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Search results for query: *

  1. Eltoque

    Automatic assigning

    Hello, I have a question that may be well beyond my abilities with Access, but it never hurts to ask. Here is what I am doing: I would like to have a list be automaticly and randomly distributed among a group ( ie placing the items in their respective initials). The individuals would be...
  2. Eltoque

    Multiple individual switchboards...one data source

    I was unable to find an answer to this question but perhaps I was not searching with th correct phrasing: I would like each person in my group to have their own Access swithchbord...essentially thier own Access file but I still want them to feed off the same data so any chnages made to data...
  3. Eltoque

    Timed files??

    This sounds interesting. I would like to see what you mean when you get a chance. Like I mentioned...my skils are "Fair" but I have done pretty good at reading and understanding codes. Thank you!!
  4. Eltoque

    Timed files??

    I don't know if this is possible or not and if it is, it seems it may be a bit out of my leaugue but here it goes: I have a database in Access 97. Multiple users. It is set up with records on a continuous form and when a person on the team goes in to work on an item, they select their name...
  5. Eltoque

    Making a date update based on chnages in another field

    I know this is a simple function but I am not very ACCESS savvy and it has been a while since I have programmed this function. Using '97 I need to set up the code so when I make an update to a certain field, I different field automaticly updates with today's date. Any thoughts!!??
  6. Eltoque

    Tex box that ca be edited

    I currently have a rather extensive database that we work off of. What I want to do is to ba able to write notices and post them so they can been seen on the main form. I want the users to be able to see changes everytimr the form refreshes. I can do this with calculated numbers but have been...
  7. Eltoque

    Expandable Lists

    In Access 97: Is it possible to create an expandable list such as the ones you see in Windows NT Explorer: + Item One + Item Two + Item Three + Sub 1 + Sub 2 + Sub 3 (Is it called a tree? I can't remeber...my MS DOS days...) Where if i click the plus sign in "Item...
  8. Eltoque

    Reading ACCESS 97 in ACCESS 2000

    I currently have a few databases that were created with Access 97. We now have one person who has Access 2000 on their system. Since everyone else still uses 97, I do not want to reconfig for 2000. When the user with 2000 cannot open any of the 97 files. What can I do to allow the 2000 user...
  9. Eltoque

    Simple check box counting in a report

    SKO, thank you! I just went in and tried your very first suggestion again, which I tried before but didn't work. This time it did. I can only assume I must have had a misplaced comma or space or something. Sorry for all the trouble. Thanks to RichUK as well for the suggestions.
  10. Eltoque

    Simple check box counting in a report

    Yes, I did. I also tried using the words Yes, On and True to see if I could get it to trigger a response but with no success. I tried it with and without the double quotes. I am at a loss. Is it maybe something I need to do in the query or the table? Am I maybe using the wrong formula?
  11. Eltoque

    Simple check box counting in a report

    I am trying to count the number of times an item is checked in a question with multiple anweres. For example: Record 1: Option 1 - Checked Option 2 - Not checked Record 2: Option 1 - Checked Option 2 - Checked. I want to have the report show: Option 1 = 2 Option 2 = 1 etc. I DO know how to...
  12. Eltoque

    Changing color for a specific record

    My apologies. I am currently working on Access '97. Like I said, I can get it to work on the form but I have all the forms visible (like a data sheet) and was looking to get it to change color only for the records marked. ACCESS 97 may be too limited.
  13. Eltoque

    Changing color for a specific record

    Sorry, I mis-typed. The 6s in my formula are 7s but I do not think that makes a difference in the question I am asking.
  14. Eltoque

    Changing color for a specific record

    I already know how to get text to change based on a value in a field but when I do it, it is doing it to the entire form. For example: When a certain number of days have passed, the formula I have will change the field to Green but when I click on that record it makes that field in all records...
  15. Eltoque

    Counting records in a report

    Thank you. Based on all your suggestions I was able to get past the mental block I was having and finally made it work. This is THE best source for help I have ever found on ANY topic!!!
  16. Eltoque

    Counting records in a report

    I have a basic report and it has several columns. It has one "status" column based on a list. I am trying to get a report to count the number of each status type that comes up within the report (i.e. Completed = 5, In Process = 3, etc. It is important that it only takes what is the...
  17. Eltoque

    Returning NULL fields in a report with a query.

    I have a report that runs off a form query. The form query is working fine as well as all the componenets but when I run a report to return all record, it will not return records that have blank fields. How do I set up the query or report to make no designation between full records and records...
  18. Eltoque

    Tab Activity in a form

    I just answered my own question on the field for edit move. But the TAB issue is still throwing me. I can't seem to find anything in properties that helps.
  19. Eltoque

    Tab Activity in a form

    First I want to thank jaydlewis, Uncle Jack and Rick Sprague. Thanks to you combined assistance I was able to creat a really powerful form query. This question is probably very remedial but I cannot seem to figure out how to fix it. When I created a form, it has multiple fields but when you...
  20. Eltoque

    A prompt with multiple criteria for displaying a report...

    Thank you all very much. I will give your suggestions a go and let you know what happens. I understand queries and such but I have yet to get to a level where I can really make them work for me. But I am working on it! Thanks again!

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