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Search results for query: *

  1. P01nt3r

    Uploading files with IIS

    Yes but why does exists a version newer than 1.0? And Why only this version does allowes the anonymous upload? Who had written the 1.1 of the Posting acceptor? and why is it not more downloadable from internet?
  2. P01nt3r

    fail to set permissions to folder for a new user just created

    Ok I think this is the problem... the machine where I must set the permissions is a BDC. To Let the script wait for 5 minutes every time is a bad solution, so... does exist a way where I can query directly the PDC instead of the BDC? A thing like to edit the regedit or something like this...
  3. P01nt3r

    fail to set permissions to folder for a new user just created

    Yes I have more than a BDC, but doesn't queries done on PDC anyway? Why if I open the User Manager the user just exists? I have not try to set a sleep but I have separated the user creation with the creation of 2 virtual dirs on IIS that take me more than a minute! Isn't a minute enought?
  4. P01nt3r

    fail to set permissions to folder for a new user just created

    I have only 1 PDC and from those I know there must be only a PDC for domain. Is not it?
  5. P01nt3r

    NT4 SP6a and W2K login problem

    Are all the machines in the same network? If it is isn't necessary the use of WINS. However if all is setted fine I think it is a problem of Master Browser. Probably you have a master browser on the net that can't see the W2K server. Try to force a master browser election of a NT or 2000 Server...
  6. P01nt3r

    fail to set permissions to folder for a new user just created

    I can't be able to set permission by script for a user just created. '----------- sample script----------------- net user testuser md c:\testdir cacls c:\testdir /e /t /G testuser:F '------------------------------------------ the 3rd command on this script fail!! It is like that the user just...
  7. P01nt3r

    fallimento attribuzione permessi di un utente appena creato a una dir

    Qualcuno sa risolvere questo problema? Ho uno script che fa queste operazioni: - crea un utente - crea una directory - attribuisce i permessi per questo utente alla directory da quando ho spostato il PDC su un'altra macchina la procedura non mi funziona più. E' come se ci fosse un tempo ben...
  8. P01nt3r

    Cannot delete a folder named same as a share!

    for to be sure you have kill all connections try net use * /delete then try to delete if you still have problems may be something using the directory locally. Try to search the directory or the share name on regedit on in others scripts that runout automatically at startup. bye ejoy this help
  9. P01nt3r

    IIS Front Page Extension fails to authenticate

    I have a utility that build me virtual sites on IIS. If I configure FPE over they all seems to go good but when I try to authenticate using FPE I can't be able to login. The strange thing is that if I remove the virtual web site and then reboild it manually, all work well. What could be the...
  10. P01nt3r

    autentication fails

    The IIS Server doesn't allow me to autenticate with front page extensions. The strange thing is that who,if I remove the virtual web site and after I recreate it with front page extensions, all works correctly. What could be the problem?
  11. P01nt3r

    Uploading files with IIS

    Posting acceptor is a snap-in that allow IIS to implement the RFC 1867 for files's upload. In the Microsoft Web Site I was only able to download the Posting Acceptor 1.1. This owever isn't able to perform anonymous uploads like written in Q179566. Where Can I find a version of CPshost.dll...
  12. P01nt3r

    using ADSI with file system

    Is possible using ADSI for to create directories and assign them ACL permissions? Can I for a example create using ADSI a directory in a computer of the domain and assign it permissions for a particular user?
  13. P01nt3r

    Log on localy with users of a Win NT domain

    for shovel204 What do you means for roaming profile??
  14. P01nt3r

    Log on localy with users of a Win NT domain

    Yes my W2000 Advancer Server is a server of the NT4 domain, but it seems that isn't possible to logon localy without put the users the domain localy. It is the same problem using IIS, I can't be able to give access to the users of the domain if they arent registered localy. Where am I wrong ...
  15. P01nt3r

    Log on localy with users of a Win NT domain

    NO I can't be able to logon localy with a user of the domain. It seems that on 2000 Server I'm forced to create the users localy if I want to logon localy
  16. P01nt3r

    Log on localy with users of a Win NT domain

    I have a w2000 advanced server put on a winNT domain. I need to let autenticate localy, users of the NT domain but it seems that doesn't work and it seems that the only solution is popolate localy the w2000 server with all the users of domain. Is possible to autenticate FTP using users of the...
  17. P01nt3r

    IIS 5 taking users of a NT domain

    I have a w2000 advanced server put on a winNT domain. I need to let autenticate on FTP, users of the NT domain but it seems that doesn't work and it seems that the only solution is popolate the w2000 server running IIS5 with all the users of domain. Is possible to autenticate FTP using users of...
  18. P01nt3r

    A does a BDC takes the rule of PDC in case of down?

    If in a network the PDC for one reason go down, does the BDC take all network rules? Does the BDC do all the thinks of PDC? Can a BDC auto promote itself in case of PDC's down? Thanks all
  19. P01nt3r

    Is there a terminal service compone

    Is there a terminal service component for windows nt server 4.0 (not the windows nt terminal serviices)?
  20. P01nt3r

    In what memory contest does run the ActiveX's processes?

    An ActiveX process run in the same memory contest of IIS? I have writen an ActiveX that run for me a command shell with the win32 library "shellexecute". It is then called from a ASP page after having registered the DLL that implement the ActiveX. Offten the IIS 4.0 crash with a error...

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