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Search results for query: *

  1. BenRussell

    Security of Java source code?

    Thanks so much for the advice! I will probably go ahead and make it in Java. Would C++ be more secure (source code wise), however? The problem is that we are giving this software to foreign governments and so we really have no legal recourse if they breach contract. - Ben
  2. BenRussell

    Security of Java source code?

    I am working on a program/script in which I wanted to write in Perl. However, this is not possible since I want to keep the source code secure instead of releasing it open source. I want to release the program in a compiled form in which the source code cannot be revealed. Is Java a viable...
  3. BenRussell

    Error when trying to "include" a file

    I am running BIND 9.2.4 and am having a problem. I am trying to include another .conf file but am getting an error every time I try. I edited /etc/named.conf (Im also on a Fedora Core 3 box) and added this: include "/usr/share/mysite/named.conf"; However, when I issue the command (over SSH)...
  4. BenRussell

    Making a Perl/Tk window always stay on top

    Any idea how to achieve this on Linux or a Mac also? - Ben
  5. BenRussell

    Making a Perl/Tk window always stay on top

    Great, that works awesome for keeping it on top of other windows. However, what I mean by "pushing the window down" is that, for instnace, if this "ad window" is at the very top of the screen and the user wants to look at his/her desktop (with the icons on it), the top of the desktop should only...
  6. BenRussell

    Making a Perl/Tk window always stay on top

    Basically like NetZero and the other free internet providers used to do when you used their free internet service. Like how they used to display advertisements that were always on the screen. - Ben
  7. BenRussell

    Making a Perl/Tk window always stay on top

    How can I make my Tk window always stay on top, no matter what other windows are open? The Tk window is a window that displays advertisements (NOT spyware or adware in case youre wondering), and I need it to always be on top of other windows. I also need it, when activated, to "push"...
  8. BenRussell

    Embedding IE in a Perl/Tk Widget?

    But really, back to the original question, is it possible to embed IE in a Tk widget? - Ben
  9. BenRussell

    Embedding IE in a Perl/Tk Widget?

    Perl/Tk is a cross-platform GUI application/interface for Perl... - Ben
  10. BenRussell

    Embedding IE in a Perl/Tk Widget?

    Is it possible to embed an Internet Explorer window inside of a Perl/Tk widget? Basically, I am writing a program that I want to display a small advertisement window at the bottom, but I want it to be displayed using IE and point to a specific URL. If that is not possible, it it possible to...
  11. BenRussell

    Reading a random image?

    Is it possible in Perl to create a script that can read the "random images" that are sometimes used in registration and posting forms on websites? Like the ones that contain a few numbers that change each time the page is loaded, and the user has to type them into a box to make sure it is a...
  12. BenRussell

    another compiler

    You might also check out PAR (http://par.perl.org) - Ben
  13. BenRussell

    Problem with perlcc and modules

    What about perlembed? Would that be a viable option? My end goal is to have a relatively secure compiled C program (written originally in perl) so that the original Perl source code cannot (easily) be generated from it. - Ben
  14. BenRussell

    Problem with perlcc and modules

    I cannot get my perl scripts to work if they use any modules. For example, take the following script (test.pl): use Digest::MD5; print Digest::MD5::md5_hex("Some text"); print "\n"; When I compile it with the command: perlcc test.pl It tells me: /tmp/ccl0Jfet.o: In...
  15. BenRussell

    ExtUtils::Embed and source code security

    I was wondering if I embedded my Perl script code in a C program using ExtUtils::Embed and then compiled the C program, would this be a secure way of protecting my source code? Is it at least reasonably secure? What are the possible (and probable) ways that someone could retrieve the Perl...
  16. BenRussell

    Adding directories in Archive::Tar

    Does anybody have any information on this? - Ben
  17. BenRussell

    Adding directories in Archive::Tar

    I am using Archive::Tar to make a backup of some files and directories on my server. This works fine: $archive->add_files("/etc/SOMEFILE"); IF, SOMEFILE is actually a file and not a directory. However, when I try to add a directory like so...
  18. BenRussell

    GnuPG illegal in the US?

    So it would not be illegal for me to use GnuPG on my web server (that is based in the United States)? - Ben
  19. BenRussell

    GnuPG illegal in the US?

    However, I thought that maybe this was outdated documentation since the US has passed new laws. - Ben
  20. BenRussell

    GnuPG illegal in the US?

    http://www.gnupg.org/gph/en/pgp2x/x23.html It may or may not be legal to use RSA and IDEA without licensing these algorithms. RSA is only patented in the United States, so it is legal to build RSA versions outside of the United States. The extension module for GnuPG is such a version and it may...

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