There is more to this problem than I orginally stated. I was not aware that the Client did NOT have an Oracle IdataAgent on it. Additionally, after reviewing the tables and logs there appears to be data coruption of the Tables in the database. Now the problem has multiple facets, One with the...
Latest news. We have tried to reinstall as birky has suggested. Still, the systems state with all regestery entires will not install. Additionally, the permissions on the Oracle Database had to be reset. With that said. We tried to start the Oracle Database. Wouldn't restart.
We have a...
Hey Birky. Thanks in advance for your help.. you have helped me before on some other issues. Anyway, it is a full iDataAgent restore because of the change in the OS.
History of server:
The tech's needed to install some patches for security but needed to repartition the disk. They had recently upgraded the OS to MS Server 2003. We also matched them with the CommVault software.
The techs got new patches from our security folks which required more disk...
Hi J,
I think you are trying to restore/recover multiple files from multiple directories. I think if you check the books on-line under the following it will help explain wild card operations. Look under Filters, then filter data from restore/recover. This should give you the step by step...
final Solution. Ok this is what happend. Apparently we had a intermittant hardware failure. The Drive 1 on our system was having problems and didn't manifest untill several of our brand new (known to be good) tapes all of a sudden became deprecated. The drive itself is the active agent when...
That option is not available for those. Didn't even show up as an option. good thought though. I'm out of ideas. I was hoping that someone else has had this kind of problem and would be able to provide me the mechanics to remove these tapes. I might be forced to call CV.
I tried that. Because the tapes are "Deprecated" the OML is now blank. CV treats it as a foreign tape. Won't let me delete the contents. The tape is damaged, I have a replacement. I need to remove the external lable from the damaged tape and put it on a new tape. However, because CV kept a...
I have a couple of incremental tapes that has gone south on me and I want to reuse the numbers. Lables are in short supply. With the way CV sets it deprecation factors, I won't be able to simply delete the tapes. Does anyone know how I can age these tapes without adversely effecting the others?
Soultion to the problem.
Because the tape is marked as "Expired" Comm Vault will not allow any data or tape manipulation of that tape until the data that was last written on the tape has been "Pruned" from the database. Now this next part I am assuming. When a tape has been "Expired" CommVault...
followed your advice and the event log showed that the UniqueID is no longer blank.. However; I still cannot delete the tape number from the library. it moved it into the expired status and exported it. Then, to make things worse the PX502 that it is running on had an INIT error. Now I have...
Where can I find the error codes for the PX502. I have a intermittent problem with the hardware and the Diagnostic comes up with a 2212 on the slot test.
I've tried to delete from the library. It's still there. I tried to delete the contents. no good there either. I checked the log file from the media log and the Unique ID is blank. if that helps.
Hi Mitsuman:
We built our policies on data frequency. By this I mean how much data is being changed over a period of time. If the data is being changed daily then, a more frequent incremental, followed by a full on the "User down time" We backup over 4 TB each week on 13 servers. As for...
I have a Quantum PX502 running Comm Vault 6.1. I have a brand new tape that we have used once, and it failed to copy the data correctly. The Comm Vault now shows the tape as a expired tape, I ran a data verification on it and it says it's not part of this library,(huh?) Now i'm trying to...
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