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Search results for query: *

  1. Mosaic1

    Sendmessage API

    Elysium, You're welcome. Mo
  2. Mosaic1

    Sendmessage API

    OOPs. I had Const WM_SETTEXT = 12 in there from another project I am working on. That can be removed.
  3. Mosaic1

    Sendmessage API

    There are better ways to do this. This one is an example of getting an already loaded web page, copying the inner text to the clipboard and posting it to an empty already opened Notepad. It's a module using a Sub Main. I have to question whether or not you might want to just create a text...
  4. Mosaic1

    Registry API with windows XP

    LOL Looks like you typed at the same time I did. For XP you should use this. Public Declare Function RegCreateKeyEx Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegCreateKeyExA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpSubKey As String, ByVal Reserved As Long, ByVal lpClass As String, ByVal dwOptions As Long, ByVal...
  5. Mosaic1

    Registry API with windows XP

    Remove the backslash: RegKey = "\FirstSubKey\Item1" RegKey2 = "\SOFTWARE\SecondSubKey\Item2" Change to: RegKey = "FirstSubKey\Item1" RegKey2 = "SOFTWARE\SecondSubKey\Item2" And you cannot create a new Subkey directly under HKLM RegKey = "FirstSubKey\Item1" Won't work.
  6. Mosaic1

    Displaying system and hidden files in listview control

    See if this change helps. strGetFolder will include Directory, System, read only and hidden. strGetFolder = Dir(Path, 23)
  7. Mosaic1

    Characters count

    How did you solve it? Glad you did.
  8. Mosaic1

    Characters count

    cenderawasih, Hi. Yes it is and again, it works for me. I started at text1(2) and the count was fine. Text1(0) and Text1(1) do not exist or are hidden? If they don't exist, I can't think of what may be doing this other than having invisible characters in a text box. Starting...
  9. Mosaic1

    Characters count

    I don't know. It works for me. You have an array of text boxes. Three. Plus another text box which shows the total number of characters in the text box array. Were the text boxes empty to begin with? Are they multiline and is it possible the text is being typed on the second line and not...
  10. Mosaic1

    Alerting users when Internet Explorer/Outlook is loaded

    Hi Tony, You're welcome. I would. That way you are sure it runs. In the Programs>Startup folder. This is one of the last startup items to load. Or add it to one of the run keys in the registry. You would have to test to see how it does in those earlier stages of bootup. Mo
  11. Mosaic1

    Alerting users when Internet Explorer/Outlook is loaded

    Hi, If you are still reading, yes there is. It is very easy if you use WMI to do it. Which OS are ypou using? If Win98 then you will need to download and install WMI. Otherwise, it is installed from Win ME on up. Here's a vbs which will monitor the creation of new processes and pop a...
  12. Mosaic1

    javascipt has hijacked my browser...

    Please copy the bold to notepad. Name as filters.bat Double click on filters.bat to run this dos file. This file will export a registry key I would like to see. It will open the results in a file called filters.txt Please copy and paste the contents of filter.txt to a reply here. regedit...
  13. Mosaic1

    ListBox Checkboxes syntax

    Here's an example of looping through a listbox to check which items are selected. Dim i% For i = 0 To List1.ListCount - 1 If List1.Selected(i) = True Then MsgBox "yes" Else MsgBox "no" End If DoEvents Next i
  14. Mosaic1

    How to set File Dialog Init Dir (not in code)?

    Find the shortcut to VB on the start menu. Right click and choose properties. On the property page set " Start In" to the folder you want to use.
  15. Mosaic1

    Not Rounding

    Maybe try something like this. D = Int(0.017 * 100) D = 0.01 * D
  16. Mosaic1

    Custom drop down

    I am not sure I am reading this right. Hold the Down arrow button down and it will continue to go down the list. Maybe a little choppy, but it will keep moving.
  17. Mosaic1

    Find File

    You can bring up find files. Here's an MS article with one way. I tested it and it works. http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=http://support.microsoft.com:80/support/kb/articles/Q183/9/03.asp&NoWebContent=1 If you want to just bring it up, in the Command event substitute the path...
  18. Mosaic1

    Closing the DOS window within my VB code...

    But you can use vbhide along with the /c switch.
  19. Mosaic1

    Application keeps running in the background

    You are using End? You shouldn't do that. Unload the form(s) and set any objects to 0 return memory to the OS. Are you using a timer? If you don't disable the timer before you unload the form it can fire and reload the form.
  20. Mosaic1

    Closing the DOS window within my VB code...

    The reason to use the /c switch is this. You want to clean up after your program. Use vbhide and then have a look at task manager. You'll see cmd.exe is still running. It's easy enough to find out if NT or 9x and use the correct file. Like this: Environ("OS") If Right(OS...

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