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  1. howdoesthiswork

    Please help - popup behaviours

    Super, thanx a million, it works as I wanted it to. The help is much appreciated ...
  2. howdoesthiswork

    Please help - popup behaviours

    I am opening the popup with function agb(){ window.open(&quot;popup.htm&quot;, &quot;popup&quot;, &quot;height=150, width=400, top=150, left=250&quot;) if I then say .. <a href=&quot;doc1.pdf&quot; onclick=&quot;parent.window.open(this.href, 'child'); return...
  3. howdoesthiswork

    Please help - popup behaviours

    Sorry SarkMan, I don't quite understand. How would you make the popup close and the selected document open in its own full window? I am reasonably new to JavaScript and can't (yet) quite wrap my mind around it ...
  4. howdoesthiswork

    Please help - popup behaviours

    Hi there My problem is the following, I have a page from which I open a popup(this parent page stays open), on the popup are two documents listed from which the user can choose one. When he clicks on one of the document links, the popup closes and opens the document in a new full window. On...
  5. howdoesthiswork

    Preloading and rollover behaviours

    Now theres an original idea .... unfortunately my javascript knowlege does not reach that far. I gave it a try and only managed to produce some gibberish that did not work. Believe me, I would rather have the satisfaction of producing my own piece of code than merely copying and pasting ...
  6. howdoesthiswork

    Preloading and rollover behaviours

    Greetings to all I am currently using Dreamweaver for website design and thus also for image(button) rollovers and their preloading. I have recently read about various other (shorter) javascripts for the rollovers. Unfortunately I have not found the code for any of them, similar with the preload...
  7. howdoesthiswork

    Controling the Internet Connection

    Greetings to all We have just completed a website and are in the process of duplicating the site on a CD. The website has a forum incorporated that we can obviously not re-create on the CD ... and that is the source of my current headache. When clicking on the &quot;Forum&quot; button, the CD...
  8. howdoesthiswork

    window.open opens blank window not url I want

    Put something like this in the <head> part of your web page ... <script language=&quot;JavaScript&quot;> function open(){ window.open(&quot;http://www.google.com&quot;, &quot;null&quot;, &quot;height=340, width=520, scrollbars=yes, top=30, left=30&quot;) } </script> This the actual link...
  9. howdoesthiswork

    window.open opens blank window not url I want

    Let me get this right, you have a link on your site &quot;E-Mail Friend&quot;, when clicking on the link, do you want a popup window to open or do you want to open an email link?
  10. howdoesthiswork

    Applying conditions to form verifications

    Dave is the man! Thanks, I will wrap my mind around it, it does make perfect sense and is a lot shorter javascript than the way I intended doing it. Thanx a million ...
  11. howdoesthiswork

    Applying conditions to form verifications

    That is way beyond my current javascript knowledge or abilities, I think .... *blushing bright red, he raises his hand* ... what are arrays and userFriendlyNames?
  12. howdoesthiswork

    Applying conditions to form verifications

    Ok, wait, I did the following and it seems to work fine ... function validate() { var message = &quot;&quot;; var name = form1.namo.value; var surname = form1.surnamo.value; //whatever validation you want here. if(name == &quot;&quot;) message += &quot;Please enter your name before...
  13. howdoesthiswork

    Applying conditions to form verifications

    Yep that's about it, one question though. If I would want to include more fields that have to be completed (same as name above) could I do the following function validate() { var message = &quot;&quot;; var name = form1.namebox.value; var surname= form1.surnamebox.value; if(name ==...
  14. howdoesthiswork

    Applying conditions to form verifications

    Hy again I have created a html form that needs verification depending on what was completed. For arguments sake the visitor has to fill in his Name and then has a choice of either submitting his email or phone number. i. submitting name & phone is ok, as well as submitting name and email...
  15. howdoesthiswork

    image source in a popup window

    Aaaahh thanx ... Its weird how sometimes the easiest solutions elude us ... Thanx a lot guys ...
  16. howdoesthiswork

    image source in a popup window

    It works ... Great thanx a lot. One question though, I have created one popup html file (it has image decorations, coloured background etc.) how would I use that file and load the relevant large image into it?
  17. howdoesthiswork

    image source in a popup window

    Greetings I have just created an Image gallery for a client. When clicking on a thumbnail image a popup opens with the larger version of the same image shown. Seeing that there are quite a few of them, I don't want to write a html page for each one. Somehow the javascript needs to tell wich...
  18. howdoesthiswork

    Pop-up a window w/o toolbar or anything

    greetings to all ... .. beeing also a newcomer to the field of javascript, I have a related question, basically the exact opposite. How do I close a popup window and at the same time open a new normal window? This should close both, the popup and the page from which I originally opened the popup...

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