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Search results for query: *

  • Users: wilk
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  1. wilk

    Dialing up to another machine with Visual Basic

    http://home.iprimus.com.au/billmcc/PlatformVB/dun/contents.htm This is a good site that will tell you how to use the rasapi's. It has all the code you will need for dial-up networking
  2. wilk

    Using field data to generate SQL Aliases

    looks like I was composing a reply same time as James, sorry for the duplication
  3. wilk

    Using field data to generate SQL Aliases

    i think this is what you ment declare @var varchar(50) select @var = (select alias from Wherever) exec('Select column_name as [' + @var + '] from table') I think that is what you are tyying to do
  4. wilk

    How do I insert a row into a table with only an identity field?

    My appologies for mis understanding the question, before, that is a really good soultion.
  5. wilk

    SQL-Server messaging

    does print not work for you. e.g print 'Testing' In query analyzer the text will apear on the messages tab.
  6. wilk

    Detect Modified records in Table from VB?

    add a col;umn to the database called _transfered with 0 and 1 the only add able values. then create a trigger on the table that when a record is added the value is cahnged to true. Hope this helps
  7. wilk

    select count(*) for success in DTS

    a idea could be to do the count as a if statement and if it is 0 then raise error then you could use the on failure method in the dts to capture this. No idea if this will work but its a idea.
  8. wilk

    Alert will not fire

    try this raiserror ('85009',10,1)
  9. wilk

    How do I copy the DTS package

    you can save as a structured storage file, this will save on a hard drive and can then be moved about on a floppy or something between computers. To load it on the live computer from enterprise manager right click on the data transformation services folder and chose open, then save to sql...
  10. wilk

    New Table - Do I Need an Identity Col ?

    I would use CallDate + RecNo as the PK, for the only reason that for searching on the table it will be quicker. A identity column would not be too helpful to you in this instance unless you where going to use it in every day life. This is my opinion hope it is usefull.
  11. wilk

    How do I insert a row into a table with only an identity field?

    with a three column table col1 would be the identity, for the first go the value of 1 would go into col1 automatically. insert into test (col2,col3) values ('test','test again')
  12. wilk

    How do I run multiple DTS jobs?

    you could create a job using sqlserver agent, if you do this make sure the sqlserver is not login on as local system. Within the job have 4 steps one for each job. The steps would look like this master..xp_cmdshell 'dtsrun /S servername /E /N dtsname' that should sort it out then you could...
  13. wilk

    bcp or bulk insert?

    bcp example - this is used from the dos prompt not through query analyzer this gets the data out bcp "select * from database..tablename" Queryout name.txt -c -T bulk insert example -run through query analyzer this gets the data in bulk insert tablename from 'location'
  14. wilk

    how to make Job launch DTS package?

    check how the sqlserver agent, and mssqlserver is set up, what user is it loging on as, if it is local system then this can be a reason for it not working.
  15. wilk

    Bulk Copy

    this is another way to do it, this will only work if the table does not exist in the new datbase select * into otherdatabase..tablename from source_table otherwise you will need to do insert into otherdatabasae..tablename ( columns go here, * will not work ) select columns or * from...
  16. wilk

    Combining miltiple rows in one

    You can try just doing it like this. select forename + surname as name from table
  17. wilk

    Query to remove duplicate records?

    here is a way of finding duplicates, do with it as you like SELECT columns(can't be * and must include the column with duplicates) FROM table WHERE (((column with dups) In (SELECT [column with dups] FROM [table] As Tmp GROUP BY [column with dups] HAVING Count(*)>1 ))) ORDER BY column with dups
  18. wilk

    Disable foreign keys in all tables

    here is some code to do what you want: if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[disablefk]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[disablefk] GO CREATE PROCEDURE disablefk AS declare @table_name varchar(32) declare @constraint_name...
  19. wilk

    Login to OSQL using Windows settings -asking for password

    it was all trial and error, simply going to the command prompt and typing osql /? gives you a list of commands. I then went through and worked out what they all do.
  20. wilk

    Trying to export a query to a text file

    have a look at the rights you have, there is a bulk insert administrators permision, this could have something to do with it

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