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  1. AndyDuke

    After update on a Combo Box

    Hi Modex, Use the Click event of the combo box to get the Text property e.g. Private Sub combo1_Click() if (combo1.Text = "windword") then Dim ad as string ad = Shell(c:\Program Files\MSoffice\winword.exe,vbMaximizedFocus) End Sub
  2. AndyDuke

    Dynamic Objects - simple question

    Are you declaring the Winsock object as: - private object as Winsock or private withevents object as Winsock The second declaration will allow you to trap and respond to events generated by the object. Andy.
  3. AndyDuke

    Contact management system

    Nora, Depends on your budget at the end of teh day. I use grids by DataDynamics, menus by Sheridan (as was - not sure what they are called now) and a range of home produced controls for IO. If you don't hae money to spend, then you will be limited to freeware or shareware tools (see...
  4. AndyDuke

    *Implements & Interfaces*

    Looks good to me. AndyD
  5. AndyDuke

    MoveFolder method fails if someone is accesing the folder

    I wouldn't try to force the move. If someone else is accessing the folder then you will cause them to crash by moving the folder. Just handle the error that you get. Andy.
  6. AndyDuke

    SQL 2000 Connection

    Nick, The problem will be caused by the differeing security regimes used on the two databases. You could try putting an ADO data control onto a form and use that to build a connection string which can be cut and pasted into your code. Andy.
  7. AndyDuke

    Code in debug mode

    Check out thread222-61203. This gives two methods, one using API calls and a VB code method. Andy
  8. AndyDuke

    call stored procedure

    Hi, I'm assuming that you are using ADO and SQL or similar here. If the stored procedure has no arguments then you can just use the .Execute method of the ADO connection, Connection.Execute "sp_StoredProcedure" If the stored procedure has arguments then you can either use the...
  9. AndyDuke

    Test for Empty Recordset

    ChopStik, Should the function GetProperty read: - Public Function GetProperty(PropertyID As String, Page As String) As String Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Set rs = GetPropertyData(PropertyID) If (rs Is Nothing) Then GetProperty = "This record does not exist" Else...
  10. AndyDuke

    Test for Empty Recordset

    ChopStik, I simply check for (rs.EOF = True) after executing the SQL command. If the recordset has returned a record then EOF will be false. Andy.
  11. AndyDuke

    Managing a ProgressBar during File Upload

    mhm, Sorry for the delay, I've just returned from holiday. I don't think you can use a progress bar with teh FSO object because there is no feedback from the copy method in the FSO object. In applications like Windows Explorer they use a form with an AVI (animation) to show that the copy is in...
  12. AndyDuke

    MapPoint 2002 and Access - lets help each other

    Hi, I've done a lot of programming with the MapPoint 2002 object library, using it to create an application for managing customer advisors and sales territories. If you want to drop me a line at andyd@hec.org.uk then I'll be happy to answer your questions. I'll be away from 28/07 to 12/09...
  13. AndyDuke

    Windows Reg

    Mail me and I will send you a VB Class that does all this. Andy. andyd@hec.org.uk
  14. AndyDuke

    Declaring Public String Constants in DLLs. How?

    I suspect that this is a constraint put on the Visual Basic language by Microsoft. I assume that VB is written in C++ which may not have the same restrictions. You could get round this by declaring a class call Constants and returning the constant values as properties. Andy.
  15. AndyDuke

    MDI form and dll help needed

    Don't think you can do it (without some complicated API functionality). If you want to program an application so that DLL's contain user interface components (i.e. forms) then you end up with an SDI (Single document interface) application like Word 2000 as opposed to an MDI application like...
  16. AndyDuke

    DLL Problem Ergent

    Not sure why you would need to know which form created an instance of a class but assuming you do then, Add a property to a class within the DLL that takes a form e.g. Private frmForm As Form Public Property Get ParentForm() As Form Set ParentForm = frmForm End Property Public Property...
  17. AndyDuke

    Add windows explorer functionality to app?

    Check out thread222-296662, this may point you in the right direction. It is likely to involve a little API programming but the tread will poit you to a number of examples (with code). Andy.
  18. AndyDuke

    Executing Registry Files in VB

    I have got a class which will allow you to read and write registry values. Send me your email address and I can send you the source code. andyd@hec.org.uk Andy.
  19. AndyDuke

    error handling help

    1) Add an 'On Error Goto ErrorHandler' statement at the start of the sub. If an error occurs the code will then jump to your error handler. 2) Add the code to handle the error at the bottom of the sub ErrorHandler: if (err.number = 58) then msgbox "The file already...
  20. AndyDuke

    Crystal OCX Automation Error In VB

    It may be caused by a corrupt report file, see Segate support article at: http://support.crystaldecisions.com/kbase/c2010166.asp Andy

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