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  1. Moooink


    Ok now a real question. Trying to dynamically load .flv files. I've used the actionscript example from macromedia's site and it seems to be loading correctly. But only the audio is playing. My display link appears to be correct, but I cannot figure out why it is not playing the video. here is my...
  2. Moooink

    .swf not working on website

    turns out you need the .flv file too! yay i am good at this question answer dilly!
  3. Moooink

    .swf not working on website

    I have a .flv video that embeded into a .swf. the .swf runs fine on my computer locally, but when i put it on a webserver, the video does not play. what am i doing wrong?
  4. Moooink

    Media Controller

    http://www.swfx.org/flv-duration/index.jsp seemed to do the trick
  5. Moooink

    Media Controller

    hmmm, well i didn't realize that you had to specify the length of the video in order for the bar thing to work. that seemed to have fixed it.
  6. Moooink

    Media Controller

    I'm having trouble using the new built in media controller that comes with flash mx 2004. I understand how to link it to a .flv file and it plays and all that nicely. the problem is that when you try to use the seek bar to fast forward or rewind, the seek bar simply stays all the way on the...
  7. Moooink

    GD - how to use

    if you check the php resource website there are some auto image resize classes already written that use GD and that are very simple to implement into your own processes.
  8. Moooink

    Include error?

    my own machine. the php.ini was altered but only in one spot, to allow php_gd2.ini to be of use to a separate image altering thumbnail creating script.
  9. Moooink

    Include error?

    well for some reason it was not allowing a URL to be included, but if i included the direct path (calendar/events.php) WITHOUT the ?limit=1...it appears to work. Not sure why this is so.
  10. Moooink

    Include error?

    line 14 of main.php is: <td valign=top> <?php include("http://www.seminolewarhawkband.com/calendar/events.php?limit=1"); ?> </td> The include is correct, and has worked in the past.
  11. Moooink

    Include error?

    On my main page I have an include that calls to a calendar events script. It has been working for months flawlessly and now suddenly it is giving a bizzare error. The include path is correct, and when browsing the events.php file by itsself, the script works. Any ideas? PHP Warning: main()...
  12. Moooink

    stream a mpeg clip

    embed the file in a page..
  13. Moooink

    Opening two files with one shortcut

    Is it possible to open two separate executable (.exe) files with one short cut? I know that you can open word.exe and then blah.doc but is there any possible way to open two .exe files together? The two .exe's that i need to open are totally separate and one cannot open the other, i just need a...
  14. Moooink

    list/split &amp; undefined offset

    Can someone explain to me the reason the list/split functions give an Undefined offset error? PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in C:\www\seminolewarhawkband\www\index.php on line 22 and line 22 is: list ($i, $j) = split (&quot;[/]&quot;, $id);
  15. Moooink

    i hate perl

    since upgrading apache and perl, perl has failed to work in all aspects, and i have given up on it. Modules seem to not exist now, whereas a few months ago, they were there great and dandy. BLAH PERL! PHP is the way to go, definatly. Lets all just go to perl headquarters and burn the place. yes...
  16. Moooink

    filtering http://

    is there a way to validate a form to check and see if a user has included the http:// in a url form. having trouble with people simply typing www.blah.com, and this is causing problems. is there a snipplet anywhere that has this validation code, or anything like that? thanks -moo
  17. Moooink

    Task manager not showing right things

    ok just kidding, solved my problem! silly kioski mode or whatever
  18. Moooink

    Task manager not showing right things

    when trying to open the task manager, i receive this screen different from what is the normal task manager. what i get is a screen with no toolbars, nor minimize, max, close buttons, and no title bar. a solid grey window. inside the window it has several columns and the current user's name that...
  19. Moooink

    retarded newbie question

    great thanks so much!
  20. Moooink

    retarded newbie question

    this is what i'm trying to print.. echo &quot;<td>&quot;.$row['email'].&quot; <&quot;.$row['fname'].&quot;&nbsp;&quot;.$row['lname'].&quot;>,</td>\n&quot;; and its printing: email@aol.com , email2@aol.com , what am i doing wrong? i cant find where its wrong, and its not giving any error..

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