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  1. huntjr

    ADO vs CC

    sleipnir214, MasterKey is of data type int. Funny thing is, I dropped the database and recreated it, and it now seems to work??? Bizarre... Thanks for your input. I still can't explain what happened... Phil Hunt philh@dqc.com
  2. huntjr

    ADO vs CC

    This really has me puzzled... I have the following SQL statement: SELECT DateAdded, Folder, Filename, FolderID FROM MasterKey WHERE MasterKey=6301; I am using ADO and the following connection string: Provider=MSDASQL.1;Extended Properties="DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51...
  3. huntjr

    Making an ActiveX self-registering

    quovuz, If I understand what you are asking, an ActiveX server (DLL or EXE) is automatically capable of registering itself (assuming it exports DllRegisterServer, which VB does for you automatically). Run an EXE and it will register itself, and run "regsvr32.exe mycomponent.dll" to...
  4. huntjr

    VC++ COM DLL raising error 429 in Visual Basic 6.0

    I have created an MFC DLL in VC++ 6.0 with automation enabled and am able to compile it. The front end, Visual Basic 6.0, sees the COM info exported from the DLL (i.e., IntelliSense works). However, when I run code to create a new instance of a class in the DLL, it kicks back error 429...
  5. huntjr

    Application install on Windows 2000

    This problem is very similar to the "Application install on Windows 2000" thread (thread222-43803 have had the same problem on Windows 2000, but that is because the OS protects system files and will not allow anything to overwrite them, except for an OS patch. If someone knows how to...
  6. huntjr

    access 2000 database

    Check your references. You may be trying to use an older version of JET that will work with Access 97. If you try to open an Access 2000 dB in 97, it should give you an error. That may be what jet is trying to do here; it may be trying to call using an Access97 format instead of 2000. Phil...
  7. huntjr

    Mapping A Drive ????? help

    The Dir command simply lists the files in a given directory (folder). The command you gave will simply read the floppy and output the contents of A:\ on the screen. Press ESC on the Win95 startup screen to see what's happpening in DOS in the background. You'll see the output. <p>Phil Hunt<br><a...
  8. huntjr

    MS Windows Error 5

    I think that in Visual Basic, an error number 5 means &quot;Invalid procedure call or argument.&quot; If that's the case, you have a problem in the executable.<br><br>You mentioned that it's &quot;mainly&quot; DOS, so I assume there might be a Windows side to it as well.<br> <p>Phil Hunt<br><a...
  9. huntjr

    Fatal Exeption when opening a certain folder.

    I am running a Gateway Solo 2300 laptop, 166 mHz, 32 MB RAM, 3 Gig disk, and Win95B. I've had it for about two and a half years.<br><br>Anytime I try to open a paritcualar folder in Windows Explorer, I get the BSOD (Blue Screen of Death). It's a Fatal Exception 0E at 0157:BFF9A25B. It's exactly...
  10. huntjr

    Mapping A Drive ????? help

    Go in to Win Explorer. Click Tools, then Map Network Drive.<br>Select a drive and type in the net path you want to access. To make it auto-reconnect, click the checkbox that says Reconnect at logon. Also, make sure in your network properties for MS Client that Logon and Restore Conncections is...
  11. huntjr

    disabling close button (X) on form

    From what I understand, tyedyejenn wants the Min and/or Max buttons to still exist, but the close button (X) to just be disabled. If you set ControlBox = False, none will not appear at all.<br><br>P.S. - the code above is not really that complex. It's just a couple API calls and some constants...
  12. huntjr

    Get Icons for Files

    I need to do this at runtime. You can customize what program opens what file and what the Icon looks like (associations). I need to grab the icon. <p>Phil Hunt<br><a href=mailto:philh@dqc.com>philh@dqc.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>
  13. huntjr

    disabling close button (X) on form

    Below is some code I found, but unfortunately I do not have record of the author. I just wanted to say that I did not write this. One drawback is that the close menu item is not disabled, but made invisible. The X is just disabled. I hope this helps you.<br><br><FONT FACE=monospace>Option...
  14. huntjr

    Get Icons for Files

    Thank you very much for your help. Can you specify the size to retrieve (16x16 for detail view and 32x32 for large icon view, etc.)? And once it is put in the picture box, how do you add the image to an imagelist for use with a listview control? I know that when I see it, I'll kick myself, but I...
  15. huntjr

    e-mail arrives ATT00002.txt

    I had a similar problem, but it showed up as something like ATT00002.<b>HTM</b>. I think it was because the person sending it to me was using Outlook Express and I use Outlook 97. I could double-click the file to view the email in Internet Explorer. You might want to check with the sender and...
  16. huntjr

    Get Icons for Files

    I am writing a program that has a small feature of viewing files like Windows Explorer but simpler. I need a way of calling some API function(s) or something to grab the icon for a file (like the piece of paper out of a spiral notebook of text files, etc.), and if it's an application, its icon...
  17. huntjr

    ActiveX component can't create object (Err = 429)

    I had the exact same problem, too. I found out that if you reapply service packs for Office, that might fix it (you'll want to be running SP3 on VS97, too).
  18. huntjr

    Help File?

    When I wrote my help file for my application, I used HTML Help. That sped the process up a lot. I used FrontPage to develop my help file in the WYSIWYG environment. The HTML Help compiler is the program to glue your html files together.
  19. huntjr

    Building an Executable at runtime using VB

    Good point. Do you know how InstallShield can build executables, though?
  20. huntjr

    Building an Executable at runtime using VB

    I don't really want an Install program, but to allow programmers to use my application to design an Autorun program, and my program compile what they have done into an executable (they will not be able to edit code, just things like label captions, images, etc.). It's the same template...

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