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Search results for query: *

  1. ChristianWhite

    XML Parsing Error: no element found

    OK, think I eliminated the cause. I had stripped down the project even further, and noted an exception thrown "File does not exist." Again, I had never seen that issue in the app before. The issue stopped when I noted the project server was set to the built-in Visual Studio server, rather...
  2. ChristianWhite

    XML Parsing Error: no element found

    Oops--that line that says "c" above is supposed to say HttpContext.Current.Response.End(); HttpContext.Current.Response.Expires = 0;
  3. ChristianWhite

    XML Parsing Error: no element found

    I'm revisiting an old application of mine--a comments page that sends an email--for an edit. But before I can do that, I'm trying to get it to run properly. I'm seeing an error I don't remember seeing during its development. On trying to run the app for the first time since development, I saw...
  4. ChristianWhite

    Gridview--how to not show invalid dates?

    Thanks ! Much appreciated.
  5. ChristianWhite

    Gridview--how to not show invalid dates?

    First time programming a full three-tier application, and I've been handed a biggie (as projects go in my group). When I retrieve a datetime into a c# middle-tier object datetime property from the data tier, the datetime has to have a value. Not always having a valid date, I initialize it to...
  6. ChristianWhite

    Downloading Office 2007 files from IE into client-side Office 2007

    >That's an improvement also, because users aren't confused by being shown a file folder upon clicking Open. Oops--I should mention, previously I did have one option if I didn't want IE to quietly abort--I would cause a file type application/x-zip-compressed to get entered in the case of a .docx...
  7. ChristianWhite

    Downloading Office 2007 files from IE into client-side Office 2007

    Thanks Mark-- Improvement number one, that causes IE 6 or 7 to return with the anticipated prompt to recognize the file and offer to Open or Save--which it wasn't doing before, when IE just seemed to quietly abort the operation. Second, now that the prompt does appear for Office 2007 files as...
  8. ChristianWhite

    Downloading Office 2007 files from IE into client-side Office 2007

    I’m working with the following code in ASP 1.1, SQL Server 2000 database. Main test workstation has: Office 2007, IE 7 Secondary test workstation: Office 2003, IE 6 Fired by a link, the code at bottom of my post downloads to the client some content stored as a binary field in SQL, opening it...
  9. ChristianWhite

    Graphing over time

    I've got data by month. Input to the bar chart groups axis is a datetime value, ordered chronologically, always the first day of the month: 6/1/2005, 7/1/2005. I would rather the chart labeled the groups in format "June 2005", "July 2005"--and kept chronological order. The problem with...
  10. ChristianWhite

    Formula based on empty or populated sibling suberport

    System specs: CR XI, Windows XP Professional, SQL Server 8
  11. ChristianWhite

    Formula based on empty or populated sibling suberport

    Assume a main report with subreports 1 and 2. For a given set of parms, if sub 1's stored procedure returns no resultset, I would like to suppress subreport 1 and renumber the text-box caption of sub 2, which can use a formula, as sub 1. Is there a method available to discover sub 1 is empty?
  12. ChristianWhite

    Too many units on the group axis

    Crystal XI, Windows XP Professional, SQL Server 8. The chart is a bar graph. I've stayed with 2D to be able to maximize the quantity of groups I can get in there.
  13. ChristianWhite

    Too many units on the group axis

    I'm doing a bar chart where the number of items for the x-axis can vary from 1 unit up to so many that Crystal won't display the x-axis labels (when Crystal displays those labels, it's all-or-nothing). I increased the quantity at which the x-axis labels disappeared by selecting the "staggered"...
  14. ChristianWhite

    CR 11 lining up bottoms of text in boxes

    I'm trying to place text boxes for headings on a report. Vertically, the text boxes have varying quantities of rows of text, all right-aligned for purposes of my description. I need the bottoms of all heading texts to line up with each other just above a line in the page header--but bottoms of...
  15. ChristianWhite

    CR XI - Going Rate for CR Developers? TEXAS??

    OrionStar, I'm working in San Antonio as an independent programmer. Crystal assignments have composed a little over half my work volume. Usually, as I've been with the company only six months, I've not gone to the users solo to analyze their requirements for new reports, though I do follow up...
  16. ChristianWhite

    VB 6.0----Crystal 11 export to csv--dll out-of-date?

    Thank you ! That solved my problem. I did not have the files. I got them at http://support.businessobjects.com/library/kbase/articles/c2016072.asp
  17. ChristianWhite

    VB 6.0----Crystal 11 export to csv--dll out-of-date?

    The export call's argument tells the VB code whether to prompt the user to select an output format. Unfortunately, the list of formats this prompt offers does not include csv.
  18. ChristianWhite

    What's the best feature to use for this layout?

    Sometimes I could use a report that prints the contents of an entire resultset or group--headings, details, summaries, and all--then, under different headings, prints the contents of another whole resultset or group: again, headings, details, summaries, and all. Is this what groups are suited...
  19. ChristianWhite

    VB 6.0----Crystal 11 export to csv--dll out-of-date?

    Using VB6, I'm trying to convert a Crystal 11 file to a csv. With Report.ExportOptions .FormatType = crEFTCommaSeparatedValues .DiskFileName = strTargetDirectory & "\" & strEntityName & "\" & strFilename & "." & strFormat .DestinationType = crEDTDiskFile End With Report.Export...

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