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Excel 2000 - Look-up Box/List Box??

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Technical User
Jan 24, 2003
I'm not exactly sure how to ask this question the right way so I'll just explain what I've got and what I'm trying to do with it.

Currently, I have an Excel spreadsheet that I created in order to list the bills that need to be paid. It has columns for vendor name, vendor number, invoice number, descrpition, account, etc, etc.

I created what I think is called a list box. It is located on the same page (off to the right). This box contains a listing of all of our vendors in one column, the next column contains vendor specific information and the third column contains the vendor number.

On the form itself, when you are in the vendor name column, you have to scroll down the entire list (which pulls from the list box) to find the correct vendor. When you do this and click enter, it will then place the correct vendor info and vendor number in the next two columns.

My question is, is there a way to modify this list box so that instead of scrolling down the entire list, we can just start typing the vendor name until it reaches that vendor and then hit enter?? I know I've seen this done before on other sheets but I don't know how to do it. It would be much easier and faster if we could do this.

Please keep in mind that while I have been succesful and a lot of Excel things (like this list box) I am FAR from an expert so simple language would be helpful.

Thank you so much.


Would this be considered a "V-lookup?
From Excel Help:

If the first few characters you type in a cell match an existing entry in that column, Microsoft Excel fills in the remaining characters for you. Excel completes only those entries that contain text or a combination of text and numbers; entries that contain only numbers, dates, or times are not completed.
• To accept the proposed entry, press ENTER. The completed entry exactly matches the pattern of uppercase and lowercase letters of the existing entries.
• To replace the automatically entered characters, continue typing.
• To delete the automatically entered characters, press BACKSPACE.
• To select from a list of entries already in the column, right-click the cell, and then click Pick from List on the shortcut menu.


Since I have limited VB experience, I often have to use 'work-arounds'. Someone will probably come up with a better way, but the way I would do is insert enough rows at the top of my 'form' so I could list all the names in the column above where I wanted to selected them.

You can set the form to open at the line where the form actually begins or you can 'hide' the rows above. It ain't pretty but it should work.
You can use a combo box.

Its similar to a list box except you can type in data that doesn't exist.

From the control tool box, drag a combo box over.

Right click the combo box and click "properties" on the properties scroll down to "Listfillrange" and enter in the range of cells that has the data you want to allow the user to select.

After your done close the properties box. On the control tool box click "Exit design mode" first icon on the top left corner of the tool box. This will activate the combo box so that it works.

Make sure you have date in your range.

If you don't know where your control box is go to view then toolbars and make sure "Control Toolbox" is selected.

Hope this is what your looking for.

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