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Search results for query: *

  1. redgate

    Problem using DAAB ver 2. Error converting data type bigint to int

    I hold my head in shame. Stupid mistake on my side. Supplying the variables to the function in the wrong order is the cause of my problem.
  2. redgate

    Problem using DAAB ver 2. Error converting data type bigint to int

    Hi @SESSIONID IS NVARCHAR(50) @CLIENTID IS INT Remember the code above works from a windows forms enviroment but in my my web application. The Function ExecuteNonQuery is written to return an integer to a variable "retval" (also integer). All the stored proc does is a insert, not even return...
  3. redgate

    Cascading Combo Box

    Hi Populate the first conbo box with your first set of data. When the combo box is clicked use the event to populate the second combo box based the value that was selected ddlCombo1_SelectedIndexChanged (Event) ddlCombo1.SelectedValue becomes the parameter to your next query to populate the...
  4. redgate

    Problem using DAAB ver 2. Error converting data type bigint to int

    Hi I am having the problem in a Web Application. In the mean time I created a windows app and used the following code. XConnection() Dim arParams(1) As SqlParameter arParams(0) = New SqlParameter("@SESSIONID", TextBox1.Text) arParams(1) = New SqlParameter("@CLIENTID", CLng(TextBox2.Text))...
  5. redgate

    Send multiple messages from Drafts

    The addresses differ every month and the attachment is a statement which is also specific to the addressee. I have no problem sending these through out ISP. The problem is I have to open every one and click send!!!!
  6. redgate

    Send multiple messages from Drafts

    Hi All I have a piece of code that on a monthly basis creates emails to distinct email addresses with attachments and writes these into the Drafts folder in Outlook. I usually need to hold these for a few days before sending them. We I need to send these 800 or so emails I have open each one...
  7. redgate

    Crpe32.dll not loaded

    What happens if you have created an application which you will need to distribute to multiple servers? One of the servers has the full advance Crystal 9 Enterprise installed on it and the other not. Do you have to create 2 deployment packages? One with the cr9netmergemodules for basic server and...
  8. redgate

    Outlook Control - for non Outlook data

    Hi I would like to use the look and functionality of the outlook control but not to read emails. I would like to attach this to a data set and populate it with my own data and headings. Can this be done ?
  9. redgate

    Array in Stored Procedure

    Unfortunately not. You will have to use a cursor or look carefully at what you want to do. Cursors are not recommended. Where are you getting the data for your array? Post an example of what you want to achieve.
  10. redgate

    From VB Create Recipients as "BCC" not "To"

    Thank you It took me a while but I got it right. For reference here is the code I changed. For Each obj In astrRecip strCheck = obj If (strCheck <> &quot;&quot;) Then .Recipients.Add(obj).Type = olBCC End If Next obj
  11. redgate


    Hi All I have heard so much about not using cursors but sometimes cant find away around them. To make things worse I use temporary tables as well. Here is a procedure I wrote to return data for a pyramid reporting structue for 'n' levels. If some one could advise a better way to do this then I...
  12. redgate

    Passing trough recordset to excel

    Hi Lode This is a lazy way of answering you question. I have just copied some code from a procedure of mine.Hope I understand what you want and hope this may help. You will have to read through the other stuff which is not relevant to you. --------- Dim objE As Object Dim objW As Object Dim...
  13. redgate

    Error -2147467259 ???

    This may not be of any help but I think the previous versions of Office may have a problen with your connection method. I would try a) using Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.6 Library rather than 2.0 and install the MDAC 2.6 updates on all the work stations you are trying to work from. b) if...
  14. redgate

    From VB Create Recipients as &quot;BCC&quot; not &quot;To&quot;

    Hi All The code below works and creates an email with all my recipients in the &quot;To&quot; area of the message. How can I write these email addresses to the &quot;BCC&quot; area rather. --- Set golApp = New Outlook.Application Set objNewMail = golApp.CreateItem(olMailItem) With objNewMail...
  15. redgate

    Getting rid of log files

    Hi I have deleted these files before without any problems. I will also use marcs41 post to see if I can stop my files being created. Please post if you find any more information. Regards
  16. redgate

    Average time duration ?

    Hi mwolf00 So far I have got this to work DECLARE @NVAL DATETIME DECLARE @DIFF INT SET @DIFF = (SELECT AVG(DATEDIFF(S, '1900/01/01',DURATION)) FROM MYTABLE) SET @NVAL = DATEADD(S, @DIFF,'1900/01/01') SELECT @NVAL AS AVERAGETIME but can't help thinking I am going in the wrong direction. Will...
  17. redgate

    Average time duration ?

    Hi mwolf00 I tried your code but it returns '1900/01/01 00:00:00' . I then tried simply SELECT cast(duration as integer) from myTable and my results where all zeroes. Thanks for the reply. Any other thoughts ?
  18. redgate

    Average time duration ?

    Hi As an input file I have a list of times(durations) in the format hh:mm:ss . I created a table with a column of datetime and have written these in the format '1900/01/01 hh:mm:ss'. I am trying to get an avearge of these durations. I would also like to calculate the total in days, hours and...
  19. redgate

    Can't redirect to new server !!!

    Hi All I have paged through all the previous entries for this kind of thing but still can't get my code right. I am trying to change the SQL Server for the report. CrystalReportPath = &quot;S:\CrystalReports\&quot; + strENVRptNme Set CrystalApplication = New CRAXDDRT.Application Set...
  20. redgate

    Changing Server in Data link file

    thanks Mikalm, I will spend a bit more time trying to get this to work.

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