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Search results for query: *

  1. Hatchetman240

    Output variable number of reports based on a table?

    I have a "PhoneBill" table which contains all calls made by all customers. The amount of customers can vary each month. I can relate the PhoneBill table to my Customer table and show exactly how many customers are in the system right now (35). I'd like to be able to have a report that reads that...
  2. Hatchetman240

    Property management database

    I'm wondering if anyone here knows of an access-based solution for the management of trouble calls/funding, specifically for a property management group (They manage 3-4 condominium sites). Paid or freeware is fine, I am trying to assist a small three person office in updating from it's current...
  3. Hatchetman240

    Using 2 NIC drives in the Server

    I can't answer that as I do not know the particulars of 2003. I can tell you that the weakest link between your work station and the server is the hard drive buffer. Even with many disks being written to the buffer size has always been the limiting factor in passing data on to and off of...
  4. Hatchetman240

    Machine does not turn on

    Does the power supply fan come on by chance? We routinely lose work stations whenever we have an outage here due to power supply failures.
  5. Hatchetman240

    saving and storing a view setting for a CAD map in access

    Yes, I have been able to retrieve the maps I want every time without fail. The problem is that this specific instance requires me to find a way to save many views of the same master map so they all open to thier own locations and zoom levels.
  6. Hatchetman240

    saving and storing a view setting for a CAD map in access

    Also, I am using both Auto CAD 2000 and Access 2000.
  7. Hatchetman240

    saving and storing a view setting for a CAD map in access

    Hello, At my location, we have one master CAD map for all our data. I have two databases, which would benefit greatly from the ability to save the location of a view (say, an X, Y coordinate) and a zoom setting in an access database. The way I would like to see it is that I click on the link...
  8. Hatchetman240

    Displaying contents of a shared drive folder in a form

    Hello, I am currently looking for a way to display the contents of a specific folder on the network as a list of options to choose in a form. I would like to be able to launch the files and filter the results if possible bu query. How can this be done?
  9. Hatchetman240

    Which RAM should I buy?

    "Look, it's nice that you want the most for your money but this is really a win-win decision. Man, I'd hate to see the day you had to (or will have to) decide on wedding invitations." Yeah, but unlike a marriage, the computer will still be fun in 4 years. Think of it as a time...
  10. Hatchetman240

    Monitor wakes from sleep mode randomly

    "Is your anti virus set to check your hard disk at a certain time?" No that fires up much later in the morning at 8am. Moreover no programs are running when the incident occurs "Is the monitor turning on or the computer booting up?" The monitor is turning on, its waking...
  11. Hatchetman240

    Monitor wakes from sleep mode randomly

    Yes I have high speed internet, and my monitor hasnt ever needed any new drivers. I run Zone Alarm and Norton, and am fully checked out by hijack this, ad aware and spybot. I also worried initially that someone was telnetting in and moving my mouse on screen causing the wake of the monitor, but...
  12. Hatchetman240

    Monitor wakes from sleep mode randomly

    I have been seeing my monitor wake randomly in the middle of the night with no outside influences on the keyboard/mouse. Any ideas?
  13. Hatchetman240

    Having trouble disabling close and min/max buttons

    I can do it, I know it works and I have done it in the past. However on this database, it seems any change made to the main form is applied to the reports also. I want to disable closing functions ont he main form and enable closing functions on my reports.
  14. Hatchetman240

    Close "x" not appearing in upper right of reports

    Moreover, when I change the setting to the startup form, it applies those changes to all my reports as well. I cannot seem to have no close button and no min max buttons on the startup form, and expect to have a close buton on the reports.
  15. Hatchetman240

    Close "x" not appearing in upper right of reports

    None of my reports in this one databse have a close "X" in the upper right, does anyone know how to re-enable it? It doesnt appear to be a function contained in the properties of the report.
  16. Hatchetman240

    linking a spreadsheet form to access database

    basically I have an *outstanding* spread sheet. It fits needs precisely, demands on this specific sheet are growing daily and people want to do things with it that are difficult or impossible in excel, but easily done in access. I would like to continue to use this excel sheet as a form (since...
  17. Hatchetman240

    My Hijackthis log, can someone please review?

    Yes, I use both adaware and spybot, along with Norton. I used to use Zone Alarm, I guess I will start again. Thanks.
  18. Hatchetman240

    My Hijackthis log, can someone please review?

    I have had my browser hijacked on numerous occasions, I was wanting to ensure I havent been missing something. Can someone please review this and tell me what I have been missing? Logfile of HijackThis v1.97.7 Scan saved at 12:18:50 PM, on 12/13/2003 Platform: Windows XP SP1 (WinNT 5.01.2600)...
  19. Hatchetman240

    Totalling all values in a field and getting one number in a query

    I had actually already tried the same thing, but it returns a set of records instead of just one row with the totals I need.
  20. Hatchetman240

    Totalling all values in a field and getting one number in a query

    SELECT Temp.[Tracking Number Ren], Temp.[Renewed Ticket Date], Temp.[Renewed Ticket Number], Temp.[Ren Exp Date], Temp.[Utility Locate Co], Temp.[Loc Renewal Date], Temp.FD, Temp.HD, Temp.H FROM Temp GROUP BY Temp.[Tracking Number Ren], Temp.[Renewed Ticket Date], Temp.[Renewed Ticket Number]...

Part and Inventory Search
