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  • Users: soldieryap
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  1. soldieryap

    RMI slow/no response from server

    hi, when i tested my program (database system) on same computer, i dont have any problems, but while i tested on real network situation, there are some problems arised which i dont know why it happened, so i would like to have some comment from you guys, hope u could help out here, thanks. 1...
  2. soldieryap

    power dvd 4.0 problems

    u could try to use WinDVD
  3. soldieryap

    USB Write Caching on HDD

    thanks for your reply, that was my first tried, doesnt work. the "enable write caching" button is there, after u confirm it by clicking the OK button, it should work but the button is "unchecked" instead of "checked" next time u view the properties again. i done...
  4. soldieryap

    USB Write Caching on HDD

    hi, i couldnt find any solution to enable "write caching" on removable hard disk using USB, i know it's disable by default. i hope if i could get any solution from anybody here knows about that. thank you. p/s: no issue on performance or anything else, i just wanna know how to...
  5. soldieryap

    Cast Object instance to Its Original Type Class again

    actually i just tried to make my class more portable! my classes are actually not a big deal classes, i have several classes inherits JFrame, because of the reason self define methods, i can't casts them to Jframe and perform the functions. but afterwards i found it can't really good! and i...
  6. soldieryap

    Cast Object instance to Its Original Type Class again

    thanks for all of u guys, i finally find out the answer. and of course i do know the benefits of polymorphism or other OOp techniques, but the reason is my situation doesn't need abstract or interface because the classes i have does not have related to that level. maybe the code i design not...
  7. soldieryap

    Cast Object instance to Its Original Type Class again

    it's okay ! thanks anyway
  8. soldieryap

    Cast Object instance to Its Original Type Class again

    sorry, i keep mentioned no interface or Animal class. i created Dog, Cat & Fish is just for an example... because of some reason i must cast Dog/Cat/Fish to Object and now i have to cast it back to it's original type from object instance, i DON"T have and DON"T need Animal class...
  9. soldieryap

    Cast Object instance to Its Original Type Class again

    sorry about that, i didn't ignore ur advice and i did post previously to inform that my situation doesn't rely on polymorphism or interface, but just what i post didn't send successfully, that's why i ddin't post another one. that's only one example, sorry about that !! i know the concept...
  10. soldieryap

    Cast Object instance to Its Original Type Class again

    actually what the example i showed just a simple example that match my situation! my situation doens't concern about polymorphism, interface and so on ... and sorry about that my english explaination is too poor. And sorry that i don't really understand how ur example can match my situation...
  11. soldieryap

    Cast Object instance to Its Original Type Class again

    i wanna say thanks to you first :) but the example u showed previously doesn't match my situation, u only used that for stored back boolean and i can't figure out there's any way i can use/modify from ur example to suit my situation. And also Vector.toArray function return as object type, it...
  12. soldieryap

    Cast Object instance to Its Original Type Class again

    sorry that i mess up the question and thanks for all the guys in my previous question > Object Casting Question < i would like to clearly define my question again. Away from polymorphism or something else, i would like to know is there any solution/function that can cast an Object type...
  13. soldieryap

    Object Casting question

    hrm ... ! that's what i know, but now i need a solution to cast and obj to its original type and perform sound() function. normally we do to cast object to another type and perform the sound() function by: ((Dog) obj).sound(); but assume that i don't know what it original type is, how can i...
  14. soldieryap

    Object Casting question

    what actually i meant was casting to unknown type without checking my own class one by one, because once i have a lot of classes, i have to make bundle of code just for checking what type it original is. for example again: 1. Animal extends Object 2. Dog extends Animal 3. Cat extends Animal 4...
  15. soldieryap

    Object Casting question

    i wonder if there's solution to cast Object instance to its original Class Type without knowing its original type for example: Dog dog = new Dog(); Object obj = (Object) dog; is there possible to cast &quot;obj&quot; to its original type without the code like: Dog anotherDog = (Dog) obj...
  16. soldieryap

    SQL command with &quot;INNER JOIN&quot; in .net

    i tried a sql command in MS Access and it work properly but when i tried to put it in commandtext in vb.net (of course modified some to suit vb code), it had problems. how's that happened?? is that vb.net doesn't support it? thanks for answer me. example : SELECT bread.[bread id], bread.Name...
  17. soldieryap

    :: going to marker or frame after mpg plays ::

    try this code, it jump to marker &quot;main&quot; after played the movie (ex. mpg) : if sprite(me.spriteNum).movieTime = sprite(me.spriteNum).member.duration then go to movie &quot;main&quot; end if hope this help :)
  18. soldieryap

    Quiting an application

    coz your &quot;result&quot; is never store any data!! TRY: result = MsgBox(&quot;Are you sure you wish to quit the application?&quot;, MsgBoxStyle.YesNo) . . . OR If MsgBox(&quot;Are you sure you wish to quit the application?&quot;, MsgBoxStyle.YesNo) = MsgBoxResult.Yes Then End...
  19. soldieryap


    &quot;the moviepath&quot; should return the path of your movie eg. abc = the moviepath & &quot;document.doc&quot; get the file of your current movie folder
  20. soldieryap


    sqrt(Float(sprite(1).height)) should work

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