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Search results for query: *

  1. boggg1

    ObjectDataSource.SelectMethod = instance of class

    I have a ObjectDataSource (ods) linked to a GridView (gv) on a web page pulling data from Oracle storred procedures. The defined (corporate) solution involves statically setting properties in the ods and gv and the method is quick and reliable. But I have desktop VB6 code and some 50 SQL...
  2. boggg1

    Document from template no longer firing event

    I was afraid someone might suggest that. You are right I must steel myself and do it as I have no other ideas. Thanks for your time, I'll report back when its done.
  3. boggg1

    Document from template no longer firing event

    I have a word template which (when invoked) produces a document with an active X tick box which used to fire an event which ran some code. The tick box no longer fires the event. If I add a new similar tick box to the template then it also does not fire. But if I create an entirely new...
  4. boggg1

    Outside join to two tables

    If I have two tables which must be joined, but one of those tables is missing some data then I use an outside join to link the two tables. That way I get data from the first table even when data from the second is absent but I get data from both tables when it is available. My problem comes...
  5. boggg1

    Select A, SUM(A)

    OK, I'll do it as two queries. Thanks [bigglasses]
  6. boggg1

    Select A, SUM(A)

    When I try the second method I get data such as... 25 B1 C1 24 25 B2 C2 24 2 B3 C3 1 3 B4 C4 2 SUM(C) is always 1 less than C ! Where is it getting this last value (the SUM) from ? There are no negative values in the entire column. I should say that the real query is...
  7. boggg1

    Select A, SUM(A)

    How do I do the following... SELECT A, B, C, SUM(A) FROM X I found the following on an Oracle error site... ORA-00937: not a single-group group function Cause: A SELECT list cannot include both a group function, such as AVG, COUNT, MAX, MIN, SUM, STDDEV, or VARIANCE, and an individual column...
  8. boggg1

    Unexpected Error with MSFLEXGRD

    It turns out to be an icon file with a 32 bit icon inside "attached" to the MSFLXGRD. I redrew the icon at 16 bit (which is quite adequate) and the problem went away. [bigglasses]
  9. boggg1

    Unexpected Error with MSFLEXGRD

    No "SP6" in my version. I'll request it is updated and report back in a few days. Thanks. [bigglasses]
  10. boggg1

    how to make subroutine code automatically execute after form loads

    If the status box is on a form then status.text will work if the code is in the same form. But if you switch the code to a module then you have to tell module code which form the status box is on eg Formname.status.text form_activate will run every time the form is activated (eg if you click...
  11. boggg1

    Unexpected Error with MSFLEXGRD

    I have SP6's version of MSFLXGRD.ocx. How do I tell whether I am fully SP6 ? [bigglasses]
  12. boggg1

    Unexpected Error with MSFLEXGRD

    Good thinking SBerthold, never thought it could be me that is out of date. How would I know which version I have ? About does not give any SP numbers. I have a corporate system, I do not do my own upgrades and I have limited access. [bigglasses]
  13. boggg1

    Unexpected Error with MSFLEXGRD

    I recently released the latest version of one of my programs after testing it on numerous PC's. But upon release to some 80 users, 3 get an "Unexpected Error" messagebox followed by the program stopping at startup. I copied the program to a new project and systematically cut it back and cut it...
  14. boggg1

    Too many complex controls on a form for the IDE ?

    Thanks. Just the mention of subclassing makes my knees go week. But your reply did make me think that maybe something got corrupted, perhaps during the time I was debugging the user control and it was not working. I took everything apart as much as I could, and reconstructed it all again - it...
  15. boggg1

    Transfer file with INET

    Worth a try... http://www.xtremevbtalk.com/showthread.php?t=179880 Also, you are not behind a proxy or something similar are you ? Boggg1 [bigglasses]
  16. boggg1

    Too many complex controls on a form for the IDE ?

    I have a form with many controls on it including two control arrays. I have recently added a user control which gives me the functionality I want in a special button. The program works fine with just two copies of the user control on the form but when I add a third user control the IDE itself...
  17. boggg1

    Command Line Arguments Tutorial

    How much text is there in your stream ?. I have no idea what a command line will take but I would guess its fairly restricted. To access command line text just use... Dim TextStream As String TextStream = Command() I would guess that the easiest way to process moderate volumes of text would...
  18. boggg1

    VB6 & Citrix Lockups

    With all due respect DebiJo there is no real chance of diagnosing this without a whole heap of technical data about how the program works and what it does. You only hint its a database on the last line of your posts ! I mentioned the items I did because I guessed a few things that can prevent...
  19. boggg1

    Vb & Access - Can the DB update faster?

    I have been using asynchronous ADO for some time now but I know that you can query a synchronous connection to ask if it is complete so is this not possible with synchronous ADO ? This example uses an asynchronous stored procedure but its the principal that counts, asking the storing recordset...
  20. boggg1

    VB6 & Citrix Lockups

    Any databases /connections / recordsets or anything unusual open when the VB6 closes ? How do you close - big red X button on a form or run a closing routine of some sort or ...? Boggg1 [bigglasses]

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