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Search results for query: *

  1. petertickler

    Connection Problems - are they caused by CPS

    We have been running Continuous Protection Server (CPS) for a couple of months and I am beginning to wonder if it isn't causing problems. Users have been complaining of intermittent "Connection failure" messages when running desktop applications that connect to SQL server DBs (version 2000)...
  2. petertickler

    Working Out Someones Age

    Try using YearSpan.
  3. petertickler

    ADO/BDE Errors

    I don't know, but I am surprised you are moving from ADO to BDE. It sounds like a step backwards to me.
  4. petertickler

    I want to get rid off ClientDataSet

    Are you saying that you run the same query on different PCs, and one works OK, and the other doesn't? If so, have you checked that you have got the ADO connectivity installed on both PCs? In fact, what operating system are you running? Are you running the query from the second PC while the...
  5. petertickler

    What does '' inside the "" mean in Sql

    It is telling you that 'Interface_Installed' is a string which you are trying to match, not another field name in the table.
  6. petertickler

    What is the best report generator tool written in Delphi?

    What's wrong with using Quickreport? I have used it for ages in various versions of delphi.
  7. petertickler

    entering integers at runtime

    Try ... except ... " should work OK. However if you are running it from within the Delphi IDE, then I think it depends on how your debugger options (under Tools) are set. Try running the same piece of code as an application from the desktop, not from the IDE, and see what happens then. Peter
  8. petertickler

    QuickReports QRBand1BeforePrint looping twice at start

    Hard to tell, but if I was you I would look at the data. Maybe there is something unexpected in the data - maybe a blank record at the beginning or two identical records that you haven't realised. Put in messages to examine the data within each record. Peter
  9. petertickler

    "Multiple-step operation generated errors..." ?!

    Decimal isn't a standard Data Type in Delphi, and seems to be to be pretty old fashioned and relatively inefficient. In a sense, you are fortunate they supported in relation to 4.1! Glad my suggestion worked. Ta for the star.
  10. petertickler

    "Multiple-step operation generated errors..." ?!

    I suggest you try changing the DataType from decimal to a Double.
  11. petertickler

    "Multiple-step operation generated errors..." ?!

    This suggests to me that it may be something to do with your field names. Are you using names that are now reserved words, for example? Can you provide an example of the field names of tables that don't work? Peter
  12. petertickler

    Problems with FindLast command.

    If you are using a query to read your data, then you need to use the First ... Next commands. For example: with myQuery do begin if active then close; Parameters.ParamByName('id').Value := My_ID; open; first; while not EOF do begin // do something with the current record...
  13. petertickler

    "Multiple-step operation generated errors..." ?!

    Does your ADOConnection work OK? Can you open a simple ADOQuery against a table? What is your Operating System? It may be a question of upgrading your DB connectivity. Peter
  14. petertickler

    Bad file format message when trying to create component

    I have opened up the package. When I compile or build it, it seems to be fine. But when I do a syntax check of the package, I get a message: [Fatal error] Bad file format: 'BPCComp98.dcp' Help!
  15. petertickler

    Bad file format message when trying to create component

    I am trying to create a very simple component. I have used the Component wizard, but when I try to install the component (its ancestor type is TButton), I get the error message "[Fatal Error] dclusr.dpk(38): Bad file format: 'i:\delphi6_comps\bpccomps\BPCComp98.dcp'". BPCComp98 is a package...
  16. petertickler

    Populate Webform from Delphi Application

    Can you create a Cookie on their PC? If so, pick up their username from the cookie when they go to your website, and then run a query using their username as a parameter on your database. Display the results of the query on your webform. Peter
  17. petertickler

    Difficult Question About Searching Multiple Records???

    if you want to get anywhere with handling data, then you need to get to grips with SQL. Either use the SQL property of the TQuery if you are not going to change the SQL each time you run it. Of you can do it programatically, for example: with quGeneral do begin if active then close...
  18. petertickler

    Opening a PDF doc in Delphi 5

    Doh! Eureka! I have just upgraded my Acrobat Reader from version 5 to version 6 and it works like a dream. Thanks folks.
  19. petertickler

    Opening a PDF doc in Delphi 5

    I read somewhere that you can pass a Null value. Anyway, I have now tried with 'open' and the problem persists: i.e. it does not work!!! Peter
  20. petertickler

    Opening a PDF doc in Delphi 5

    I have tried repeating the ShellExecute without success, and I have tried it with SW_SHOW (and SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED and SW_SHOWNORMAL), but again without success. I have tried testing for errors with code like this: if ShellExecute(0, NIL, PChar('c:\temp\test.pdf'), PChar(''), PChar('')...

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