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  • Users: supercoups
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  1. supercoups

    DHCP Windows 200 professional

    It is setup for one week, but everytime I restart the computer it updates the lease date. For example: If my IP is and the lease obtained is 9/21/04 11:53am and the lease expire is 10/01/04 11:53am If I restart in 5 minutes it will be: Obtained lease: 9/21/04 11:58am expired...
  2. supercoups

    DHCP Windows 200 professional

    Does windows 2000 professional need to renew the lease for an IP everytime you restart the workstation? Is there way to stop this? It doesn't get a new IP but it does renew the lease on the existing IP everytime i restart my workstation. Any thoughts? Thanks, JIm
  3. supercoups

    reverse dns ISP

    Do I need to request this RDNS control from the ISp that pwns the IP range?
  4. supercoups

    reverse dns ISP

    I am having a similiar problem with one of our clients. Our mail is being rejected with the following error: rDNS "[x.x.x.x]" non-existent Where x.x.x.x is our public IP address of our mail server. Do I need to have our DNS host make an entry for this IP address or do I need the ISP that owns...
  5. supercoups

    rDNS non-existent error

    I have a few emails in my IMS queue with the following error as to why they cannont be delivered: [451 4.3.0 rDNS "[]" non-exisitent] I am assuming it is because the recipient's mail server is trying to do a reverse lookup on my mail server and it is failing. Can anyone tell me how...
  6. supercoups

    How do you change the IP address in Arcserve

    I am having this same issue. I followed the above directions to add a new object. The object I needed to add was a UNIX agent. I was able to ad this object by entering the IP, but when I try to connect to this server from the ARC Serve manager I get: failed to login to agent. Do I have to make...
  7. supercoups

    Font names show up in message body

    Hello, I am having a problem receiving email from a particular client. The client is using Outlook 2003 and exchange server 5.5. When I open certain email from this client all I see is a list of font names where the message body should be. Has anyone seen this behavior before? So far, I have...
  8. supercoups

    Mailbox Manager for Exchange 5.5

    Where I can i get Mailbox manager for exchange 5.5 sp4? It doesn't get automaticaly installed with SP4 but I'd like to start using it..... Thanks in advance.... Jim
  9. supercoups

    XP - NT logon

    I had a similar problem. My XP clients could authenticate on my BDC but not my PDC. Turned out that the BDC was at SP6 and the PDC was only at SP3. You need to have a NT server at SP6 for a XP workstation to be able to authenticate.
  10. supercoups

    Joining an to NT Server domain from XP Client

    You need the latest service pack (6a) for NT 4.0 in order for the XP worstation to authenticate.
  11. supercoups

    How to tell who is sending mail.....?

    I did turn on the IMC logging and it seems that foreign domains are making successful connections. But it doesn't tell me who they are connecting as.....Examples: A new TCP/IP SMTP connection has been made to host (for mails.ch). Logfile: L0000002.LOG How was Mails.ch able to...
  12. supercoups

    How to tell who is sending mail.....?

    I am running Exchange 5.5 on an NT 4.0 box. It seems that an unwanted indivdual has been sending email out of my exchange server from out side the LAN. The only way this can be done is if they were able to authenticate on my Exchange box. How can i tell which user they are authenticating as? Is...
  13. supercoups

    IE browser slow

    I actaully only have this problem from a couple of my XP machines. All the other workstations are opening the pages just fine. Our internet connection is fast so no problem there. I have done a lot of testing to narrow it down to just the PHP pages. Is it possible newer versions of Explorer are...
  14. supercoups

    IE browser slow

    I am running windows XP home, which has all the current windows updates installed. Recently I have been having trouble opening pages that end with .PHP extensions. They will eventually open but it takes a very long time. This never use to happen and i can't seem to find the source of the...
  15. supercoups

    NTVDM memory issue

    We are currently running a Dos Fox pro appliction on all of our W2K workstations. The NTVDM.exe seems to be eating up all the Ram while the application is open. It doesn't matter how much I put in, since it uses all available memory. Is there any way to regulate the amount of Memory this process...
  16. supercoups

    .shtml .PHP and SSI

    I have a .shtml file (used as SSI) that includes some php code. It is running on an Apache server 2.0 with PHP 4.2.2 running. The include seems to work in this file but the PHP code is not being read correctly. If i change the file to a .PHP the include no longer works but the PHP code comes out...
  17. supercoups


    I am working from pages that have already been written. I'm not sure I could rewrite them myself. Thats why I'd like to get them working as is, unless it is simple enough to use Only PHP and still have the Server Side include working. Thanks, JIm
  18. supercoups


    I have a .shtml file that includes some php code. It is running on an Apache server 2.0 with PHP 4.2.2 running. The include seems to work in this file but the PHP code is not being read correctly. If i change the file to a .PHP the include no longer works but the PHP code comes out correctly...
  19. supercoups

    able to send mail to internal users w/o authentication

    I was able to stop Spammers form using my exchange box as a relay by requiring Authentication to use SMTP. However it seems they are still able to send mail to my internal clients. How can i put a stop to this. For example if an external user configures his/her outlook express to use my smtp...
  20. supercoups

    Free Busy Setup

    From what I could tell the free/busy connector gets installed with the MS MAil connector. My problem turned out to be a corrupted information store. I ran the repair and the free/busy services started up again. I was then abale to move them to a different exchange box via the instances tab in...

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