I have to create a virtual drive with the name Y: and the road which is for this drive is: " c:\Program File\Gestion Internet Customer ".
So the road of my database is: Provider=MSDASQL.1; Persist Security Info=False; Extended Properties = " DSN=MS Access Database; DBQ=Y:\ClientInternet.mdb...
Situation: I am in network. My computer is called "Priscilla". My database is called " GestionInternet.mdb " and it is in " c:\Program File\Gestion Internet Client".
My Purpose: to share the database" GestionInternet.mdb " so that my VB software can be to use in network.
What should I do !? Plz.
Situation: we have 2 computer in network. The First one = "A" and Second = "B". The file.exe is on the computer "A".
Is it possible to create a shortcut which start of "B" computer to execute the file.exe which is on "A" computer?
I try to make a installator with:
Inno Setup Compiler & Make NSISW but it's not working. When i try with "Inno Setup Compiler" this software ask me a .iss file to be able to make a installator but my files is a .vbs. It's the same thing with the software NSISW, it's ask me me a .nsi file.. ...
When I try to make an install program of my visual basic code .. this error appear : Unexpected error number 380 has occurred: Invalid property value.
Why !
When I do that : IT's OK
MsgBox "monExcel.Workbooks.Add PathExcel"
monExcel.Workbooks.Add PathExcel
monExcel.Application.Visible = True
But when I do that : It's cause FATAL error
MsgBox "monExcel.Workbooks.Open PathExcel"
monExcel.Workbooks.Open PathExcel ' HERE ERROR...
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