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  1. SBSaikia

    Restoring a V440 using Solaris9 and Solstice

    Breaking mirror is not mendatory. But iportant to cleanup the old files by newfs. Obcourse to do the whole process - creating newfs, restoring etc you have to boot the system from CDROM. I think this forum got detailed procedure fro such restoration, pls try to find...
  2. SBSaikia

    get NIC configuration in solaris (speed, full/half duplex)

    Method#1 ndd -get /dev/$INTERFACE link_speed ndd -get /dev/$INTERFACE link_mode INTERFACE can be hme0,qfe0 etc. Method#2 kstat command gives all thses & more info. Godluck!
  3. SBSaikia

    How to Recover files/dir from "lost+found" folder?

    Thanks Annihilannic. Any other ideas from other experts....? Thanks! SBS
  4. SBSaikia

    How to Recover files/dir from "lost+found" folder?

    Hi, Is there a practical way to recover files/dir from "lost+found" folder? thanks in advance. SBS
  5. SBSaikia

    UFSdump questions

    Mag0007, "... I am doing this. su - cd /tmp ufsdump 0 /opt It has completed, where is the image located now? ..." Did you expect the dump file at /tmp?. Note that /tmp is volatile, content will be wiped out upon reboot... Your above command will create the dump file at /dev/rmt/0 (the...
  6. SBSaikia

    Solaris 9 sendmail

    For sendmail on solaris9 put the entry for Smart relay host in the submit.cf. Does it work?
  7. SBSaikia

    Solaris 9 sendmail

    For sendmail on solaris9 put the entry for Smart relay host in the submit.cf. Does it works?
  8. SBSaikia

    Data Recovery on rm files

    Hi Popcorn, Great to know ur news. Plese let us know the steps, it will be great help in case of urgency like the one you faced.. ;-) Thanks in advance. SBS
  9. SBSaikia

    cron not running any jobs

    "...My Unix SA tells me there is a bug in Solaris8 if you use crontab -e via ssh. I can't understand the connection. I just logged into the box using a ssh client (telnet is not allowed in our environment) and ran crontab -e. ..." Yes, there is connection with: crontab + Solaris8 + SSH + BSM...
  10. SBSaikia

    daemon process and login via script

    I agree with "coffeysm"'s suggestion: only add a "nohup" to keep it running in background. eg: #!/bin/ksh su - USER -c "cd /dir; nohup ./command &" Hope this will help.
  11. SBSaikia

    Invoking executables as a certain user

    Another option is: Use "su" command to the spacific user. For ex. Your above scripts to run as user x : login to root : #su - x -c "cd /VZ/opt/vignette/autonomy/AutoIndexer; \ ./Start.sh" For more info read man su Hope this helps.
  12. SBSaikia

    solaris local disks

    Hi, No need to bang your head that hard, use the format command. This will list out all disk information. Example : #format Searching for disks...done AVAILABLE DISK SELECTIONS: 0. c1t0d0 <SUN72G cyl 14087 alt 2 hd 24 sec 424> /pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/sd@0,0 1. c1t1d0...
  13. SBSaikia

    How to know which sun package includes which files

    Lets say, Solaris 9.
  14. SBSaikia

    How to know which sun package includes which files

    Hi Gurus, How to know which sun package includes which files? For eg. in a situation when try to start apache it complains about: not found libsendfile.so.1 etc. Now need to know what package includes that file so that I can install it. Is there any easy way or any website/sourse have all the...
  15. SBSaikia

    how to find out what network cards are in the machine

    prtdiag -v will give you hardware information on the system.
  16. SBSaikia

    Apache 2.0.52 and solaris 9

    Wow ! u know so many things, but the simple pkgadd command..! "I need to install apache, openssl, db-4.2, expat,gdbm,libiconv,libxml2 and zlib." 1. add all d packages u mentioned with pkgadd, nothing more than that. 2. Not necessary to uninstall the existing apache as its on different path...
  17. SBSaikia

    how to check swap space in solaris 9 ?

    Yes, swap -l gives size in blocks. One block is 512 byte. So, (blocks/2)=kbyte
  18. SBSaikia

    How to setup the telnet service???

    maryam: 1st confirm if telnet is working on the host without going for network. can check with $telnet localhost OR $telnet 0 23 If working, then look for network issue.
  19. SBSaikia


    The standard procedure would be use ACL. Please See man setfacl for details.... good luck. -sbs
  20. SBSaikia

    set $PATH in Gnome?

    You need to set the PATH var in a profile which get executed every time you open a new terminal under Gnome. For eg: if you use ksh shell, $HOME/.kshrc (or what ever ENV var points to)... Lets know if it works...

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