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  1. GallopingGhost

    Process Table-Screw Display

    khalidaa & p5wizard, I have never had output from a ps command that has the process table show an ordering that increases and half way through drops back down to a low number and starts increasing again. As an example, ps -ef has always had an order like this; PID Process 2 processA 3...
  2. GallopingGhost

    Process Table-Screw Display

    After migrating to AIX 5.3-CSP8 when we run the ps command we are getting the following output: PID PPID C STIME TTY TIME CMD 1 0 0 Jun 27 - 12:05 /etc/init 82056 1 0 Jun 27 - 0:00 /usr/lib/errdemon 127096 143764 0 12:05:31 - 0:00 telnetd...
  3. GallopingGhost

    Remote ML Upgrades

    Thanks for the information. I thought that it could be done.
  4. GallopingGhost

    Remote ML Upgrades

    I have several remote sites that need to upgrade to 5.3 ML8 from ML3. What are the options for remote upgrades in AIX? I am trying to come up with some options short of traveling to each location and spinning disks.
  5. GallopingGhost

    Dropped Calls

    We have 30 voip phones in use and we have 5 people effectively in a call center. Most of our connections are to pstn devices. The last dropped called were from us to a call bridge where we where conducting a pay to listen tax advice seminar. None of the 180 participants got dropped - just my boss
  6. GallopingGhost

    Dropped Calls

    I justed started with a new company that deployed an Inter-tel VoIP system and occasionally calls get dropped which sends everybody jumping up and down, screaming and hollering. When I say occasionally, I am talking less than 2 per month. The previous network admin was terminated, the phone...
  7. GallopingGhost

    Sun 280 - boot failure - mirrored drives

    bfitzmai, Thanks for the info - but it was a no go. I took a var filesystem off of a SunBlade and am using that to get the server back into operation. Not a very stable approach, but I may have lost the original var fs. Looks like it may be an OS reload unless I can figure out the metadevice...
  8. GallopingGhost

    Sun 280 - boot failure - mirrored drives

    Have a Sun 280 running Solaris 8 with mirrored drive. During a routine reboot the /var fs is giving a SUPERBLOCK error. Ran the fsck command against /dev/md/rdsk/d5 and used the -o b=# switch with 32, 4096, and 8192 values and system is still down. Keeps telling me to use another SUPERBLOCK...
  9. GallopingGhost

    IDE Channel Problem

    Thanks for the tips - I do not have access to a PCI IDE card, but it would be an option. The system did work normal for 18 mos. I am running the system with the orginal 40 GB drive and at least once I had the system boot with 2 HDD ( 40 & 20 GB), but the bios and OS reported 1- 10 GB HDD...
  10. GallopingGhost

    IDE Channel Problem

    Good suggestions - I have replaced the IDE cables and no change. I discovered the "1 device working" issue when I stuck another drive in with Windows NT loaded. I had pulled the connector of the CDROM and old hard drive and the system recognized the drive and booted. I then plugged the CDROM...
  11. GallopingGhost

    IDE Channel Problem

    I have an ECS Elite motherboard that seems to have lost its ability to recognize more that 1 device on either EIDE channel. If I have only the CDROM or a single Hard Drive, the bios recognizes the device and if it is a boot disk - no problem system comes up with only the one device. Floppy is...
  12. GallopingGhost

    Server freezes after AIX client connection

    For future reference Finally tracked down the issue to to the redirector trying to map the printers and drives on the AIX Clients. I had just completed adding printers to AIX clients and since I was allowing them to use local printers, everytime an AIX client attempted to log it the server...
  13. GallopingGhost

    Server freezes after AIX client connection

    Thanks for the advise. I understand your initial comment and I have 20 other IBM AIX clients connecting to the sever without issue. The Citrix server is running Windows 2000 and I want to say that Service Pack 3 is installed. The Novell/Citrix arrangement is through gateway services on the...
  14. GallopingGhost

    Server freezes after AIX client connection

    I need some ideas in trying to troubleshoot two UNIX platforms running AIX 4.3.3 ML9 that are connecting to Metaframe XP Feature Release 2 using Citrix client 6.30. Situation when either of these AIX workstations connect to the server - the server freezes (mouse still works), but no display...
  15. GallopingGhost

    Spam Filtering Suggestions

    Thanks for the suggestion - I hadn't thought about back reving on the Notes server.
  16. GallopingGhost

    Patch Installation Error Code List

    Thanks for links
  17. GallopingGhost

    Patch Installation Error Code List

    I am installing the 6/27/03 patch cluster on Solaris 8 and noticed that one on the patches gave and Error Code 15. Does anyone know what that code refers to and is there a link that I can go to for future codes? Thanks
  18. GallopingGhost

    Hyperterminal to Nokia IP120

    I hope this will help - in using Hyperteminal to connect to other equipment, I have used bits/sec: 9600 Data Bit: 8 stop bit: 1 Parity: None this over a com port connecting a laptop to a unix based system that has a corrupted file system. Also, I have used TerraTerm Pro Good Luck
  19. GallopingGhost

    Spam Filtering Suggestions

    I am running Checkpoint Next Generation FP3, using Trend's Interscan virus scanning software in a cvp configuration. Both apps are running on different Netra t1s using Solaris 8. We are running Lotus Notes R5 as our email server, behind the firewall. My question, Does anybody have a...
  20. GallopingGhost

    Sun Blade 2000 Lock Up

    Tony33, Your problem description and solution matches what I have encountered. I have removed the Power Management packages and the first "test" seems to to have passed. Thanks for the help

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