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Search results for query: *

  1. XWalrus2

    Hijackthis log.

    I've gotten everything. Thanks for all of the help.
  2. XWalrus2

    Hijackthis log.

    Actually, I ran it twice.
  3. XWalrus2

    Hijackthis log.

    Yeah, I ran spybot and ad-aware. This isn't my computer, thank God. It's my father's. Thanks for the link, I'll check it out.
  4. XWalrus2

    Hijackthis log.

    Can someone tell me which of these I need to fix? Logfile of HijackThis v1.97.7 Scan saved at 6:46:38 PM, on 6/21/2004 Platform: Windows XP SP1 (WinNT 5.01.2600) MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP1 (6.00.2800.1106) Running processes: C:\WINDOWS\System32\smss.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\winlogon.exe...
  5. XWalrus2

    Mouse is freezing.

    Every few minutes, my mouse freezes for no apparent reason. Once it has happened, the freezes seem to come in clusters. Sometimes the system speaker makes a beep, sometimes it doesn't. I haven't installed any new hardware recently, and I'm running XP sp1a. Specs: Duron 850 Nvidia Vanta 16mb...
  6. XWalrus2

    mup.sys hang

    My friend's computer hangs on startup. We've determined, through safe mode, that the last file to load before it stops responding is mup.sys. What is the problem, and how can he fix it? His Specs: HP Pavilion from about 4 years ago. Athlon 1Ghz (runs at 993) 384MB RAM (one 256MB and one 128...
  7. XWalrus2

    T665-C upgrade

    Is it possible to upgrade the OS on the T665-C to Palm OS 5.x?
  8. XWalrus2


    Yes, I have iTunes installed, but the problem was around before I installed it.
  9. XWalrus2


    Alright. That one seems to be connected to my CD-ROM, CD-RW, and DVD-ROM drives. What makes you think that's the problem?
  10. XWalrus2


    I've tried verifying the unsigned device drivers. The problem is, I have about 11 of them, and I have no idea which devices they're connected to. Here's a list: atwpkt.sys gearaspiwdm.sys p1100ccd.sys p1100cvd.sys packet.sys pctvvbi.sys pfc.sys secdrv.sys u2sb.sys vvbeth.sys...
  11. XWalrus2


    I don't have Zone Alarm installed, though I have had it in the past.
  12. XWalrus2


    I have AOL (Yes, I know, it sucks, but my parents pay for it, and beggers can't be choosers.) I currently use AOL 7.0, because whenever I attempt to use AOL 8.0 or 9.0, the computer will randomly give me a BSOD error that reads MULTIPLE_IRP_COMPLETE_REQUESTS then a standard "contact your...
  13. XWalrus2

    Need help with ending program.

    pstools is just the kind of thing I was looking for! You are my hero!
  14. XWalrus2

    Need help with ending program.

    I need help with how to create a program. I'm trying to write a program that will end and then restart another program every 30 minutes. I know to use a timer, and use shell to start it, but I am lost on how to end the program. Any help would be appreciated. As you can probably tell, I am...
  15. XWalrus2

    save as html file

    How do I save the contents of a text box to an html file?
  16. XWalrus2

    ADSL, raining, don't mix?

    I have AOL with DSL, and I have ADSL. I have no idea what ADSL means. Unfortunately, everytime it rains, the DSL goes out for a few days. How can the rain cause this? I live in Georgia, so should I call AOL to fix this, or is it Bellsouth's problem? Any help appreciated.
  17. XWalrus2

    dsl modem keeps breaking

    I have AOL with DSL, and i have an actiontec home DSL modem. I suspect that there is somthing wrong with our phone line, as I have had to send back four different modems. Every time, the modem is working fine for about 2-3 weeks, and then the ready light starts blinking, indicating it can't...
  18. XWalrus2

    is there a way to password protect .txt and .exe files in XP Pro?

    do you recommend any specific third party password protection?
  19. XWalrus2

    is there a way to password protect .txt and .exe files in XP Pro?

    any way to do it without converting to NTFS? From what i understand, that's not much of a fun process.
  20. XWalrus2

    is there a way to password protect .txt and .exe files in XP Pro?

    I am running xp pro, and would like to know if there is any way to password protect certain .txt and .exe files without password protecting the whole drive. I mean password protect as unreadable or unexecutable and unmodifiable with a password.

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