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Search results for query: *

  1. danalynn

    runtime vb error

    I have checked the file and pretty much everything else, i didn't know if there was some logical reason why i was getting this error. thanks for the try though
  2. danalynn

    runtime vb error

    i have already checked that, i do not see it on my page and have checked the file here is my code:<%@Language=VBScript%> <%Option Explicit%> <!--#INCLUDE FILE=&quot;adovbs.inc&quot;--> <% Dim strConnect Dim objRS, PropNum, SalesEng Dim objConn Dim strSQL %> <html> <head> <meta...
  3. danalynn

    runtime vb error

    I am receiving the following error Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0411' Name redefined 'adOpenForwardOnly' /adovbs.inc, line 14 does anyone know how to fix this? i only have 2 days left with my internship and don't know what to do. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. danalynn

    Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'

    it is a string i thought that it would move to the next line. i am so confused dana
  5. danalynn

    Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'

    hi guys me again i am just not getting why this stuff isn't working. i took all your guys' advice and put it together and i should have something that is actually working, but now i am getting this error: Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d' Type mismatch:'[string:&quot;CP-051499&quot;]'...
  6. danalynn

    check boxes

    i am making a page where i need to have a box that people can check. i don't know how to do this. if anyone can helpme that would be wonderful and greatly appreciated. the box needs to have a true value if checked and a false value if unchecked. thanks again dana
  7. danalynn

    ADODB.Recordset error '800a0e7d'

    i am receiving the following error and have looked many places on how to fix this. i have found nothing. could any of you help me out here here is the code for my asp page:<% Option Explicit Dim strConnect %> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv=&quot;Content-Type&quot...
  8. danalynn

    asp won't work

    I am using windows nt 4.0, have iis 3.0
  9. danalynn

    asp won't work

    when i do what leo told me to do what should the actions be in the edit file type window? all i have is edit with visual studio should there be more?
  10. danalynn

    asp won't work

    okay maybe i am not explaining myself enough, or i am just completly lost. as youc an tell i am very new to asp. i can pull up my asp pages by clicking on them, once they are part way loaded then it comes up with a download screen where then it takes me to Visual InterDev. once i download it or...
  11. danalynn

    asp won't work

    i hava ii3 and www running
  12. danalynn

    asp won't work

    i have created some asp pages. when i go to look at them or run them i recieve a downloading screen. i don't want to download it just look at it. what do i have to do to stop receiving this window? thanks dana
  13. danalynn

    Adding a record, but null is giving me problems

    I fixed it so nm! The record would take a 0 instead of null and means the same thing in the field. Thanks again Dana
  14. danalynn

    Adding a record, but null is giving me problems

    I am adding a record to my sql database, in one field, bit field, there is not an entry for it so it needs to be null, well it won't let me add it because bit can't go null, what do i need to do? i went into properties of the table and tried checking all null but it won't let me, how do i do...
  15. danalynn


    well i am using a database from access that was created a long time ago, and just imported it to sql, so wasn't my choice. is there anyway that i can go in and fix the column names? dana
  16. danalynn


    thank you so much worked like a charm dana
  17. danalynn


    i am using my select statement to find my prop number in my data base, it won't let me call it prop number in my select statement but that is the name of the column, how do i call it or how do i fix it so i can call it propnumber? thanks dana
  18. danalynn

    upsizing access to sql

    right now i am just testing with sql. i got rid of the record and everything works fine. it seemed to look like the other records, the same field sizes and everything. so i don't know what the deal was with that record, what i did was just imported the data and created my own table in sql. so...
  19. danalynn

    upsizing access to sql

    how do i fix this?
  20. danalynn

    upsizing access to sql

    how i import is through the import and export wizards in sql. i am importing one table and it's data. the error i am recieving is Error at Desination for row num 7751. i am completely new at all of this. i am teaching myself sql and need help. thanks again dana

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