g. <Alt-5> ?

    Yes sorry, I wasn't precise in my formulation of the problem. But....strange. Can you try this for me?: pack [button .b1 -text {Button1} -command {puts {invoked button1}}] pack [button .b2 -text {Button2} -command {puts {invoked button2}}] bind all <Alt-5> {.b1 invoke} bind all <Alt-6> {.b2...
  16. japskar

    bind e.g. &lt;Alt-5&gt; ?

    Hi, currently I'm working on a piece of code for binding keysequences to action. So far, so good. But I can't get my &quot;bind all <Alt-nr> {......}&quot; working for nr=1 to 5 &quot;bind all <Alt-6> {.....}&quot; however, works fine what's the problem here? -Jasper
  17. japskar

    tk_dialog size

    Ulis, you keep amazing me. But thanks a lot for all the effort on this one. Maybe they can put this solution in the next release of Tcl/tk (and call it tk_UlisDialog :) ) -Jasper
  18. japskar

    tk_dialog size

    Ha Ulis, you've been a great help again, but please help me a little further in this puzzle. You create a label and a frame in a toplevel; and in this frame you used a grid for placement of the buttons. A rather neat solution if I may say so. Ok so far, but how can I point directly to an icon...
  19. japskar

    tk_dialog size

    I'm trying to insert a rather large line of text in a tk_dialog, but a tk_dialog can't expand to the size of my text. Instead, it wraps the text so that it fits inside a predefined textarea. Very annoying, because I have newline character at the end of each line. Does anyone have a workaround...
  20. japskar

    Controlling data types

    Indeed, thanx a lot

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