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Search results for query: *

  1. impulse24

    read xml into variables

    thanks tsuji, it's pretty close. With the xml above though i get a return of 7 object id's, which is basically all the object id's. What I need to do is loop through each doc element and get the object id's associated with that doc element, as well as the name/attention/city. So from the xml...
  2. impulse24

    read xml into variables

    Hi, I'm trying to read from xml files, and put values into variables to load to a database. I have been trying to work with the XML Dom, but have not had much luck. I have the following xml: <readin> <doc> <object id="1"/> <object id="2"/> <object id="3"/> <object id="11"/> <object id="12"/>...
  3. impulse24

    help with recursive stored procedure

    I have the folling stored procedure: CREATE PROCEDURE gouplevels (@current char(20)) as SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @level int, @line char(20),@foldname varchar(255) CREATE TABLE #stack (item char(20), level int,foldname varchar(255)) INSERT INTO #stack VALUES (@current, 1,@foldname) SELECT @level =...
  4. impulse24

    search binary data for string value

    these are compressed tif images within a pdf file.. If I open the pdf file in a hex editor, or even notepad, the first tag I see is pdf, and then the binary encoding for the tiff image, and then the pdf tag again. I want to split these out into separate files whenever the pdf tags appear. I...
  5. impulse24

    search binary data for string value

    Hi, I have some binary files that I want to run through vb.net, and have it identify how many instances of a string is located in the file. This is done easily in unix by just using the grep command. Is there a way to do this in vb.net? I have never processed/opened files in binary mode in...
  6. impulse24

    remove bytes from file

    Hi, I have a project where I need to remove the first 1998 bytes from a set number of files. I am guessing I need to open the file in binary mode, but I am not sure how to write to a new file, skipping the first 1998 bytes. These are not text files, they are binary jpg files, and the first...
  7. impulse24

    windows service using system DSN

    I have created a window service, and it runs to open a database and update values. The database resides on another server, and the local service has a system dsn setup. The account used to run the service is a domain user account that does have access to the database. Below is the error...
  8. impulse24

    Can you find number of pages on PDF after scanning?

    there is an excel macro add-in called ARTS Pdf Toolkit that I have used in the past. this allows you to select the directory that contains the pdfs, and it will generate a spreadsheet with information about the pdfs including the number of pages
  9. impulse24

    remove bytes from binary file

    how do you read the file into a byte array. I have never done it before.
  10. impulse24

    remove bytes from binary file

    I have some files where I need to always remove the first 192 bytes. Is there a way to do this in vb6. I know how to open the file in binary mode, but it is not text data or records, so there is no consistency, I just need to remove the bytes.
  11. impulse24

    open new browser window with button link on datagrid

    thanks so much mmaz, it worked like a charm. didnt know response.write did anything other than display on the current page.
  12. impulse24

    open new browser window with button link on datagrid

    I have a webform where a user enters data in some field and a datagrid is populated with the results of the query. The datagrid contains 6 bound columns with values from a database. There is one button column which contains a view link. When the user clicks the view link I am running a...
  13. impulse24

    complex date time conversion

    Hypetia's solution is great and solves part of the problem. Som76 was close but since it doesnt go to the nanosecond I cant use it. I still need the piece that goes from the normal date time format DD-MMM-YYYY HH:MM:SS.MS to the vms date time examples: give date 16-MAR-2004 14:58:43.68 get...
  14. impulse24

    complex date time conversion

    Hi, I have gotten a file from a customer that contains the date time in VMS format, and a separate file that contains the date time format in DD-MMM-YYYY HH:MM:SS.MS I need to convert the date format(DD-MMM-YYYY HH:MM:SS.MS) in the one file to link to the date format in the other, to create a...
  15. impulse24

    import exported .dmp file

    Hi, I received an Oracle 7.0 exported .dmp file from a customer. The customer does not know the user, or schema info for the .dmp file. How do I go about importing the file into my oracle 10g server. I have tried using the imp command with various switches, all which appear to start running...
  16. impulse24

    parameter stored procedure results

    Hi, I have created an app where the user enters a project number, and a stored procedure on a sql server 2000 box is called, and results are returned. If I just run the stored procedure through Server explorer, and enter some parameters results are displayed in the output window. I cant...
  17. impulse24

    Using MSComm to import text strings

    can you provide an example of the input string? It seems like when you performing the split there is nothing in input_string_holder_array(2), the number of values produced by the split is less than 2. Below is an example: inputstring = "John,Mark" If I perform split inputstringarray =...
  18. impulse24

    Assigning an Icon for the Application

    right click the project name and select properties. Under common properties\Build you can set the default application icon
  19. impulse24

    textbox and listbox

    Add a textbox to your form. Add the listbox..In form load populate the list box Listbox1.Items.Add("Pizza") Listbox1.Items.add("Chicken") Listbox1.Items.add("Beer") In the ListBox1_SelectedValueChanged event add the following code TextBox1.Text = ListBox1.SelectedItem Whenever you select...
  20. impulse24

    Convert text document to PDF - File location?

    Try the product from this website..It is shareware but will do what you are looking for. http://www.sanface.com/txt2pdf.html

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