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Search results for query: *

  1. teh215

    Missing VB6 IDE Toolbar

    I seem to have an intermittent problem where my menu options in VB6 Service Pack 5 seem to get corrupted and half of them end up a "Resource Editor". This is easy to manually correct. The biggest problem that I have is that this time the progress bar that shows...
  2. teh215

    XP Style Common Contols

    I found this link that I wanted to pass along: http://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=41525&lngWId=1 Rob
  3. teh215

    Writing directly to LPT1 under XP

    Can't you use the MS Comm Control? MSComm.CommPort = "LPT1" Rob
  4. teh215

    Check if user has Administrator rights

    You could also use the undocumented IsNTAdmin API. Private Declare Function IsNTAdmin Lib "advpack.dll" (ByVal dwReserved As Long, ByRef lpdwReserved As Long) As Long msgbox "Are you an Administrator? " & CBool(IsNTAdmin(ByVal 0&, ByVal 0&)) Rob
  5. teh215

    help with Visual Studio Installer and my vb app

    Does MSI have it set to Self Register? If so, change it to be TLBRegister. This is a known issue but, since I do not have MSI in front of me I don't know how to tell you to check in MSI. Rob
  6. teh215

    Windows XP Pro SP1/Monthview OCX

    I recently installed XP Service Pack 1 and now the DayBold Property of my Monthview controls no longer works. Has anyone else experienced this? Rob
  7. teh215

    Basic Winsock sckError on Local IP:"127.0.0....." : is it XP specific?

    How are you trying to make the connection? ..code
  8. teh215

    vb6 making a sound when mouse over command button?

    Not the best but .. Option Explicit Private m_blnButtonOver As Boolean Private Sub Command1_Click() If Not m_blnButtonOver Then 'Play Sound End If m_blnButtonOver = True End Sub Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As...
  9. teh215

    Function or Sub with parms (reusable)

    What if you tried this function f_LookUp(ps_sql As String, OPtional ByVal LookupField as String="") As String .. Build or Append the string here .. Execute the SQl Command
  10. teh215

    Spell Check in VB App

    Freeware OCX: http://www.vbweb.co.uk/show/337/3/ Rob
  11. teh215

    Spell Check in VB App

    I have a freeware Spell Checker OCX that I downloaded somewhere on the internet that works great. Plus, it doesn't requuire the target machine to have Word installed. As soon as I can find the URL again, I will post it.
  12. teh215

    Data Access Problem

    First thing that I would do would be to ditch DAO and bound controls if at all possible. What is error 525's Description? Rob
  13. teh215

    How to detect new file entering directory

    Use the FindFirstChangeNotification API. There are alot of examples on the Net. Alternatively you could use the Dir function in a Loop. Rob
  14. teh215

    Package & Deployment Wizard

    PDW = Evil I brokedown and invested in Installshield Express and I love it. Rob
  15. teh215

    IDE enhancement...

    The link to the addin is dead on that site. Do you have a copy of the Zip file? Not specifically what you are looking for but a really good addin is MZ Tools from http://www.mztools.com Rob
  16. teh215

    Imort contact from filesystem into outlook contact folder

    This may be useful: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;q170320 Rob
  17. teh215

    Losing first record in an RDO resultset

    Not off of the top of my head. What does the code look like to return the recordset? Rob
  18. teh215

    export data

    http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp?ID=1112 Rob
  19. teh215

    AUTORUN.INF 4 CD....

    See here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/shellcc/platform/Shell/programmersguide/shell_basics/shell_basics_extending/autorun/autoplay_cmds.asp Rob
  20. teh215

    I am loading a project from one pc

    Can you start a blank Project and add a Command Button to a blank form? Rob

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