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I want to get rid off ClientDataSet

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Dec 14, 2005
I have a problem. On the form there are: ADOQuery, ClientDataSet and DataSource. DataSource is linked to ClientDataSet through the "DataSet" property. Now I have to get rid off this ClientDataSet. So I change "DataSet" property in the way that it is now linked with ADOQuery. Now, there are 2 computers. On one of them everything works great, on the other one I get the timeout error on ADOQuery.Active:=true;

Both machines are connected to the same server and to the same dataBase.

I have something in SQL property of ADOQuery, and my query is parametrized one:

1 ADOQuery.Parameters.ParamByName('Param1').Value:=sth;
2 ADOQuery.Active:=true;

When I comment the 1 line, everything works, but query of course. What can I do to make it work on both machines??
Are you saying that you run the same query on different PCs, and one works OK, and the other doesn't? If so, have you checked that you have got the ADO connectivity installed on both PCs? In fact, what operating system are you running?

Are you running the query from the second PC while the first PC is still logged onto the system? In which case there may be a record locking issue.

If none of this helps, you need to provide more information, and exactly what your SQL is.

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