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  • Users: Calen
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  1. Calen

    Need Old WW InSQL 8.0

    Thank you very much for checking. The version we need is from early 2002. In case that helps someone locate the CDs. Calen Computer Systems Process Engineer
  2. Calen

    Need Old WW InSQL 8.0

    Hi, We have an eight year old network of SCADA PC's that control some manufacturing equipment. At the begining of the month we suffered a hardware failure on the only server. (I didn't design or build the system, I'm just the most recent administrator.) (And, yes, we are planning on a...
  3. Calen

    How to Disable IE7 Being Always On Top

    Hi, Somehow, my Internet Explorer 7 has become set to Always on Top. This is not just very annoying, it has caused me to miss other windows, when I otherwise expected to see them on top as the most recent one called. How can I turn this "feature" off? I've looked through all of the settings...
  4. Calen

    Intermittent Illegal Command Failure

    Thanks for the reply, DavidMichel. No, without the Tape Engine service the backups don't work. As this is being done on a validated system, I don't have the leeway to experimentally edit the registry. Is there any other way known to get ARCServe 7 to automatically start after a reboot and...
  5. Calen

    Intermittent Illegal Command Failure

    Hi all, We have a validated system running Windows 2k and ARCServe 7, and I've been tasked with making ARCServe restart automaically when the server is rebooted. (Currently someone has to remember to restart ARCServe after the system is restarted.) However, when I set the ARCServe DB, Tape...
  6. Calen

    DB2 Training Info Request

    Hi all, My company is planning on purchasing SAP, and switching our database to DB2. (Currently we're using a mixture of flat files on Unix boxes and SQL Server.) Can anyone provide me with some links or suggestions to get some DBA training for DB2? This could help me keep my job. All help...
  7. Calen

    Delete dupes with a twist!

    Thanks MDXer, I was searching for the answer to a similar problem, and your solution worked for me. So a thank you star to you. Calen
  8. Calen

    DTS Text Import Error

    Thanks markVII, I have a similar task to what batteam described (only I have 14 50 to 100 MB files, with more coming) and have been getting the same error message tyring to import them into a SQL Server database. After breaking each of the flat files into 2 (or more) pieces, I was able to...
  9. Calen

    VB to C# translators

    Thanks to both of you! I entered a search for a C# to VB.Net converter and found this thread. Thanks redss, the converter you gave the link to, was just about exactly what I was looking for. Do you know of others? I recently inheirited a C# project that needs to be changed and redeployed next...
  10. Calen

    Executing a URL Command in a Job

    Thank you very much for replying, Durkin! Yes, I'm trying to use a SQL Agent Job to do this. I tried what you said, and every variation of it I could think of: EXECUTE xp_cmdshell '"C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe...
  11. Calen

    Executing a URL Command in a Job

    Hi all, I need to have a scheduled job shut down a web community, do a database backup & restore, and then restart it. Something like this: COPY DATABASE... http://mydev/devmgr/CommStart.html?COMMUNITY=MyComm&ACTION=Stop RESTORE DATABASE...
  12. Calen

    What is Midnight of a NEW Day in SQLServer ?

    ajacode, To answer your question: C). 12:00:00 AM is the same as 00:00:00 and SQL Server would be happy with either as an input.
  13. Calen

    What is Midnight of a NEW Day in SQLServer ?

    Sorry to disagree SQLBill, but 12:00 AM is Midnight. 12:00 PM is Noon. If you set a datetime variable to a date with no time, it will use 00:00.00 as the default time. Try this in Query Analyzer: DECLARE @Time DateTime SET @Time = '1/1/1' PRINT @Time The result is: Jan 1 2001 12:00AM Calen
  14. Calen

    Does anyone know if the procedure i

    Does anyone know if the procedure in the MS Knowledge Base article "HOWTO: Put Stored Procedures Under Source Control in Visual InterDev" MSKB # 201240 (http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;201240) or the MSDN article "Versioning Stored Procedures with Visual...
  15. Calen

    Does VSS support SQL Server

    Does anyone know if the procedure in "HOWTO: Put Stored Procedures Under Source Control in Visual InterDev" MSKB # 201240 (http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;201240) will work for SQL Server 2000? Thanks Calen
  16. Calen

    Another Combo box question

    You might try using the Click event of the Combo Box instead of the Change event.
  17. Calen

    How can I make Windows Explorer open to C: Drive?

    Thanks Mitch, the tip your link lead to worked like a charm.
  18. Calen

    How can I make Windows Explorer open to C: Drive?

    Hi all, Can anyone tell me what to add to the command line in the Window Explorer link to make it start at C:\ instead of My Documents? Thanks in advance, Calen
  19. Calen

    What's the secret to make the NetUserGetGroups API call work?

    To answer my own question: Make the buffer large enough. In the code example in the FAQ, the Buffer Length (BufLen) was set to 255. When I tried setting it to 511, I got the complete list of Groups I'm a member of. Thanks to strongm for the tip (in a previous thread) that (eventually) led me...
  20. Calen

    What's the secret to make the NetUserGetGroups API call work?

    Hi, I'm trying to use the NetUserGetGroups API call, but it isn't returning all of the Groups that I am a member of. I'm using the code from the Forum FAQ (which is the same as what MSDN has), and the EntriesRead = 8, while the TotalEntries = 16. But, I'm a member of 19 NT Groups. What do I...

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