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Search results for query: *

  1. jabez1771

    Need Help with WinFax PLEASE & THANKS

    First of all, I'm not sure that I've posted this is the correct place. If I haven't I would appreciate it if someone could move it to the correct spot. OK. Here is my situation. Currently I have a regular phone line with distinctive ring. The distinctive ring allows me to have a “separate”...
  2. jabez1771

    Cant choose email account to send from - Outlook 200

    Any help or advice out there?? Jabez
  3. jabez1771

    Cant choose email account to send from - Outlook 200

    Please tell me that this is not true anymore. I use XP Home and Outlook 2000. I just swtiched to workgroup from internet only because the McAfee Spam Killer won't work for more than one e-mail account unless I switched. It was a pain but I figured out how to get my multiple address books to...
  4. jabez1771

    Excel 2000 - Look-up Box/List Box??

    Thank you. I'll give it a try.
  5. jabez1771

    Excel 2000 - Look-up Box/List Box??

    Would this be considered a "V-lookup?
  6. jabez1771

    Excel 2000 - Look-up Box/List Box??

    I'm not exactly sure how to ask this question the right way so I'll just explain what I've got and what I'm trying to do with it. Currently, I have an Excel spreadsheet that I created in order to list the bills that need to be paid. It has columns for vendor name, vendor number, invoice...
  7. jabez1771

    How Do I Add a New "User" to Win 2000???

    .... I figured it out... Control Panel Add User Simple Thanks
  8. jabez1771

    How Do I Add a New "User" to Win 2000???

    I need to ad a new user to Windows 2000 but I am not sure how to do this. If anyone can provide tips it would be greatly appreciated.
  9. jabez1771

    In Desperate NEED. Please help

    ski, Well, I was in the process of restarting my computer to follow your advice when I realized that I had left my Windows 2000 disk in the drive. It went through all the Windows 2000 loading and then asked if I wanted to reinstall 2000 or repair it. I exited the program there and tried to...
  10. jabez1771

    In Desperate NEED. Please help

    Thank you. I'll go give it a try.
  11. jabez1771

    In Desperate NEED. Please help

    I'm using my neighbors computer to post this issue because I can't use mine!! I'm not sure what is going on but my video is jumping (vertically) very fast on any open program or software (internet, e-mail, excel, word, etc). The only thing that does not jump is my wallpaper and desktop. This...
  12. jabez1771

    Help Please - I've very confused

    Update.. I installed Ad-ware and it deleted 7 files. Rebooted. Same problem. Went to start>run>msconfig and selected start-up tab. "reg32" is listed there. Went to http:/www.sysinfo.org/startuplist.php to check it out. It says that the "reg32" start up is a...
  13. jabez1771

    Help Please - I've very confused

    Thank you for the lighting fast responses. I'll check them both out. Jabez
  14. jabez1771

    New Sound Blaster installation but no sound.

    Well.. my speakers are not working anymore. I don't know what happened. They were working fine and then....?? Does anyone know why they might have died and what I can do to fix them?? Thanks Jabez
  15. jabez1771

    Help Please - I've very confused

    I have a computer running XP. All of a sudden the other day, internet explorer reset it's home page to: C:\Windows\Secure. I don't know why or how it did this. I can tell you that I have gone in under internet options and changed it back to the correct home page many times now, but each time...
  16. jabez1771

    FrontPage 2003 - Missing Naviation Bar

    I've got most of it working again. Still some pages hanging out there but I'll keep trying.
  17. jabez1771

    FrontPage 2003 - Missing Naviation Bar

    Noticed that in navigation view my new home page "index.htm" has the "home icon" on it but it is not "linked" (with a line) to anything. That's probably most of the problem. Any suggestions??
  18. jabez1771

    FrontPage 2003 - Missing Naviation Bar

    I guess I screwed something up. I had my website set with navigation bars on the left side. All pages had the same navigaton bar. Then I added a "front page" that I designed just so say welcom and "click here to enter". I did not want the naviation bar on that front page...
  19. jabez1771

    New Sound Blaster installation but no sound.

    I'M DONE!!! I HAVE SOUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANKS VERY MUCH EVERYONE FOR YOUR SUPPORT AND HELP!!!!!! Here's what I did... I remembered that when I reinstalled the old soundcard the computer "found new hardware". It wanted to search for new drivers. I told it NO. So I thought I...
  20. jabez1771

    New Sound Blaster installation but no sound.

    Thanks Bill & Fenix I can tell you that it is an HP Pavillion. Sticker on the back says 8750C Pent III. That's about all I know. I can find the manual on it. I used to have a speaker icon down in the right corner but since I upgraded to WIN 2000 from 98 it is no longer there. It did...

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