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  • Congratulations SkipVought on being selected by the Tek-Tips community for having the most helpful posts in the forums last week. Way to Go!

Search results for query: *

  1. Hiccup

    How to Load a Form so that the DataGrid on it Will Sort by Two Fields

    Thanks, reneford & DrJavaJoe for the help and here's a star!
  2. Hiccup

    How to Load a Form so that the DataGrid on it Will Sort by Two Fields

    reneford...guess I'm not sure where you're saying to pu the: RecordSource Type Command = adCmdText Text Command = select * from your_table order by DepDate, UnitNo; I tried this in a Form Load code, but it didn't work: Private Sub Form_Load() RecordSource Type Command =...
  3. Hiccup

    How to Load a Form so that the DataGrid on it Will Sort by Two Fields

    reneford...In the properties of the Adodc I have SortRentDeposits as the RecordSource, which is a sort query of the Access Deposits Table. I have DepDate checked to sort ascending in the Access query, but I need the Table further sorted by the UnitNo under the dates. Something like this should...
  4. Hiccup

    How to Load a Form so that the DataGrid on it Will Sort by Two Fields

    My setup is VB6/Access2K. When loading a Form, I'm using this code: Private Sub Command15_Click(Index As Integer) Me.MousePointer = 11 Load DbDepForm DbDepForm.Show Unload Rent_Deposits_Menu Me.MousePointer = 0 End Sub The Form has a DataGrid1 and an Adodc1 connected to...
  5. Hiccup

    How to Append Records from One Access Table to Another Access Table

    Thanks DrJavaJoe, that worked. That completes my app and everything is working fine thanks to you. And another star for that one!
  6. Hiccup

    How to Append Records from One Access Table to Another Access Table

    DrJavaJoe, I'm having trouble with the delete records. I tried this (with no luck) to delete the records from the tblTEMP: Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim adoCmd As New ADODB.Command adoCmd.ActiveConnection = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\EHicks\RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY...
  7. Hiccup

    How to Append Records from One Access Table to Another Access Table

    Thanks DrJavaJoe, I'll give it a try!
  8. Hiccup

    How to Append Records from One Access Table to Another Access Table

    DrJavaJoe....it didn't like a couple of things. I got this Compile error on the tblPERM: Expected: end of statement And this Compile error on the first field: Expected: Case Here's the code I entered: Private Sub Command1_Click() Insert into tblPERM (DepDate, DepNo, Tenant, etc.)...
  9. Hiccup

    How to Append Records from One Access Table to Another Access Table

    Once again DrJavaJoe, Thanks! And another star!
  10. Hiccup

    How to Append Records from One Access Table to Another Access Table

    My setup is VB6/Access2K. I need a click event on my VB Form that will append all of the Records from one Access Table (tblTEMP) to another Access Table (tblPERM)in the same Access mdb. Can someone help me with this one? Thanks in advance!
  11. Hiccup

    Extracting Data from Datagrid

    DrJavaJoe and other members helped me with this similar problem. I wanted to extract all records between two dates (FromDate and To Date fields)of my DataGrid (and also my Recordset)and then print the results onto a DataGrid. This is the code we came with: Private Sub GetConnection() If...
  12. Hiccup

    How to Print a DataReport of a Date Search Result

    Several members (DrJavaJoe and others) helped me to get this code to work and I would like to share it with anyone who might have a similar need. My setup is VB6/Access2K. I needed to search the records of a bank deposit Access mdb table I setup by deposit dates and print a DataReport of the...
  13. Hiccup

    How do you filter all the Records between two dates

    Thanks DrJavaJoe, et al for the help. I figured out why the DataReport wasn't printing.....it was "operator Error" ...copied/pasted too much in this line: rpt.Display Me.Adodc1.rs, vbModal It should have been: rpt.Display rs, vbModal The date search code and the DataReport print code works...
  14. Hiccup

    How do you filter all the Records between two dates

    DrJavaJoe - I forgot to mention that I have this code on the DataReport: Option Explicit Private rsDataReport As ADODB.Recordset Private Sub DataReport_Terminate() If Not rsDataReport Is Nothing Then If rsDataReport.State = adStateOpen Then rsDataReport.Close End If Set...
  15. Hiccup

    Can't remove form from project.

    Wayfarin - What I do to delete any unwanted Forms, DataReports, etc. from my vbp project is to right-click the item in the Project Window and select remove. I then have to open the directory folder containing my vbp file and all of its related files and delete them from the folder. This...
  16. Hiccup

    Can't use my favorite icon for the .exe file...

    xinyin - I downloaded IconCool Editor's 30-day trial version and created my icon. It works fine. Hope this helps! Hiccup
  17. Hiccup

    DataReport .... Date Formatting

    PeterWallace, I believe it was DrJavaJoe that suggested this to me. Add this code to your Form Load event: If IsDate(txtDateFrom.Text) And IsDate(txtDateTo.Text) These are not date fields, but rather Text Boxes for entering dates. The code allowed me to display the Form containing the Text...
  18. Hiccup

    How do you filter all the Records between two dates

    DrJavaJoe...you seem to be the VB Guru. Maybe you can help me one more time trying to print a DataReport of the Records that are returned when I run the From/To date search code you've helped me with. I've added the code below to a cmdPrint Button that's on the Form with the txtBoxes and...
  19. Hiccup

    How do you resolve "Report width is greater than paper width?"

    Thanks, PeterWallace.....that's exactly what was the problem with my DataReport. Corrected it and it works fine now!
  20. Hiccup

    How do you filter all the Records between two dates

    You the man, DrJavaJoe. That did the trick and everything is working fine! Thanks...and another star!

Part and Inventory Search
