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  • Congratulations SkipVought on being selected by the Tek-Tips community for having the most helpful posts in the forums last week. Way to Go!

Search results for query: *

  1. ThinWhiteDude

    PPoint 2007 Slide Orientation

    Re: PowerPoint version 2007 Either I must be taking crazy pills, or. . . I looked everywhere in version 2007 for the place to change slide orientation from Landscape to Portrait (usually in Page Setup) Finally resorted to PPoint Help, which told me to do it by using the Page Setup button on...
  2. ThinWhiteDude

    Very Newbie Question

    That's exactly what I need! I've already adapted it and put my 6 choices on the list. Thank you so my for all your help ... and have a star! Can I give you an extra star for all your patience with my errors? TWD
  3. ThinWhiteDude

    Very Newbie Question

    Oh Gosh, earthandfire, I forgot a couple of things: (First rule. . . tell them what you're using. . .) Yes, I'm using version 5 (2nd rule . . .give them ALL the info. . .) I am actually trying to populate one combobox in the first field (column) of the datagrid. I am sorry for breaking the...
  4. ThinWhiteDude

    Very Newbie Question

    Please forgive me if this is too basic for the forum, have tried to find the solution through subject search, no luck: I am learning VB Net after a hiatus since last using VB6 . . . what I would like to do is populate a column of a data grid with a "hard list" for demo purposes, until I can...
  5. ThinWhiteDude

    Need Help with Where arguement in DoCmd.OpenForm

    PHV-- That did it --I should have caught those spaces in the literal. Thanx & Have a star
  6. ThinWhiteDude

    Need Help with Where arguement in DoCmd.OpenForm

    Remou, Would love to do that, but I copied the entire line of Randy's code and pasted it in, and came up with no record. TWD
  7. ThinWhiteDude

    Need Help with Where arguement in DoCmd.OpenForm

    Remou & Randy, I tried both of your suggestions, but neither worked. I think there is something about using the "where" condition on a form that I'm getting wrong. I switched tactics and decided to work with the filter arguement instead, with this code: DoCmd.OpenForm...
  8. ThinWhiteDude

    Need Help with Where arguement in DoCmd.OpenForm

    Using Access 2003: I am trying to open a form from a listbox and having the devil of a time with the where condition. This is in the OnClick for the listbox, which is one of many listboxes on the form. They all need the same code (thus the ActiveControl usage) –basically to open a report that...
  9. ThinWhiteDude

    Run Access Macro from Windows XP Scheduler

    PHV --Thanks once again for your help, the syntax correction (plus specifying the program path) were just what I needed. Couldn't test until today --running fine. TWD
  10. ThinWhiteDude

    Run Access Macro from Windows XP Scheduler

    Hi to all, Using Access 2003. . . I have been having some trouble running an Access macro directly from Windows XP Scheduled Tasks. Here's my command line: "C:\Documents and Settings\mp.Company\My Documents\Cust\EPA DB\Inspections_Add-On\Cust_DB_5-3-07.mdb" \x...
  11. ThinWhiteDude

    Print form in Landscape

    HUGE APOLOGY TO THE WHOLE FOUM: Please don't waste your time on this one, I found out what I was doing wrong, am almost too embarassed to admit it, but I had put another print command earlier in the procedure, that I missed. . . . Again, humblest apologies to all.
  12. ThinWhiteDude

    Print form in Landscape

    Using Access 2003, here's the story: My client wants a form to print, once users are done filling it out --He does NOT want a report made, but the actual form. I have been trying to get the thing to print out in landscape using the following code on the click event of a command button...
  13. ThinWhiteDude

    Variable month and Year on Crosstab

    I have a crosstab query that produces a breakdown of the current month's injury reports by department. I would like to have the user be able to pick a different month and different year from an unbound form (which uses Calendar controls to let them pick dates) and am having some trouble figuring...
  14. ThinWhiteDude

    Keep focus out of combo-box

    Thanks, PHV By also putting that line of code into the click event for the combo, I was able to get what I want. TWD
  15. ThinWhiteDude

    Keep focus out of combo-box

    My client wants users to be able to choose from the drop-down list, but not be able to type in the combo. I have explained to him that I can set it up that they can't actually enter any data they want, and must choose from the list, but he would like them to not even be able to set the insertion...
  16. ThinWhiteDude

    Keep focus out of combo-box

    Thanks for quick reply, PHV. Sorry I forgot to mention I have "limit to list" set to "yes." Still able to set focus in combobox.
  17. ThinWhiteDude

    Keep focus out of combo-box

    Can someone tell me how to keep the user from being able to put the insertion point in a combobox without disabling or locking it? Maybe I'm just having a brain freeze, and this is easily solved. If so, I apologize for the redundancy. Thanx, TWD
  18. ThinWhiteDude

    Remove item from combobox based on table?

    Vic: This looks beauteous. I will be applying this to my database tomorrow and will apprise you of the progress. What an elegant solution. . . Thanks much! TWD
  19. ThinWhiteDude

    Remove item from combobox based on table?

    I've done a pretty thorough search of the archives and haven't found an answer to this problem: Here's the setup. I have a form with a couple of comboboxes: cboDept gets its values from tblDepartment cboEmSrc gets its values from tblEmissionsSource As each dept has different emissions...
  20. ThinWhiteDude

    Print Multiple copies using Shell Execute API

    Thanks to Roy Vidar I am able to print an external file from Access, via: Private Declare Function apiShellExecute Lib "shell32.dll" _ Alias "ShellExecuteA" _ (ByVal hwnd As Long, _ ByVal lpOperation As String, _ ByVal lpFile As String, _ ByVal lpParameters As String, _...

Part and Inventory Search
