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  • Users: edt82
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  1. edt82

    Class to access File properties

    thanx B00gyeMan, you're the Man.
  2. edt82

    Client-side multi-dim arrays

    Good point ca8msm. I was hoping there was something similar to page.RegisterArrayDeclaration. But i can work with these 2. Thanks.
  3. edt82

    Client-side multi-dim arrays

    Hi tek-tippers, Just wondering if ASP.NET lets u inject client-side, jscript multi-dimensional arrays. Any tips would be appreciated. Thanx heaps.
  4. edt82

    Class to access File properties

    Hi tek-tippers, I'm trying to find a class that can give me all the properties of a file in Windows. That is, information that you'd find when u right-click a file in Windows Explorer. Specifically, I'm after information in the security and summary tabs. Any help would be appreciated. Tx heaps.
  5. edt82

    Could not load type ... (user control on web form)

    IlseDC, All I can tell u with 95%-98% certainty is that the version of UserControls.dll in the bin directory on the prod machine isn't the latest version, or at least isn't the version that contains the class definition for myControl. At least the CLR is able to find the DLL, otherwise you'd...
  6. edt82

    IIS6 snap-in & metabase ACLs

    Hi tek-tippers, Has anyone been able to setup read-only access via the IIS6 manager snap-in to a remote IIS6? By this I mean running the IIS6 snapin locally (on a workstation) and connecting to a remote IIS6 server and having read-only access to FTP/WEB/SMTP/etc sites and properties. I have...
  7. edt82

    running program from browser / executing comman line

    Have a read of the first Q&A at: http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/01/03/web/toc.asp?frame=true As the author says, you could massage the code there to include the Word.Application object. The code could be placed in an Onclick event associated with your button. G'luck.
  8. edt82

    mapping IE security settings to regsitry keys

    Thanks Smah for that management tip. Thanks bcastner, that's exactly what I was after. I thought I had already searched the MS site carefully...better review my search techniques eh?
  9. edt82

    mapping IE security settings to regsitry keys

    What!!?? sorry for posting this twice, it was accidental and I can't/not sure how to delete it. Please post to the latest one. Apologies again.
  10. edt82

    mapping IE security settings to regsitry keys

    Hey All, Has anyone ever stumbled upon a thread/site etc that tranlates all the registry keys in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones\3....this branch contains all the security settings for the Internet Zone ussed to classify sites. I want to find...
  11. edt82

    IE6 resuming downloads

    thanx for replying berton,weezecat. weezecat, are you using a 3rd party utility as well? If not, and you're using IE6 alone, did u get IE6 to resume a download 'straight out of the box' or is there a plug-in/SP/etc... from MS?
  12. edt82

    IE6 resuming downloads

    Hi everyone, I can't seem to find info about how to make IE6 resume interrupted dl's (is this possible at all?). I've already searched out MS's KB, and it hasn't said it was impossible but I failed to find out how. I know there are programs out there that are more friendlier in this respect...

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