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Search results for query: *

  1. tmphuskers

    flash header reloads on every page

    I am pretty new to this type of flash. I am working with a template and have tweeked the flash the way I need it. I am sure this is pretty basic but can't seem to locate anything on it. My new flash header I put in reloads on every page. Is there something I need to specify in the code...
  2. tmphuskers

    Transfering old website to new template with CSS

    Nailed it nevermind. On my new template I changed the editable region from title to "whatever". What this did was force the old page to ask me to resolve the current editable region with a new one. I chose to select "nowhere" therefore it enabled me to get rid of the old editable region without...
  3. tmphuskers

    Transfering old website to new template with CSS

    Interesting problem I encountered. I tried to remove both head begin and end tags (ones around the meta) and DW crashed every time. I can not remove them. hmmmmmm Oh well. Am I correct in at assuming if I remove <%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> and tweak some other erroneous tags...
  4. tmphuskers

    Transfering old website to new template with CSS

    WOW now that's a lot of stuff. Had no idea it was that messed up. Thanks a lot to both responses. I need to get to work. Todd
  5. tmphuskers

    Transfering old website to new template with CSS

    I purchased a new template and am pretty much complete with the formatting the look and feel via Dreamweaver MX. The template page looks great. But when I apply the new template to an existing page everything goes a little bonkers. Mainly the fonts get jacked up. I am assuming, not being...
  6. tmphuskers

    Website Cost

    Quite a while back someone gave some good links to website that break down how to charge for buidling websites. Can someone that knows list them again. The one I recall seeing had a good breakdown that listed flash intro's, ecommerce work, number of pages, etc..
  7. tmphuskers

    Swap links, Should I?

    ChrisHunt I appreciate the feedback. I wanted to stay away from becoming a link farm and just add certain links where approperate throughout the site that pertains to that pages subject matter. Sounds like I got a winner. Again, thanks for the quick feedback!
  8. tmphuskers

    Swap links, Should I?

    Generic question. My eyes hurt tonight so I skipped reading old threads and right to a new question. Page rank, nothing new but I don't pay much attention to it since I am trying to stick with rich relevant content. Any how, I am getting emails from people wanting to swap links. I check out...
  9. tmphuskers

    What web design software?

    To Skipcox: Depends on what version TonyJollans was using. Dreamweaver 3, did take some getting used to. MX is far better and easier to follow and understand. Especially with the above books mentioned. And no you don't have to have knowledge of HTML. Yes, it's nice to have but not required...
  10. tmphuskers

    What web design software?

    Download the trial version of Dreamweaver MX. It only retails for $399. (Golive retails for the same, but I wouldn't go with Adobe, Frontpage is 199) Spend the extra money. You will thank us all in the long run. I have used Frontpage, hated it. Love Dreamweaver. And I am not a pro by any...
  11. tmphuskers

    Dreamweaver or Go Live???

    I never used Golive but I wouldn't trade in my dreamweaver MX in a million years. I love it. I used DW 3 as well. I was skeptical to move to MX because I was right in the middle of a large web project and didn't want to get tied up leaning new functionality. Not only was it a little new it...
  12. tmphuskers

    Changing Pics but not pages? How?

    Awesome, thanks guys. That is exactly what I needed.
  13. tmphuskers

    Changing Pics but not pages? How?

    New one for me. I am building a site for a local artist (b&w drawings). I want to be able to display a scrollable area with small pictures of the artwork. My goal is to have the user click on any pic and have it appear in the main area of the page, without going to a different page. That...
  14. tmphuskers


    There are definitely some bad stories but I think they have cleaned up their act ever since Ebay bought them back in 2002 (I think). But I run my business online and use paypal as one of my payment options. Nothing bad so far, knock on wood. It's easy to set up as well. Their website is...
  15. tmphuskers

    Audio (MP3's) on web site..best way?

    Buy the book Flash Bible by Robert Reinhardt & Snow Dowd. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0764536567/104-8313856-8608719?v=glance Awesome books. I have all of his books for all of my software. Flash Dreamweaver Fireworks, etc... Flash takes a little getting used to but it has...
  16. tmphuskers

    Please review - needs more content...

    I agree with the dutch62, you need to work on that pic. Try downsizing just a tad and adding a small shadow behind it. Adds some depth. Overall feel is great, simple, and gets to the point. Good job!
  17. tmphuskers

    Site Review Request

    Believe me I have been in your shoes. Not easy on the first one. I am not so sure about the white on black text. I think you should have a shadowed box with black text inside. Make it stand out a little more. I like the photo on the front page. I am sure the client is trying to show off his...
  18. tmphuskers

    Yahoo to Drop Google as Main Search Engine, Report Says

    Thought I would share. NEW YORK (Reuters) - Yahoo Inc. (Nasdaq:YHOO - news) is expected to drop Google as the primary search technology on its site within a few months, the Wall Street Journal said on Tuesday. According to the paper, some marketing firms say they have been told Yahoo will...
  19. tmphuskers

    No Index, No follow

    Thanks Wullie, I appreciate your help! Have a great holiday.
  20. tmphuskers

    No Index, No follow

    Would I need to relist them for the majors or just wait it out?

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