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Search results for query: *

  1. siqual

    How to create a report using parameter in datareport?

    IMHO don't bother trying to create anything more than a very simple report with built in data reporting tools in VB. To say they are handicapped is an understatement. What I would highly recommend if you can afford it is to get a third party reporting tool with VB support. An example would be...
  2. siqual

    Query pulls different results when in VB/Access???

    Another thing you migh consider is if the query runs fine in the database, can you parameterize it? If so then it simplifies things enormously and also speeds up the execution. For example: Dim cmdQuery As ADODB.Command Dim rstInfo As ADODB.Recordset Dim prmQuery As ADODB.Parameter...
  3. siqual

    Matching list items

    It would seem to me that one additional field of information would be very helpful and that is a boolean field that indicates whether or not the product code requires a dollar amount or encode the product code so that you can easily determine if a dollar amount is needed. If that can done then...
  4. siqual

    MSFlexGrid Question

    I believe the answer is yes, but. You are on the right track, but instead of using the backcolorband property, try selecting the row and then using the backcolorsel property. I have found that many things are possible to do with the flexgrids hence their name. The caveat is that the way to do...
  5. siqual

    ADO recordset update can't handle field name [Acct #] ????

    I believe that if you point to the field object specifically it will work. Try something like: recordset.fields("Acct #") = '123' If you know the field number you can also point to it that way: recordset(3) = '123' or recordset.fields(3) = '123' I have run into this in the...
  6. siqual

    Access and parameters ...I really need the help!

    There are several ways to pass parameters to Access. How you do depends on whether you are using DAO or ADO to access the database. That is the first thing. One possible solution is to create a parameterized query in access and pass the parameters to the query. Here is a code snippet using...
  7. siqual

    VB > Access Param (all records)

    I have a couple of questions and some suggestions. Are you accessing the database via DAO or ADO? It does make a difference. Is the query passed to the database or a stored procedure you are passing a parameter to, ie. the category number? One approach I have found that works quite well in a...
  8. siqual

    Combobox ?

    It does and will work if the combobox is set up correctly. On the property page of the combobox is a property called "style". There are three settings for the combobox. The default setting is a dropdownlist that allows the user to not only select from the list but also enter text -...
  9. siqual

    comboboxes problem....urgent...:-(

    Check the style setting of the combobox. If somehow the setting is 2 then you will see the comboboxes highlighted. Another possibility is when you load the combobox with data the listindex is not set to -1. Any other valid value will highlight the contents. Dan Grogan dan@siqual.com...
  10. siqual

    Locking combo box? help!!!

    Check the style property of the combobox. There are three options available. One of them, I don't remember what the setting is off the top of my head allows you to populate the combobox and have the user select only choices from that list. Dan Grogan dan@siqual.com "Absit prudentia nil...
  11. siqual

    Validating Multiple Textbox???

    It seems to me the easiest way to do this is take advantage of the validate event for each of text boxes. This event fires as you are "leaving" a textbox. There is a boolean variable -cancel- which you can set to true to prevent the focus from shifting to the next item. For example...
  12. siqual

    Calculate numeric data in textboxes???

    I would not recommend using the VAL function. Use either Cdbl or Csng. There are some potential problems with the VAL function. TextBox4.Text = (CDbl(TextBox7) + CDbl(TextBox5) + CDbl(TextBox6)) * 1.15 Dan Grogan dan@siqual.com "Absit prudentia nil rei publicae profitur." Without...
  13. siqual

    adding and subtracting

    The VAL function only recognizes the "." as a valid decimal separator. For some international applications this can bite you. The CDbl or CSng functions avoid this pitfall. Dan Grogan dan@siqual.com "Absit prudentia nil rei publicae profitur." Without common sense you...
  14. siqual

    multiple for and next loops

    Just a quick comment, For i = 0-6 is really a 7 count loop. Is your array a base(0) or base(1)? Dan Grogan dan@siqual.com "Absit prudentia nil rei publicae profitur." Without common sense you ain't gonna have nothing.
  15. siqual

    Writing to Text files

    Larry, Use the Print #FN, .... rather than write. Should solve the problem. Dan Grogan dan@siqual.com "Absit prudentia nil rei publicae profitur." Without common sense you ain't gonna have nothing.
  16. siqual

    Error 3114 cannot include memo, OLE ... when you select unique ...

    I am running into a problem on at least one machine. I have a VB application that was developed on one server and runs fine. Created an installation package and installed it on another server. The application generates the following error with queries that contain memo fields: Error 3114...
  17. siqual

    Time Calculations?...60min = 1...

    Anthony, I think what you are asking is to be able to compute the difference between two time intervals and set the "granularity" to .5min. Seems very short, but regardless. Here is something that should work for you for any time granularity: Use the DateDiff function for minutes to...
  18. siqual

    Data Access Problems with Excel and DAO

    A couple of things you might try. A caveat or two: As I am sure you are most painfully aware there are several approaches to almost any given problem. What works depends on many different things as well as a healthy dose of experience. The solution you chose may not be the most efficiency...
  19. siqual

    Range Function

    Close, I think what you want is this: Range(ActiveCell.End(xlDown), ActiveCell.End(xlToRight)).Select You can select a range either down and over or over and down. Shouldn't matter if the data is rectangular. If not then things could get a bit more complicated.
  20. siqual

    Range Function

    There areseveral ways I know to do this. It would depend on how the data is arranged on the spreadsheet. I think what might work is something like this: Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell.End(xlToRight)).Select This would select a region from the active cell to the end of the data heading to the...

Part and Inventory Search
