I am new to .NET from VB6 and I am having trouble accessing a network resource. I have successfully used this API in VB6 but now I keep getting error 67 ERROR_BAD_NET_NAME. I have checked and double checked what I am passing to the api function but it still is not working. What am I missing...
I got that from the docs and thought that was what I was doing.
I am using the createfile API on the client end and createpipe on the server end. These functions appear to be working. It's when I try to call connectnamedpipe on the server and it keeps returning system error 536...
I am developing an application that will communicate with another application (that I am not developing) using named pipes. So in the mean time I am developing a simulator app that will only preform the communication portion so I can work out the details. The problem is timing I think. From all...
Perhaps I should try installing the components before creating an instance of them ... duh!!
Note to self: you must first install windows messaging before you can create a message queue.
Trying to create a simple message queueing applicating but I am getting error 429 activex control can't create object. I set the references to include mqoa.dll. I am running XP.
Dim qinfo As new MSMQQueueInfo
Dim q As MSMQQueue
Dim msg As MSMQMessage
qinfo.PathName = "PRIVATE$\test"...
After more investigation I found this;
It is an exe that overwrites the header of your exe file and alllows you to intercept stdin of your app. This is what I wanted to do but I don't want my app to...
Thanks strongm,
I read your example and although it is not exactly what I wan't to do its definently brough me closer to where I want to be. This application is going to launch an instance of my application and write something to Stdin. My trouble so far has been that I cannot access Stdin from...
I am writing an application that must communicate with an older application developed in C++ 4.0. I am not involved with the development on the C++ application but it is the main system currently in place now and cannot be modified much. I also do not get to pick the communication methods that...
I am extracting information of a child window in another application but I want to ensure that the child window used is the active window (The child currently selected). Do I have to EnumProp to get this information? If so what atom string do I use to find this (I was just reviewing the API...
I have a vbs file that I want to use API calls in. It errors out on the declare statements though. How should I change the syntax to allow this to work.
Declare Function EnumWindows Lib "user32" (ByVal lpEnumFunc As Any, ByVal lParam As Any) As Long
Declare Function GetWindowText Lib...
I got it!!!!
Thanks-you so much for your help. Once I started expiriementing with the API calls and using SPY++ it was pretty easy to get it to work. You have opened a whole new world up of API for me and I can't thank you enough.
I am looking at the documentation but I can't seem to find a demo on how to use EnumWindows in VB. I am having a little difficulty understanding how the actual function works. I have found what windows object to send the message to using Spy++ but I can't get a handle to the window (or button)...
I have this application that opens a word document to generate a report. I need to automate a task in the application upon the closing of the word document but the application does not support OLE automation (I can't even get a reference to the darn thing). I was thinking that I may be able to...
I did review the shell function and sendkeys but the problem with those solutions are that
1.) The application has already been launched and is running in the background so I do not have a handle to it. Even getobject won't work because the application does not support OLE automation (anything...
I have an application that opens a word document. I want to be able to send instuction back to that other application (which is not an microsoft application) before word closes. Is there a way to do that?
From what I can see you are going to have to create an availablity table. This table would have list each person and date available. This table would also have to be maintained (you could delete old records though to control the size of your database as they would not be required the past the...
Instead of creating all of those objects I would use the tools already there. The recordset clone is just that a clone of the recordset used to create your form. So I would just search that and if a match is found maneuver your form to the appropriate record by way of the primary key.
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