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  1. Toonah

    Stop "auto update" at startup. Remove from toolbar.

    How do I stop this auto update thing? If I ignore it after a time it updates anyway and usually slows things down. The icon in tool bar seems to have changed since last year too. A newer version? It does not left you right click it and stop or anything.
  2. Toonah

    MSN and MSN Messenger...Remove it??

    I meant sign out....I looked at this Micro article and it does not mention W2K Pro. Same for this and XP Pro? thanks for pointing out this link.
  3. Toonah

    MSN and MSN Messenger...Remove it??

    That is unchecked. everything is unchecked but the second one grays out when you uncheck them all. this one remains checked and gray and is about open Mess main window when MSN starts......catch 22 here. I have to open it and sing out each time.
  4. Toonah

    MSN and MSN Messenger...Remove it??

    Can I remove Messenger and have MSN still work? of course the tech help says you can't do that or whole thing will explode my CPU. If so, how to remove? Or....how can I reset for no auto start up when starting MSN? Or this all just part of life with this huge, bloated, power robbing, slow...
  5. Toonah

    CD bulk auto load machine ???

    I know they make bulk burners to make 100 copies of a CD, but I need a bulk loader to load many many CDs onto a computer instead of sitting there for eternity. Anything like this exist? I need to load 1200 CDs onto a 1 TB external hard drive. Thanks !!
  6. Toonah

    Printing problem

    I figured this part out, but I can't delete my old "guest" account. Won't let me. I have done everything on this machine as administrator and now I hear I should have had a "real account" for everything and leave admin alone and just for major changes. Right or not so or??? Is there a way to...
  7. Toonah

    Add a new user or guest to my home rig???

    How do I add a guest or new user to my home computer with W2K Pro?? Thanks
  8. Toonah

    Load W95 onto old machine??

    Is that some old F disc thing? or is there a download for 95 format I can go get? I remember some of this from the olden days.....
  9. Toonah

    Load W95 onto old machine??

    Will I need floppy format discs like I have for W2K ? or can I pop in the W95 CD and just format from that and reinstall 95? thanks
  10. Toonah

    Load W95 onto old machine??

    I have a spare box with W2K on it. I can donate it if I reload W95 and give them the OEM disk with the box and the OS loaded. How do I go backwards and reinstall W95 on this old PII 300 rig? It is my first machine from early 1998 and is a doorstop right now. I can get a write off this way.
  11. Toonah

    Second box for network minimal and cheap?

    Right now all I have is the XP Pro. The summer sales should kick in soon. I want to go sort of cheap....beige case and all. My main concern is do I need a second vid card? My old Matrox won't go into a current MoBo from what I understand. I would even go AMD processor, 1 or 2 gig of RAM in new box.
  12. Toonah

    Second box for network minimal and cheap?

    I want to build a second box to network with my old PIII 733 box. Put all the graphics and scanners on new second box, keep Office and internet on old first box. So for the second box, I need case, power, MoBo, processor, HD x 2, CD burner, fans. Do I have to have a second Vid card? Can I just...
  13. Toonah

    SATA vs. Ultra ATA...and HD rpm ??

    I am watching the SATA drives come down in price so by this summer they should be lower still. Will not be that big a difference to me. What about the higher rpm for video work? Yes or maybe on that?
  14. Toonah

    SATA vs. Ultra ATA...and HD rpm ??

    I think I will build a second box this summer. Am I crazy not to go with SATA HDs? I will use for graphics. Also, do I have to use 10,000 rpm HDs vs. 7200 for any video work? These new HDs now with 16mb buffers etc.
  15. Toonah

    New HD into W2K Pro machine help.

    install"...use the 4 boot floppys and then the CD when directed to? This is what I am used to for reinstalling the O/S each time. thanks
  16. Toonah

    New HD into W2K Pro machine help.

    I want to install a new 200G HD into my old PIII-733 machine. I have an Asus P3V4X mobo. Have been running W2K Pro with SP4 for long time. Can I just take out my current two HDs, plug in new one, use 4 floppy boot disc, and then do CD install just like a reformat/install on an existing C drive...
  17. Toonah

    W 98 SE install over 98

    I have an ancient box with W98. I want to format HD and install 98SE. Do I need a boot floppie or what? I am used to using the 4 floppies for the W2K reformat/reinstall. Same same? No files or anything to save either.
  18. Toonah

    Upgrade from W2K Pro to XP Pro worth it??

    Thanks for your input! My networking expert just stopped by for some bike parts and he said I could run one box W2K and the other XP Pro with no problems. He agrees that I have so much crap that I do need two networked boxes. Said to run XP on the new box with SATA HDs, etc and 2 gig of RAM...
  19. Toonah

    Upgrade from W2K Pro to XP Pro worth it??

    I have a W2K box and may build a second box. Is there any comelling reason to upgrade to XP Pro for this? I have used W2k Pro for years and it seems to work fine, and I know how to reformat/reinstall it once a year or so. I would network the two boxes, one W2K and one XP Pro if it is worth the...
  20. Toonah

    XP Pro on networked boxes?

    Part two....if I have one box that is W2kPro, and one box that is XP Pro, will I have any networking problems? Am I better off putting everything on one new XP Pro box? I will run 2 SATA HD, cd, cd, floppy, external Zip, external HD, Canon film scanner, Epson flatbed scanner, two printers...

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