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Search results for query: *

  1. Patbeau


    Hi, thats what I did for the text. But how to track the language of the user? I cant only use locale name because if he switch from english to french, I must remember it...
  2. Patbeau


    My web application has to be in French and in English. Also, im coding in C#.
  3. Patbeau


    Hi, What is the best solution for storing Language ? Querystring, Session, Cookie. Maybe I could also use URLRewriter with naming in French and in English? Im trying to best solution for the server performance and I want it to work on any browser. Thank you, patrice
  4. Patbeau

    ASP.NET - Browser Requirements

    Hi, My site cant support netscape 4 and I want to redirect people with this browser to a page. Is this a good way to do it? Can I do this with web.config ? protected void Application_BeginRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e) { HttpBrowserCapabilities bc; bc = Request.Browser; string...
  5. Patbeau

    Enable content expiration

    Thank you for your answer! I will do the Response.Expires instead of IIS "Enable content expiration"...
  6. Patbeau

    Datalist and DeleteCommand

    Hi, I use a DataList in an Asp page. When I do my action for Delete, it works fine. My problem is when I press the key "F5" or "Refresh" in my browser, another record is deleted (the one at the same position/index). Is there a way to reset the delete command after it is done once? I thought...
  7. Patbeau

    Enable content expiration

    Hi, Im not really good with IIS. I seen the option "Enable content expiration" (it is unchecked on all my sites now). My question is : If I check this case and check "Expire Immediately", will it overwrites the browser cache option? And what happen when it is unchecked ? What is the default...
  8. Patbeau


    Thats what Im doing right now hehe I did a domain, my only problem is that it seems to be only for directory... But what happens with Database? I also have a program called IMail (Mail server)... I think I will have to read docs!
  9. Patbeau


    Hi, We are trying to figure out a way to make a good backup of our Web Server. I have a web server with IIS, MSSQL, CF and a couple of pluggins. I want to have a backup server that has the same file and database just in case my server crash. What is the best way to do it? I want a complete...
  10. Patbeau

    Question - Recordset

    Yeah, thank you :)
  11. Patbeau

    Question - Recordset

    Ok so why people tell me to close the recordset if redirect close everything? Just a good programming habit? thank you,
  12. Patbeau

    Question - Recordset

    Thats what I thought. I did some test but I wanted some confirmation by pros.. :P But in your example wont it make an error if you refer to RecordCount when the recordset is closed? Sorry for my english...
  13. Patbeau

    Question - Recordset

    Hi, I would like to know, if I make a redirect before I close my recordset will it be close or let open? Is the processing of the page stopped when I do my redirection? Ex: IF GetUser.RecordCount > 0 then Session("User_ID") = GetUser("Usager_ID")...
  14. Patbeau

    ASP File Upload

    Thank you :) Sorry for adding another post about the same topic... yesterday I made a search on "File Upload" and I had an error.
  15. Patbeau

    IIS downloads ASP files

    In IIS, Go to properties of your virtual website. Under "Virtual Directory" go in configuration. Under mappings, is the extension .ASP there? If not create one. It should look like the .ASA. Mine look like this... Executable : C:\Windows\system32\inetsrc\asp.dll Extension : .asp...
  16. Patbeau

    ASP File Upload

    Yeah but with ASPUpload, I will need to install an application. But, I cant do this on the server. I tried CLSUPload and it doesnt work with larger file (my cpu also go up to 100%).
  17. Patbeau

    ASP File Upload

    Hi, I was a ColdFusion programmer for year (just migrated to ASP). And im trying to migrate an application from CF to ASP. I just want to know how to make a file upload. In CF we were using "CFFILE ACTION="UPLOAD" DESTINATION="...". I tried AspUpload, but since my...
  18. Patbeau

    Newbie Question - Apache 2 and Mod_perl

    Hi, I have Red Hat 8. When I installed it, I choosed the apache and mod_perl module. But, mod_perl doesnt seem to load my cgi (when I look into the ENV variables). I tried to use the doc on perl.apache.org, but my configuration seems to be a lot different because of red hat. Anyone has...
  19. Patbeau

    Linux or apache question

    Ok it says mod_perl-1.99_05-3 or something like this. But how to know if apache uses it? I installed apache and mod_perl in same time but it looks like apache doesnt use my mod_perl (cgi is really slow for small script). Or maybe it is for other reason?
  20. Patbeau

    Linux or apache question

    Hi, I dont know where to post this but anyway it is related to linux. How can I know if mod_perl is installed on my linux server? I installed red hat 8 with mod_perl and apache. But I dont know if apache is linked to mod_perl to execute cgi. How to know if a package is installed? thank you

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