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Search results for query: *

  1. PammyBoy

    problems with win2k server vpn

    Hi All! Okay, so I have the win2k server at my office setup with a vpn. I installed a second NIC and forwarded port 1723 on my router. Remote clients can connect to the vpn and browse the files on the network. Now the only problem is, users on the LAN cannot print to the network printer, access...
  2. PammyBoy

    vpn server in linux

    Great, so poptop is the way to go. If this works, it'll make me look good because I'll save my boss a considerable amount of money, it should run smoothly provided I configure it correctly, and it'll help me push the company towards a total linux infrastructure than our current highly unstable...
  3. PammyBoy

    vpn server in linux

    Hello All, I'm new to linux but am intensely curious of the power it potentially could bring to my company. My company is looking for a vpn solution. We currently are running a windows 2000 server and a few remote users would like access to files on the server. I was wondering, is there a way...
  4. PammyBoy

    need specs for a webserver

    Brian, Are you serious??? This is all I would need? Would I still need the T1 line? The reason I ask is that we're currently paying $700/month to host this website. This is our fourth host, the previous three told us they couldn't mantain the bandwidth usage. And if the website is currently...
  5. PammyBoy

    need specs for a webserver

    Thank you for the tip!
  6. PammyBoy

    need specs for a webserver

    By type, I mean single processor? dual processor? Intel Xeon? AMD Athlon MP? SCSI hd's? RAID0+1? I just don't want to build a server that's more than necessary. And yes, I will be running linux and Apache. That decision was reached thanks to your very helpful advice from an earlier forum. Tom
  7. PammyBoy

    need specs for a webserver

    Hello All, I'm taking my first crack at building a web server. I have a T1 line dedicated to the web server. The only problem is, I don't know what type of server to build. I don't want to build a super server and have it never fully used. The only thing I have to go on are, the web page...
  8. PammyBoy

    are websites platform independent?

    Wow! Thank you to both of you for the info. Tom
  9. PammyBoy

    are websites platform independent?

    So you're saying the CGI and flash might need to be modified if they were originally written on an IIS machine and I want to move the website to an Apache machine?
  10. PammyBoy

    web server newbie.... need help!

    20,000 hits per day, as per my friend.
  11. PammyBoy

    are websites platform independent?

    Hello All, I'm new to web servers and was wondering, if I have an already made website and would like to host it myself, does it matter if I make my own web server running apache or IIS? My website contains a lot of CGI and Flash. What i'm asking is, are websites platforms independent? Would I...
  12. PammyBoy

    web server newbie.... need help!

    Hi All, A friend runs a website and wants me to build him his own server so he can host it himself. The site contains 280 pages of content (flash, pictures, message boards, etc.), no e-commerce, just content and the site gets about 20,000 hits per day. I told him that a T1 line plus a custom...
  13. PammyBoy

    can this be done in vb? at all?

    I've been swamped at work and my attention has been drawn away to other more pressing projects. However, I did find an ocr sdk called smartlink that might make writing my screen scraper a little easier.
  14. PammyBoy

    MSComm Control Phone Dialer App Help

    Thanks for the tip. I've been searching the MSDN library online and I found info on MSComm and the OnComm event, but I can't the property for a busy signal. Could you please provide a little more assistance? Thank you. Tom
  15. PammyBoy

    MSComm Control Phone Dialer App Help

    Hello All! Okay, from the helpful info received from my last thread regarding this subject I've managed to write a simple VB app that'll dial a phone number and let me communicate with the other person. Now, how do I check for a "busy" signal? How do I check for the other signals? Is...
  16. PammyBoy

    why use a patch panel?

    okay... so no patch panel. I'm going to setup a peer-to-peer network... Can I just connect the DSL router to a 16-port switch and have all the computer share the DSL connection without a server?
  17. PammyBoy

    why use a patch panel?

    great thanks for the info! Tom
  18. PammyBoy

    why use a patch panel?

    Hello All, I'm new to the hardware aspect of networks and was hoping someone would be able to help me out. A friend of mine is running a small business and asked me to help him setup a network of 8 computers with hopes of adding more in the near future. Now, I've setup small home networks, but...
  19. PammyBoy

    internet phone repeat dialer

    Hello All! Is it possible to write a VB app that would call a phone number and if the number is busy, hang up and call again until someone on the other end picks up? Can anyone offer any advice? -Tom
  20. PammyBoy

    can this be done in vb? at all?

    Wow! Thanks to both you for all your advice. You were right in assuming that I do not have access to the AIX machine; screen scraping seems to be the only way to go. And because of your detailed advice, I'm going to take a try at writing my own screen scraper for this project. As always, I'll...

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