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Search results for query: *

  1. rlarson

    MySQL socket error in DataStage

    I'm able to connect to the database with other tools (nothing available from the sun box). And my unix admin says the port is open and available for use.
  2. rlarson

    MySQL socket error in DataStage

    I'm trying to do an import from an ODBC source. Instead of retreiving the list of tables it returns the error "Can't connection to local MySQL". From all of the documentation that I've found - if the port is defined the sockets setting is ignored. Any suggestions where to go from here...
  3. rlarson

    Safe way to obtain IDs

    Create a stored procedure in the db to handle this. Hope this isn't to late.
  4. rlarson

    Stored Procedure that parses on carriage return

    I've built a function to return the position of a given character within a string. I need to pass a carriage return or line feed character into this function from within another procedure. If I was calling the procedure from VB or other programming lanuages I'd pass in chr(13) or chr(10). How...
  5. rlarson

    Problem with Safari Applets

    I've added this after setting the width and height: window.status = "width = " + document.body.clientWidth + " height = " + document.body.clientHeight; The status bar displays the changes as the window is resized, but the applet doesn't change. Any other suggestions?
  6. rlarson

    Problem with Safari Applets

    No errors. Java console doesn't show anything except for loading the applet.
  7. rlarson

    Problem with Safari Applets

    The following code works just fine in IE6, but in Safari it's ignored. Is there a way to resize an applet after it's loaded in Safari? Thanks in advance. <html> <head> <title>Viewer</title> </head> <script language="JavaScript"> function resizeGrid() { /* Make the applet fit the...
  8. rlarson

    sending form to multiple pages

    Submit to the same page, from there determine if the window will close or return.
  9. rlarson

    OnChange event not working -- Help Erwino!

    Javascript is case sensitive document.forms.errordetail.clec.checked should be: document.forms.errordetail.CLEC.checked
  10. rlarson

    Too much space b/w two fields on the screen ...WHy?

    The <th> tag will center the data <td> will align right. As the width of the table changes (if it is not a fixed width) so to will the spacing within the <th> tag - keeping the data centered. One solution would be to fix the table width, another would be to fix the width of the <th> tag and a...
  11. rlarson

    Generating SQL report

    Correction SELECT a1.eid, a1.time as start, a2.time as end FROM APPLOG a1, APPLOG a2 WHERE a1.eid = a2.eid AND a1.event = 'start' AND a2.event = 'end' ORDER BY time
  12. rlarson

    Generating SQL report

    If your interested a self join on this table would like like: SELECT a1.eid, a1.time as start, a2.time as end FROM APPLOG a1, APPLOG a2 WHERE a1.eid = a2.eid ORDER BY time
  13. rlarson

    Frames and Forms question

    Define javascript functions on your index page to load your results to the desired frame or frames. Then from the search (or Add/Update) frame call the functions on the index page via javascript &quot;parent.myfunction();&quot;.
  14. rlarson

    What is wrong with this?

    line 4: datasource=&quot;#peregrine#&quot; other queries: datasource=&quot;peregrine&quot; Is the first reference (line 4) to a variable &quot;peregrine&quot;?
  15. rlarson

    Javascript Frames - Opening From Input Box

    Format I've found useful for working with frames. <script language=&quot;JavaScript&quot;> function selectpage(id) { if(id==&quot;userid1&quot;) { LoadFrame(&quot;default_page1.htm&quot;, &quot;frame1&quot;); } else { LoadFrame(&quot;default_page2.htm&quot...
  16. rlarson


    Wrote this little routine to handle some other formatting issues. Gives you more control over what's going on. <cfscript> function FormatDecimal(value, mask) { if(len(mask) EQ 0) { return value; } else { if(len(value) EQ 0) {value = 0;} k = len(mask); z = len(value)...
  17. rlarson

    QuerySetCell gotch ya.

    Ran into this little problem on MX. I was using: <cfset available_date = dateformat(now(), &quot;mm/dd/yyyy&quot;)> <cfset temp = QuerySetCell(qryWidgets, &quot;AvailableDate&quot;, available_date, qryWidgets.currentrow)> to add a formatted date value to a query. When I went to use the...
  18. rlarson

    Pop-up Window to separate URL

    <button style=&quot;border: none; background: transparent;margin:0px&quot; onClick=&quot;myfunction();&quot;><img ...></button> <script> function myfunction() { myform.action = &quot;...url...&quot;; myform.target = &quot;_blank&quot;; myform.submit(); } </script>

Part and Inventory Search
