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  1. Richardkl

    Does Eletra Pro level1 have caller id?

    Does Eletra Pro level1 have caller id? if yes how do you activate it?
  2. Richardkl

    How to sort colFiles by date motified?

    Thanks all for your help and insite to the different solutions and added to my knowledge base. I thought about it and instead of doing a sort, I decided to go with find the oldest and delete that item and loop based upon number of files to be deleted. I still have a question, is there a way to...
  3. Richardkl

    How to sort colFiles by date motified?

    I would just add the date and name for each file to an arraylist. Then use the builtin arraylist sort and go through the arraylist deleting according to your criteria" Ok, How do you program the creation of the date and name into an arraylist from the folder? Where is the builtin arraylist sort?
  4. Richardkl

    How to sort colFiles by date motified?

    How to can I sort the colFiles by date motified so that the oldest is the first one in the list? I have created a vb script that deletes files that are older than 30 days and leaves at least 30 files in the folder. But I found a flaw in the logic, the colFiles sorts by default to the "name"...
  5. Richardkl

    DNS won't resolve www.msn.com!

    Yes, nt4, I have 2000 and 2003 servers setup and other than this dns problem I find it the fastest and most reliable of all.(on same hardware). After 10 years of service and total down time in the minutes it can't be beat. Again any ideas about the reason of only Microsoft sites not being able...
  6. Richardkl

    DNS won't resolve www.msn.com!

    Runinng a nt4 server with dns. I have people wanting to goto to www.msn.com, the nt4 dns won't resolve it. If I try to ping www.msm.com from the server I get "bad ip address" returned.Using tracert I get "unable to resolve target system name www.msn.com" all other sites have no problems. any ideas?
  7. Richardkl

    Help using VBA in word

    You are correct, that the data input methods were flawed, that is why I was given the tasks to export the data from the old programS, massage it,convert many many years of data to a format that can be uploaded into a more FOOL proof single input interface that every one uses. I am not the...
  8. Richardkl

    Help using VBA in word

    Thanks for all the replies, the following is the soultion that works for all my dfferent strings. I couldn't have done it without your help Dim r As Range Set r = ActiveDocument.Range With r.Find .MatchWildcards = False .Text = "^$,^$" Do While .Execute(Forward:=True) = True With...
  9. Richardkl

    Help using VBA in word

    Thanks for the detailed description of the "Word Range". I will play with it to make sure I totally understand the nuances of the control. Yes, I was confused because my use of range in excel (that is were I have a little more experience) The problem that occurs with your solution is that...
  10. Richardkl

    Help using VBA in word

    Well I started writing a response below, than I reviewed the results of the macro and found that there is a pattern of “character comma end-of-paragraph” that the comma must stay. So I tried to change the .Text line back to “.Text = “^$,^$” but I get a “runtime error 5692”. When I change it...
  11. Richardkl

    Help using VBA in word

    Thanks for your response but I need a variable solution. The lines can have as few as ZERO commas to be removed to as many as 30 commas that need to be removed. Someone suggested using a "do while", so I looked for the syntax and found nothing. I did find an example which I copied and changed...
  12. Richardkl

    Help using VBA in word

    Thanks all for your responses. Andy has it correct! (tab) being equal to "^t" = tab key on keyboard An simple example of a line is : John,Smith,123,456 John,Doe,123,456 Until EOF needs to be: John(tab)Smith(tab)123,456 John(tab)Doe(tab)123,456 until EOF The comma between 123,456 can't be...
  13. Richardkl

    Help using VBA in word

    I have a need to remove coma's that are between " letters only" with a tab. The files are quite large and I don't feel it is practical to use find and replace. And of I can't use replace all. If I can figure out how to do a loop that can detect an end of document that would be great but I can't...
  14. Richardkl

    Access denied on mapped drive

    smah wrote; "The short summary is unfortunately, that you can not limit remote access the way that you're trying to with XP Home." Is there away to limit the network access to XP home shared folders?
  15. Richardkl

    Access denied on mapped drive

    So for example, let's say that user A is locally allowed access to folder 123, but not folder 456. Then you give user A access to the entire hard drive from the network (as a shared folder), user A will still not be able to use folder 456 within that hard drive. " If I understand you...
  16. Richardkl

    LAN Printer sharing

    First, when you start the system always have the peripherals connected to it on and in ready mode before applying power to computer. Again I must strong state that you select SHUTDOWN not let the computer sleep or hibernate. Also list the process that YOU DO FOR “we have to go to the desktop to...
  17. Richardkl

    Access denied on mapped drive

    smah, I think you might have something here, XP home is using "simple file sharing". I didn't know that "simple file sharing" bypassed all authentication (username/password) in the mapping a drive process. Maybe that is why my 2000 server computer can map the drive XP HOME folder but not access...
  18. Richardkl

    synch your local credentials

    Psychod" wrote in a response to a xp home network question "You can also synch your local credentials with the domain ones and then you won't have to enter any passwords." How do you do that?
  19. Richardkl

    Access denied on mapped drive

    I don't need the XP home computer to logon to anything. I am trying to share the XP homes folder only to a server as the server will be backing up data at night to the XP home computer. It is a workgroup server not a domain controller.
  20. Richardkl

    LAN Printer sharing

    What OS are you using? Most modern printers only sleep and you can "turn off" only unplug. What is the model of the printer? Is it a USB 2.0 or 1.0? what driver version are you using? What is the patch level of your OS? Is your computer shuting down or hibernating? many drivers are poorly...

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