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Search results for query: *

  1. TheDoubleB

    Need help on SQL query to use in ASP page - please??

    Have you tried building you SQL statement using IF statements? If you query is based on data entered on the form then you can use IF request.form(&quot;name&quot;) <> &quot;&quot; Then ... and add a add a line to the SQL statement sql=sql & &quot;other criteria&quot;, building it as you go...
  2. TheDoubleB

    Form Footer to SUM a Non-Bound Time Field

    Can u send the form and code, I'll be glad to take and look and see if I can help? bb5124@comcast.net
  3. TheDoubleB

    can't edit data in Access 2000 form (but can edit subform data!)

    I had a similar problem and I created a new form and cut and pasted everything from the old to the new form (instead of importing) and the new form worked. I don't know if the problem was in the conversion. I didn't research it further because this worked.
  4. TheDoubleB

    Spliting a single name field into three fields

    Sorry, there were a few typos in the first piece of code I sent. Private Sub Command21_Click() On Error GoTo Err_Command21_Click Dim dbs Dim rMST Dim FN As String Dim A() As String Dim I As Integer Set dbs = CurrentDb() Set rMST = dbs.OpenRecordset(&quot;Select * from EnterTableNameHere Where...
  5. TheDoubleB

    Spliting a single name field into three fields

    My code is looking for a SPACE between values. You can replace the &quot;,&quot; with &quot; &quot; and it will parse correctly. You can cut and paste the code behind the On_Click event of a button on any form, just change the &quot;Command21&quot; in the code with your button name.
  6. TheDoubleB

    Spliting a single name field into three fields

    I use this code behind a button: Private Sub Command21_Click() On Error GoTo Err_Command21_Click Dim dbs Dim rMST Dim FN As String Dim A() As String Dim I As Integer Set dbs = CurrentDb() Set rMST = dbs.OpenRecordset(&quot;Select * from EnterTableNameHere Where ([FullName] > ' ')&quot;) Do...
  7. TheDoubleB

    Group Output

    It is a multi-table query. I use nested <CFOUTPUT>'s for the GROUP Function. If I use <CFOUTPUT query=&quot;UData&quot; GROUP=&quot;CODE&quot; >. I get one header record at the &quot;CODE&quot; level and multiple Detail records by nesting the <CFOUTPUT>'s.
  8. TheDoubleB

    Group Output

    My goal is to duplicate an existing Access Report. The first table has the basic information. The middle paragraph is just a small line with the address, city, state, etc. I'm using the nested <CFOUTPUT> to show the detail for each unit record. Taking out the style didn't help. If you want to...
  9. TheDoubleB

    Group Output

    There is a ampersand nbsp in between those <P> </P>'s. I noticed it didn't show them after I posted the code.
  10. TheDoubleB

    Group Output

    Here it is: <CFOUTPUT query=&quot;UData&quot; GROUP=&quot;CODE&quot; > <TABLE Align=&quot;left&quot; Cellspacing=0 border=&quot;0&quot; WIDTH=&quot;80%&quot; > <TR> <TD><FONT Size=&quot;-1&quot; color=&quot;blue&quot;>REG</FONT></TD> <TD><FONT Size=&quot;-1&quot...
  11. TheDoubleB

    Group Output

    I am grouping my output and when there are more than three detail records in the group the next group heading displays over the top of the previous line. If there are only three group records then it works fine. Anyone ever have this problem?
  12. TheDoubleB

    Add group permission when creating a table

    I haven't been able to find any sort of help or solution about granting group permission to a table without going through the security menu. Can I use the Owner property in the MYSYSOBJECTS? and if I do, how does system know if its a group or user permission?
  13. TheDoubleB

    Add group permission when creating a table

    I have a secure DB that has code to delete and then recreate a new table. When the table is recreated the owner is the current user and when another user with the same group permissions logs on, it will not let them delete and recreate this table. Set tdf =...
  14. TheDoubleB

    Select Query works but not Update

    Never mind....must have been temporarily brain-dead...just changed the double quotes to single quotes....
  15. TheDoubleB

    Select Query works but not Update

    I am using the following codes: <CFQUERY name=&quot;SNNote&quot; dbtype=&quot;ODBC&quot; datasource=&quot;Afr&quot;> Select * from Notes Where SNID =#NR# </CFQUERY> This works and I can display the data. However, when I try an update with: <CFQUERY name=&quot;SNUpdNote&quot...
  16. TheDoubleB

    ODBC 37000

    Guess I should include the error. ODBC Error Code = 07001 (Wrong number of parameters) [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 4.
  17. TheDoubleB

    ODBC 37000

    This is a simple update that is giving me problems. <CFQUERY name=&quot;UpdateNotes&quot; dbtype=&quot;ODBC&quot; datasource=&quot;Notebook&quot;> Update Notes Set ContactPerson=&quot;#Form.Person#&quot;, ContactPhone=&quot;#Form.Phone#&quot;, Notes=&quot;#Form.Note#&quot; Where ID='#NR#'...
  18. TheDoubleB

    Linked Objects on Reports

    I am creating a Employee book. I use the following code to display the linked picture on a form. The filename is stored in the table in field [PicLoc]. The form field name is [Image40]. If it isn't found I use the NoPicAvail.bmp. Private Sub Form_Current() Set fs = Application.FileSearch...

Part and Inventory Search
