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Search results for query: *

  1. rackman99

    SSIS problem importing full recordset fails but is ok when one less

    Update on this - with it working as a direct Table to table style transfer I though I would create a data flow task where viewA goes into TableA (all on the same server). Again it failed (same as above). Yet it works when its run via a INSERT INTO SQL Script....
  2. rackman99

    SSIS problem importing full recordset fails but is ok when one less

    Hi, I am importing from one SQL server to another using the standard Data Flow task. Within that task I use the SQL command as the Data access mode i.e SELECT * FROM view_A. Dumping the resulting 23940 records straight into TableB. It has been working fine until it failed last night, with the...
  3. rackman99

    SSIS:Transfer SQL Object Task:Delay between Start of Task & Execution

    Hi, I use a TSOT to copy approx 700 tables between one server and another as an overnight package. This data is set to replace and there are no other objects (views, etc) being copied. What I have noticed by looking at the event log, is that it takes about 1 and 1/2 hours between the package...
  4. rackman99

    Explanation of a SQL curio with left/self joins

    Hi, While messing about trying to work out a way so that when a field does not have any data for a parameter all records are returned I stumbled along: declare @schcode varchar(2) SET @schcode = '13' --returns records for 13 (13 is a valid school) select * FROM udw.division as d left join...
  5. rackman99

    PerformancePiont Dashboard: adding a Filter to a hyperlink KPI

    Forgot to mention that the problem I'm having is that String Filtname = Request.Params["Display Name"]; or String Filtname = Request.Params["Member UniqueName"]; does not return any values
  6. rackman99

    PerformancePiont Dashboard: adding a Filter to a hyperlink KPI

    Hi, Following the instructions found in http://blogs.msdn.com/performancepoint/archive/2007/10/05/implementing-a-hyperlink-from-a-kpi-in-a-scorecard.aspx I can create a link to bring up a webpage. However the design of our dashboard is based on 2 different Scorecards (each with their own KPIs)...
  7. rackman99

    PerformancePoint:Dashboard Designer: Adding a SSRS Report / https

    Hi, Is it possible to add a Sharepoint Integrated report where the url starts with https ? The examples given all use: http://someMachine/reportserver and http://someMachine/Documents/report.rdl where we are using https://someMachine/reportserver and https://someMachine/Documents/report.rdl...
  8. rackman99

    Web Parts: SSRS Report View : Asp.Net Enable ViewState

    Hi, I am trying to add a existing SSRS report via the SSRS Report Viewer Web part, and I get the following message "ASP.NET ViewState has been disabled. The Report Viewer control requires that ViewState be enabled. " I have checked the web.config files on the server and it has the following line...
  9. rackman99

    Certain Websites not loading

    Tried that, same issues: sites that worked via their name worked, sites that didn't, didn't!
  10. rackman99

    Certain Websites not loading

    Hi, thanks for that, emptied the caches, switched off the firewall XP protection and tried the telnet, but got no reponse from www.google.com. I may not be completely sure that I'm totally switching the firewall off BT Voyager 2100, so that might be a part of it, but still not sure why some...
  11. rackman99

    Certain Websites not loading

    Hi, I am using a BT VOyager 2100 router with Orange (formally wanadoo) as my ISP. A majority of websites will not load, some will i.e. www.google.com but the most i.e. www.windows.com will not. This is with either a pc or lapop, I have disabled firewall settings on both pc/lap and router...
  12. rackman99

    Business Scorecard Manager : Adding a Reporting Services Report View

    Hi, Not sure if this is the right forum, but needs must, when trying to add a "Reporting services Report" Report view type to a KPI / Scorecard I cannot connect to our SharePoint Integrated Server in the Report server box. When I enter our server address (http://OurServer/ReportServer), a...
  13. rackman99

    ScordCard Manager : MDX use in Data Mappings

    Hi, Is there any way to apply a filter in the MDX Section while setting up a KPI? The Data Filter option within Mapping does not seem to work so am trying to use a MDX statement, it would be something along the lines of DIM1 = A and DIM2 = B NB DIM1 is Programme - Division - School DIM2 is...
  14. rackman99

    Business Scorecard manager : Sharepoint 3.0

    Hi, When trying to install the BSM server, I get the error"Failed Microsoft SharePoint Extended Site" The documentation for ver 2.0 explains how to extend the server / site, but I can't find any for ver 3.0, Anyone got any ideas?
  15. rackman99

    AS2000: Opening Period Not returning all data

    A new strategy was put in place for the data here , as a consequence the current one is more of a development cube, as the new methodologies developed are used to catpure ongoing data, and to make sure it staus distinct it is going into a seperate fact table. The historical table is based on...
  16. rackman99

    AS2000: Opening Period Not returning all data

    Hi, I have two cubes which are the same structure, one contains historical data (2004-2006) and the other is current (2007) Using some MDX I try to return OB and CB figures: WITH MEMBER [Measures].[FNEEnr] AS 'CoalesceEmpty((Measures.[Enrolled], [INSERT DATE BY YWD].CurrentMember ) ...
  17. rackman99

    AS 2000: Virtual Cube Calculated Measures

    Hi, I'm just starting off in the AS path and was hoping someone can help with a speed poser. I have 2 cubes (one normal measures the other a Distinct Count) which both have calculated measures (OpeningPeriod for a time dim) These 2 cubes are then combined into a Virtual cube, on which I have...
  18. rackman99

    Drill Down Details

    Hi After a reboot of the system, the drill down + ability to only show details when we reach a certain level works! Most bizarre
  19. rackman99

    Colour (color) Coding of cells by content

    Sorted It, if you format the cell as read as HTML then you can enter HTML codes i.e. =FONT COLOR='" + If ((([Act Mnth]/[Bdgt Mnth])*100) >10;"RED"; If ((([Act Mnth]/[Bdgt Mnth])*100) >5;"#F5B800";"GREEN")) + "'>" + FormatNumber(([Act Mnth]/[Bdgt Mnth])*100;"#,##.00") + "</FONT>

Part and Inventory Search
