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Search results for query: *

  1. Fluke026

    Listview Color by line

    Hello, This problem is probably very easy to solve, but the solution is eluding me. Is there any way to set the background or font color of each item in a listview individually? I have a ListView component on a form displaying data from instances of a class. The only problem is that I want...
  2. Fluke026

    Memory Leaks

    I found a great little tool for tracking down memory leaks called MemCheck. You just add this file to your project, call the MemChk procedure as the first line in your project (in the .dpr file), set a few options on the compiler page, and execute your program. MemCheck will watch your code...
  3. Fluke026

    Memory Leaks

    Hello, I have a program using D5 Pro that seems to have at least one memory leak. I just verified the existence of the leaks last night. I will begin extensive searching in the next few days (I am something of a hobby programmer, not a professional, so I code and test in the evenings). I was...
  4. Fluke026

    TUpDown min, max, and position

    I have a form where the min and max of a TUpDown change according to the options selected. A user could set the position and then change the options making his position setting out of the range. I have discovered that Delphi automatically moves the position to the new min or max but the...
  5. Fluke026

    Specified Module not found

    Thank you so much. I don't have much choice about what kind of system I develop on. However, I will be splitting that form into several related forms. My guess is three.
  6. Fluke026

    Specified Module not found

    The form is the only one in the application to use components from the Raize pack. It has about 54 Raize Combo Boxes on it (but the errors also appear after I replaced most of them with regular combo boxes). When I run the program with the IDE running (to debug and test), the crashes occur...
  7. Fluke026

    Specified Module not found

    Does anyone know what this error message means? "Win32 error. Specified module not found." The error _sometimes_ pops up when I try to open the most complicated form in the application. The form does exist and has been auto created. When I tried to create the form on the fly, even...
  8. Fluke026

    WIN32 error with Raize Combobox

    Hello, I am using D5 Pro on 95. My program was running well until a few nights ago when it began to give me an error message when starting up. The message came up on three different runs with a slightly different message each time but at the same point in the execution. The first two nights...
  9. Fluke026

    how to choose between Delphi and VB

    I would like to make a comment on the Access vs. Delphi thread started above. At work we have to do everything in M$. While here I have had to write two programs in Access. Both are database and creating the tables themselves was a breeze. I missed a few things from Paradox but not much (an...
  10. Fluke026

    Right to Left entry

    I am trying to write a small word processor where I can type with a Hebrew font (which flows right-to-left), copy to clipboard, and then paste it into a high level Word Processor. The clipboard portion is not a problem. How do I tell the program to display my characters this way? Thank you, Frank
  11. Fluke026

    Pen settings not displaying

    Thank you! It works great! Have a star. I am always amazed at myself for missing the simple things but catching the hard ones with little problem.
  12. Fluke026

    Pen settings not displaying

    Here is the procedure in question: procedure TMain.CleanMap; var BitMap: TBitMap; i: integer; begin Bitmap:= TBitmap.Create; Bitmap.Width:= ImMap.Width; Bitmap.Height:= ImMap.Height; ImMap.Picture.Graphic:= Bitmap; //draw a border 10 in from the edge all the way around...
  13. Fluke026

    Pen settings not displaying

    The Image.canvas is 410x540. psDot didn't make a difference. Is there a problem with these commands in D5 even though I found them in the D5 help? I hope to see a grid composed of dashes (dots would be fine, too).
  14. Fluke026

    Pen settings not displaying

    Hello, I have the following code: ImMap.Canvas.Pen.Style:= psDash; i:= LeftBounds + 10; while (i < RightBounds) do begin ImMap.Canvas.MoveTo(i, TopBounds); ImMap.Canvas.LineTo(i, BottomBounds); i:= i + 10; end; {while} The problem is that no matter what I set...
  15. Fluke026

    Okay. I am sure that once again I

    I found it. The problem in TMovement was a bad copy constructor. Instead of creating another instance of the correct TMovement, I was creating a pointer to it. When I freed my copy, I freed the original also.
  16. Fluke026

    Okay. I am sure that once again I

    Okay. I am sure that once again I have a simple problem, but the solution escapes me. It seems like the simpler the problem, the harder it is to see the solution. I have a class [MoveMent = class(TPersistent)] that just spontaneously loses its settings between function calls. I call the...
  17. Fluke026

    Open Form / Close program questions?

    An MDI parent/child form sounds like what you need. For the other one, open it with ShowModal. Then no other form in the app can take the focus until it is closed.
  18. Fluke026


    When I was a student, we had a few classes where each student wrote the assigment programs in their choice of languages. In classes like that, only twice did I not choose Pascal/Delphi. The two projects were for the operating systems class. I did have a good reason, too. All our programs had...
  19. Fluke026

    Class structure

    That looks perfect! I'll have to experiment a little this weekend, but that could solve the biggest hurdle. My main concern will be discovering if that code makes a one time copy of the Arena for each Player of if it points back to it. That is important for when the little players move...
  20. Fluke026

    Class structure

    Hi, I am almost sure this has a simple solution, but I can't seem to find it. I have a set of classes TArena and TPlayer with a dec something like this... PlayerArr = array[1..MaxPlayer] of TAIPlayer; TArena = class(TPersistent) private Players: PlayerArr; {other goodies} public...

Part and Inventory Search
