I was asked by a client and need some help in answering this question. Why should someone has to have his or her own email server when he or she can use the web based one?
Thanks David!
Give us details of your network infratructure...
1. Number of client workstations ( and their O.S.)
A. Windows 2K and 2 work stations (practice set up at home)
2. Number and functions of servers
A. One 2K server setup for practice..no real network
3. Servers' fixed IP addresses...
In configuring DHCP scope, one of the screen ask for IP address range where I have to enter the "Start IP address" and the "End IP address". Where do I find these info or how to determine the IPs?
Thanks for your advice!
Thanks David,
Yes, login on sever, the same machine that used to created the user and it's on domain controller.
Error message>> "the local policy of this system doesn't permit you logon interactively.
If this user is added to domain admins, then login ok.
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