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  1. vanbeugen

    How to make letters more narrow?

    Hi Vragabond, Do you mean to say: it's impossible what you (I) want?
  2. vanbeugen

    How to make letters more narrow?

    In the html below I want to make the letters more narrow. I read about Css-property font-strech but I cannot get the letters more narrow. Could someone help? I know about letter-spacing property, but that makes the space bewteen the letters smaller and I want to make the letters themselves more...
  3. vanbeugen

    How to get rid of this horizontal scrollbar?

    In the html below (see also http://www.creatief-denken.be/opl47k.html) I have in IE a horizontal scrollbar and a vertical scrollbar. In the #contentRight div I use the command "overflow: auto" in order to let the text scroll vertically. I want to get rid of the horziontal scrollbar but I don't...
  4. vanbeugen

    How to get lineheight of links the same in FireFox as in IE?

    Hi Vragabond. Thanks for all your help! I did as you said and specified line-height=2.5 (to see the difference more clearly). But the difference remains: the "height" of all the links together in Firefox is 25% longer than in IE!! I have to make a long list of links and will be in trouble with...
  5. vanbeugen

    How to get lineheight of links the same in FireFox as in IE?

    In the html http://www.inspiration-company.nl/test40.html I have placed 4 links. In IE there is a normal small vertical distance between the lines of these links. In Firefox however there is more distance between the lines. Is there a way to get the distance in FireFox the same as in IE?
  6. vanbeugen

    How to make scrolling text under header?

    OK, thanks, I fixed it. Thanks for all your help!
  7. vanbeugen

    How to make scrolling text under header?

    Hi Vragabond and Vacunita, Thanks for your reactions. I've been out of internet for some days, so I did not see your reactions. I think I understand what you mean to say, but I think my problem is not yet solved. Below I changed my code as you advised. contentright is scrolling nicely as you...
  8. vanbeugen

    How to make scrolling text under header?

    Thanks for your reactions. I have dones as Vagunita suggests but the #contentrightcontents is not scrolling. I must make a mistake, but cannot find out what I'm doing wrong. Could you please help? This is the code I have with the codes of Vagunita: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01...
  9. vanbeugen

    How to make scrolling text under header?

    Hello Vragabond, Thanks for your reaction. I think I understand what you mean, but that's not what I mean. Let me try to clarify. In my code there is one div with the name contentright. But when I want the scrollbar for the text I assume I need 2 divs in the column at the right hand side: one...
  10. vanbeugen

    How to make scrolling text under header?

    In the HTML below I use divs contentleft, contentcenter and contentright. Because the text under the Header Contentright is so long I would like to make a scrollbar for the text of contentrigth but withoud the Header contentrigth, so that you alwaus see the header when scrolling the text. Is...
  11. vanbeugen

    How to find double records in Excel file?

    Is there an easy way to detect double records (rows) in an Excel file. A trick in Excel or is there any other software to detect this?
  12. vanbeugen

    How to add alternative text and title to image in &quot;var&quot;?

    Hi Dan, Sorry, was some days at a place where I could not have any internet. I Tried to understand what you'r saying but cannot really underderstand what you mean. I made the following html and changed the code as I understand it, but it's wrong because it doesn't work. What do I do wrong...
  13. vanbeugen

    How to add alternative text and title to image in &quot;var&quot;?

    I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean with: "You would simply change any reference to this: data[someNum]". I just don't know what to do. My total code is below. I would like to give titles to the thumnails p1 - p20 and to the images p1 - p20, both in the first script below: <!DOCTYPE...
  14. vanbeugen

    How to add alternative text and title to image in &quot;var&quot;?

    Sorry, I don't know what you mean. Do you mean: var data=['1.jpg','2.jpg','3.jpg']; And how can I see the number of the picture if I look at such a page?
  15. vanbeugen

    How to add alternative text and title to image in &quot;var&quot;?

    Ok, but then I have to change my code allover. Is there no easier way? I only want to number a bunch of pictures, so that one can see the number of the picture. I hope I can change and add something to the line: var data=['image1.jpg','image2.jpg','image3.jpg']; Is that possible?
  16. vanbeugen

    How to add alternative text and title to image in &quot;var&quot;?

    In a javascript I use the following code: Code: <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var preloads=[]; var data=['image1.jpg','image2.jpg','image3.jpg']; etc. // --> </script> Now I would like to add a code for alternative text and title for each jpg-image. How should I write that?
  17. vanbeugen

    How to add opacity rollover to these images?

    In the html below I would like to add a roll over to the 4 images to change their opacity from for example 60 to 100. I added another fifth image (druiven.jpg at the end of the html) to show what I would like to achieve with the 4 images also. I hope someone could help. This is the html I have...
  18. vanbeugen

    How to get images in their original form as thumbnails?

    I would like to make a photo gallery with thumbnails which can be enlarged by clicking on a thumbnail. I made a first html on www.festifood.gallery5.html. I use a table and thumbnails of photo's with height=80 and width=60 all fixed in the html code. But if an image is square or landscape I'll...
  19. vanbeugen

    Problem with html-tag

    In the html http://www.management-trainingen.nl/test.html I use doctype: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> and as html-tag: <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">. The W3 validator doesn't accept this last code and gives the following error: there is no...
  20. vanbeugen

    How to make 2 different transparent layers?

    Hi Dan, Thanks for your reaction. Maybe I should make myself more clear. What I want to make is this: one big image (not transparent), on top of it 4 blocks, each with a transparent background (so that the image under it can be seen) and four text-items (no transparency), in one block each so...

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